Didn't we already do that strangetown one? (And by 'we' I mean everyone but me, as I think I was busy that month. Probably November's house?) EDIT: I took a look, and that was done in August.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
I suggested Old Silo Farm Veronaville once before and no one seemed interested. I agree too that 10 Oak Street Pleasantview would be a good one. It is pretty useless as is.
Perhaps make it a requirement that, in addition to keeping everything where it is, the silo has to be seperate from the house? Otherwise, I don't know, it's kind of just an empty lot. Honestly, even that 'rule' seems a little forced.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 293
I think that miserable little cabin should be done. The way it is, you can't even let ONE sim live there without problems. It's a completely ridiculous house.
"If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it." - WC Fields
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Once upon a time I had Kaylynn Langerak live in that cabin, along with her twin babies + the Crittur dogs and their four puppies. It was... interesting.
Hmm, you know what, that cabin sounds like a plan. Yeah, I can think of something...
I vote for that horrible little cabin.
I second the cabin, it definately needs to be redone.
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
I agree that the cabin needs to be redone. Although, I think that 225 Main Street (Pleasantview) is also a good candidate. I tried playing that lot once and almost ended up ripping my hair out by the roots. Any of those too will do.
Didn't we already do that strangetown one? (And by 'we' I mean everyone but me, as I think I was busy that month. Probably November's house?) EDIT: I took a look, and that was done in August. I did that one as well, but I got my entry in late enough that it missed comment and/or downloading. LOL It was a fun house to work with, though.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 63
The cabin could be fun seeing as you will absolutely have to expand it and with having to leave all the exterior walls in place, might make a fun floor plan
The little cabin does look like a good choice for this month. Can somebody else do a basegame version of it, flatten it if required then kick off a new thread?
The little cabin does look like a good choice for this month. Can somebody else do a basegame version of it, flatten it if required then kick off a new thread?
Isn't it already base game. In that case I think it just needs to be flattened.
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Problem is if someone like me flattens and saves it you will then have a M&G compatible house that is of limited use. I don't have Numenor's base/any game wotsit on my computer otherwise I'd do it.
The cabin would be very cool. I've enjoyed redoing that one over the years. The winners this month are the same winners as every month. The winners are those of us who suck at building - each month we get a variety of well-built, interesting, mostly awesomespec, cc-free lots to download.
No truer words.
High Priestess of The Way of the Son of Perdition
Eh, the Strangetown lots are all horrible, they were bound to be mentioned again.