Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
I'm currently studying Japanese, so this month I created an Eastern style retreat. Download link, please?
« Last Edit: 2009 March 02, 05:31:39 by chobeegal »
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
I think that the reason everyone is having such a great time redecorating this house is because it is such an easy house to play. My sims and I really enjoy this house! @Nepheris: I love sunrooms! Ponds are nice too. Good job! @Mistyk: I really like the tv nook and the aquariums. I usually notice when people use odd windows for a house, but they weren't even noticable this time. They matched the colors, which was nicely done. I like the gazebo too. @Minena: This house is gorgeous! I've tried using these colors and the same furniture but I could never get them to match. The garden was what I fell for this time. @Caponesim: My vacation neighbourhoods are always short on good houses, so I believe my sims will enjoy this one. I know I will! Good work with the color scheme! @Jorganza: I like the red kitchen and the garden. Also mine! Yoink! @katteninjin: Oooh, the english countryside is a nice theme. I like what you did with the front door, sort of hiding it to the side. The back porch with the grill is a nice touch. I have always wondered how you can make those slanted roofs. Gotta search for a tutorial on that!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 448
@ Witch: Those are indeed flowers over the door, the orange ones that came with M&G. @ Mystik: I like how airy and 'open plan' your house is, and love the gazebo. The roof looks a bit odd though, I find playing around with the roof tools looks generally better than using the auto-roof. @ Minena & CaponeSim: Your pictures refuse to load for me @ Jorganza: Simply gorgeous  *yoink* @ Kattenijin: Very lovely, can picture that house in the middle of a foresty area. It's quite interesting to see what people did with that diagonal wall. I think I like Kattenijin's workaround best, quite clever how you added the diagonal hallway and that oddly-shaped bathroom, it works very well.
This month's entries have got to be of the overall highest standard yet.
Damn, I wish I had my new computer NAO so I could snag some of these!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 86
@katteninjin: Oooh, the english countryside is a nice theme. I like what you did with the front door, sort of hiding it to the side. The back porch with the grill is a nice touch. I have always wondered how you can make those slanted roofs. Gotta search for a tutorial on that!
If it's the wall slant on the front and left side, the tutorial is here: you mean the angled roof over the area that had the original door, it's a game feature that comes with the Pets EP. It may be carried over in a later EP, but I don't know.
May I just say, wow. I had one or two ideas, but, wow. I'm not sure I can top the entries thus far! (That's not to say I won't try, though.)

Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
May I just say, wow. I had one or two ideas, but, wow. I'm not sure I can top the entries thus far! (That's not to say I won't try, though.)
I know, right? This months entries have been outstanding and it's only the 5th! It's a good thing this isn't a contest. I think our judges would have a very hard time deciding who would win.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs [19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 63
And everyone thought the diagonal wall would be difficult to deal with. All the entries so far are really outstanding.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 121
Wow! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, the entries so far have been awesome. I love the Moroccan theme and the Timber houses in particular.
These really are outstanding. I love them all!
Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie. Now with moar dark!
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
I went very stark and modern with this one... I'll use decorations in my next one, I promise. This one has been made into an apartment complex, suited for three small households, but there's also a residential version, for the larger family. (The residential version does have goofy placeholder doors in place of apartment doors though, might want to switch those out for doors that match the rest.) Rent: $2,599 - $2,638 Residential cost: ~$180,000 It has not been wanded.  Ground floor: Flat one; separate common area.  First/second floors: Flats two and three. (The flat on the first floor is identical to the flat on the second floor.)  Roof: Common area.  Each flat has two double beds. Only one bathroom in each, but the downstairs common area has two more. The balconies are owned by the flats, and are an ideal location for hack type things like the macrotastics box, and similar items. I have all EPs. SPs I think I have are: Holidays, FFS, GLS, H&M, Celebrations. AL definitely required. Walls and floors from H&M. Get the residential version here.Get the apartment version here.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 558
Love the modern look and the color scheme. Very nice!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
I'm assuming we can pave over the pathway, as long as it's still a pathway, right? (Because if not, I messed up.)
Lot and pictures forthcoming, just need to upload them first.
I hope so, because I've just done that...
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
I understood Witch to say the exposed part had to remain unpaved, but you could pave over part for a room extension.
I like how you enclosed the spiral stairs. I'll have to try that sometime after I friggin' figure out how to stack the damn things.
High Priestess of The Way of the Son of Perdition
Witch said Special condition: The path must remain in the same place as it is now and still be a path. I'm presuming it can still be built over if the house is extended, I'll amend the condition if there is discussion about this.
She didn't say anything about the path needing to stay unpaved. A paved path is still a path.
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br /> <br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
after I friggin' figure out how to stack the damn things. Mine just go on top of each other with no problem. I don't even have to use move objects cheat.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Witch said Special condition: The path must remain in the same place as it is now and still be a path. I'm presuming it can still be built over if the house is extended, I'll amend the condition if there is discussion about this. She didn't say anything about the path needing to stay unpaved. A paved path is still a path. Well here in the "boonies" we call it a "path" when it isn't paved, (ie: a path through the woods). If it's paved it is a "sidewalk" or a front walk. 
Here we call sidewalks "footpaths", even though they are paved. I don't think I've ever heard the term "front walk".
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br /> <br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Here we call sidewalks "footpaths", even though they are paved. I don't think I've ever heard the term "front walk". Oh the misunderstandings that can arise from speaking two different dialects of the same "mother tongue"! LOL
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Well, as I'm of the opinion that regardless of what you call it, it's a form of path, I'm not going to worry about it. So, here it is. I have all EPs, plus Teen Style Stuff. Cost- $111,218    More pictures here.Download link here.
I like how you enclosed the spiral stairs. I'll have to try that sometime after I friggin' figure out how to stack the damn things.
It's tricky. Basically, the stairs above have to be rotated exactly the same way as the stairs below before they'll stack. For the longest time I didn't think it was possible myself. (I think in an earlier house of fail entry I'd put the stairs up next to the stairs down, rather than on top of them.)
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
It's tricky. Basically, the stairs above have to be rotated exactly the same way as the stairs below before they'll stack. For the longest time I didn't think it was possible myself. (I think in an earlier house of fail entry I'd put the stairs up next to the stairs down, rather than on top of them.)
You're right, it's kind of tricky. You have to keep turning the upper one until the "enter" step matches to the top step of the lower stair.