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EAxis House of Phail: January 09
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Topic: EAxis House of Phail: January 09 (Read 215208 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #225 on:
2009 January 30, 18:51:52 »
Isn't there a problem with houses built in uni, if placed in a non-uni hood after being built in a uni hood? Something about Sims not aging as they should?
Cosy Lane -- 1x1 Lots for TS2
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Whiny Wussy
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #226 on:
2009 January 30, 18:55:56 »
Maybe instead of having multiple PHAIL threads every month, you guys could trade off? Comm one month, residental/uni the next?
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #227 on:
2009 January 30, 19:07:16 »
Quote from: Elvie on 2009 January 30, 07:15:55
Quote from: starlady on 2009 January 14, 18:54:01
Here's a question, though: Because M&G stuff is
a mini-expansion, wouldn't houses built with M&G become unusable for those who don't have the M&G stuff pack? As I read it, M&G is considered a mini-expansion because of the new building cheat. I hope they're compatible.
I just tried installing Emma's house, which uses M&G. I don't have M&G. I got a message saying something like, "GTFO, luzer, u need stuffpack" (not those words exactly, but the meaning was clear.)
Do you have Apartment Life? If so, did you use the Clean Installer, which removes the M&G flag?
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Malodorous Moron
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #228 on:
2009 January 30, 19:14:02 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2009 January 30, 18:48:17
Uni stuff might be interesting. Of course, that would require that we have Uni or that it is rebuilt in basegame. I just redid one of those dumb rentable houses in Sim State, House of Phail style. Still needs work and obviously doesn't qualify as I used a metric fuckton of cc:
(Uni blues lot)
That house looks interesting, Zazazu. I'm glad I thought of positioning the greek letters that way.
I agree with the sentiment that we should take on the challenge of redecorating some of the community lots in the game. Reason: I suck at doing community lots. Therefore it would be an interesting learning experience. Plus, who could say no to free lots built by someone else? (And hopefully awesomespec as well?) Anyway, I think we have enough contestants to do two threads a month.
- INTJ -
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #229 on:
2009 January 30, 19:40:47 »
Quote from: Tingeling on 2009 January 30, 19:14:02
I suck at doing community lots. Therefore it would be an interesting learning experience.
What's to suck at? It's so easy!
You take stupid maxoid community lot. Empty it of all content. Add lots of rooms, courtyards, etc. Fill with all manner of shopping, recreational, dining objects. Don't forget a skillination area with bookshelves, a woohoo area with at least one decent sofa, if not a bed, hot tub, sauna, pool with slide, clothing store, grocer, games area...and put it on a beach (with the FT baskeball court thrown in for good measure). Don't forget a nice landing area out front for the witches.
Then you do walls/floors/doors/windows same as you would for a house, using whatever skills of a decorator you might have.
When you are done, you have a one-stop comm lot for all your sims' needs - away with all that bouncing from comm lot to comm lot, just because you can't remember which damn mall has the cell phone machine.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #230 on:
2009 January 30, 21:06:15 »
I have not, yet, redone a community lot. I've created a few of my own, but never bothered to fix the EAxis pre-mades. Whatever the challenge is, I'm game.
I have had enough of the cold now and more than ready to not have to type with gloves on for a change. With this thought I decided to make 1097 a vacation home on the beach. The smallest beach lot is still larger than the challenge lot so I've made some adjustments.
Welcome to 1097 Leisure Beach
(awful name I know)
The stone fence keeps the lot the size of the original. I plan to remove and expand later, but wanted to keep the limitations for the challenge.
Kitchen and Piano can be locked away from visitors. Sims prefer to eat at the table outside so just remove it if you don't find it amusing to watch them eat in the rain.
One bedroom because this is a get away for mom and dad. If sprites must come there is room in the yard for a tent or two. Workout and art area are lockable so visitors may wander upstairs, but they only get to enjoy the view.
More pics in the slideshow.
Download if you wish.
I have all EP/SP installed. I may have Store Stuff, but I don't think that I used any. Sells for about $110,000 furnished.
I did make a regular house as well, but in play testing the routing was wonky. I can work with it, but I would not wish to share while it is still not right.
Last Edit: 2009 January 30, 21:29:59 by tryclyn
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #231 on:
2009 January 30, 21:32:49 »
Quote from: Faizah on 2009 January 30, 18:51:52
Isn't there a problem with houses built in uni, if placed in a non-uni hood after being built in a uni hood? Something about Sims not aging as they should?
Yes. I had this issue way back when with my Monopoly 'hood, as I made the template lot in Uni. Loading the lot, making a small change, and resaving makes it function correctly in the base.
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #232 on:
2009 January 30, 22:15:15 »
@yecats: I thought the dining room in your first house was really innovative. It was a great way to break up a large amount of space, although I'd make it a video game / TV type room.
@tryclyn: That would make a great summer house. I always forget you can do tiles on slopes now, it looks good where it comes down from the back of the house onto the lower patio.
I don't mind whether we do community lots or not, I'm happy to go with the general consensus. I'd prefer to keep this particular competition in one thread though.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #233 on:
2009 January 30, 22:18:34 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 January 30, 19:40:47
Quote from: Tingeling on 2009 January 30, 19:14:02
I suck at doing community lots. Therefore it would be an interesting learning experience.
What's to suck at? It's so easy!
You take stupid maxoid community lot. Empty it of all content. Add lots of rooms, courtyards, etc. Fill with all manner of shopping, recreational, dining objects. Don't forget a skillination area with bookshelves, a woohoo area with at least one decent sofa, if not a bed, hot tub, sauna, pool with slide, clothing store, grocer, games area...and put it on a beach (with the FT baskeball court thrown in for good measure). Don't forget a nice landing area out front for the witches.
Then you do walls/floors/doors/windows same as you would for a house, using whatever skills of a decorator you might have.
When you are done, you have a one-stop comm lot for all your sims' needs - away with all that bouncing from comm lot to comm lot, just because you can't remember which damn mall has the cell phone machine.
That's actually a good idéa, to plonk down whatever you need on one lot. The problem for me is that I start with a lot, get bored after 30 minutes, scrap it and start a new one. If I don't have an idéa of how it should look in the end, I end up not finishing it. Hmm, that reminds me. I did make a community lot this month, I had just forgotten about it until now...
- INTJ -
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 197
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #234 on:
2009 January 30, 23:40:58 »
I don't have uni or pets, but I'm happy to re-create something to work with.
Community, Residential, doesn't matter to me, I like to play around with both.
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Malodorous Moron
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- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #235 on:
2009 January 31, 00:05:47 »
I managed to find one of the lots I started working on this month. Apparently I was on someting, 'cause the Hippie House of Doom is pretty freaky. Anyway, enjoy.
Moar pic's here
Hippie House of Doom
Specs: I've got all expansion packs and stuff packs except Glamour life stuff. The house costs 117116 simoleons, so it is pretty pricey.
There are a few cc stuff in there, so paired with the fact that the months competition is over, it obviously doesn't qualify for the race. But I thought I'd share anyway.
- INTJ -
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #236 on:
2009 January 31, 00:09:25 »
Very colourful!
But surprisingly nice.
It's actually still Jan 31st here for another 11 hours - and we're ahead of Malaysia by about 5 hours I think. So - 16 hours approx left for this month's competition.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #237 on:
2009 January 31, 00:16:18 »
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2009 January 30, 18:55:56
Maybe instead of having multiple PHAIL threads every month, you guys could trade off? Comm one month, residental/uni the next?
Heh... The challenge could be called 'Lot of Fail'.
Cosy Lane -- 1x1 Lots for TS2
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #238 on:
2009 January 31, 01:46:30 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 January 30, 18:13:01
In any case, I am currently annoyed with the total boredom and lack of inspired decoration that is Academie Le Tour, and am redecorating everything there.
My current obsession as well, especially after returning to University in a post-Seasons world. The Library at Academie Le Tour doesn't even have bathrooms -- it has a fucking outhouse.
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 107
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #239 on:
2009 January 31, 12:05:26 »
While testing someone's hotel, I found a community lot of phail on Twikkii Island, Twikkii Beach Boardwalk. It had a lot of empty space, but worst was that the jewelry stands were put in backwards, so poor Kennedy couldn't even buy some earrings he desperately wanted!
Problem though, for people who don't own BV.
Tingeling, love the hippy house. peace!
*edit* Ting, that link sends me to some premium download site. And I don't see your download there.
Last Edit: 2009 January 31, 12:11:01 by SalixTree
why be normal?
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #240 on:
2009 January 31, 15:48:02 »
Quote from: SalixTree on 2009 January 31, 12:05:26
While testing someone's hotel, I found a community lot of phail on Twikkii Island, Twikkii Beach Boardwalk. It had a lot of empty space, but worst was that the jewelry stands were put in backwards, so poor Kennedy couldn't even buy some earrings he desperately wanted!
Problem though, for people who don't own BV.
I have noticed that too. Maybe we could redo some of the vacation hoods too. I think some of the lots are ok, but I loathe the small buyable house in Twikki Island.
Quote from: SalixTree on 2009 January 31, 12:05:26
Tingeling, love the hippy house. peace!
*edit* Ting, that link sends me to some premium download site. And I don't see your download there.
Yep, that's rapidshare for ya! Just scroll down the page and you will see two buttons to press. Push the free user button and you'll get to wait a minute. After that they ask you to write a code in a box before you can download yhe actual file. It's a bitch, I know. I'll see if I can find a better file hosting site in the future.
- INTJ -
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 455
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #241 on:
2009 January 31, 16:12:03 »
@ Cucumberpie
I know you posted your house weeks ago
but I finally got a chance to see it in game. I love it! It looks like a great baby/child raising house and the primary colored constructed rugs and linoleum floors will look great with Kandinsky and Gockel painting recolors.
Gethane Sims
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #242 on:
2009 January 31, 20:25:27 »
Ah well I see I have missed the Malaysian-time end of January deadline for house no2 but here goes anyway.
I went with a sort of space age theme, at least with choice of decor and furniture plus the inclusion of a lift. It's mostly open plan downstairs so is most definitely not awesome spec but it is an easy house to play provided you don't mind the possibility of the odd fridge raid by a visitor. It has been made with all EPs/SPs except teen/celebration stuff and thoroughly tested with the EAxian Newson family.
Front of house with paved path to front door, covered sunken hot tub and greenhouse for the gardening sims.
Ground floor - the entrance leads into a large open area with kitchen, study and games. There is a spiral staircase and a lift to the upstairs floor. The lounge is separate with a downstairs bathroom and toilet.
Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a further bathroom with bath for bathing toddlers and a large patio area.
More images uploaded here:
Download the file from here: Cowplant Pastures.Sims2Pack
(My original plan was to have cowplants hence the name, but it didn't work out that way in the end.)
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #243 on:
2009 January 31, 20:50:31 »
@eevilcat: I like the color scheme, my favourite shade of turquoise!
- INTJ -
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #244 on:
2009 February 01, 00:24:11 »
Stunning eevilcat! Those blue lupins give just enough contrast to break the main colour and all the rest looks great. Good spacing inside the house too.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #245 on:
2009 February 01, 04:45:09 »
Ok, so who is this month's winnar, and what is our House of Phail for February?
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #246 on:
2009 February 01, 07:33:17 »
People pretty much choose their own winners I guess. As for February's lot, read back a page or so. Does anything appeal? If not, suggest something, preferably with pics.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #247 on:
2009 February 01, 09:06:55 »
Quote from: Bliss on 2009 February 01, 04:45:09
Ok, so who is this month's winnar
The winners this month are the same winners as every month. The winners are those of us who suck at building - each month we get a variety of well-built, interesting, mostly awesomespec, cc-free lots to download.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 50
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #248 on:
2009 February 01, 17:21:19 »
Quote from: Kyna on 2009 February 01, 09:06:55
The winners are those of us who suck at building - each month we get a variety of well-built, interesting, mostly awesomespec, cc-free lots to download.
Delurking to say I whole-heartedly agree with this comment, and to express my appreciation to you all for the fabulous lots I now have to play with. You guys
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
Re: EAxis House of Phail: January 09
Reply #249 on:
2009 February 01, 19:40:09 »
Not sure if anyone has decided yet..but here is a couple suggestions for Febuary's contest. If I am posting ones already done or concidered then please forgive.
Old Silo Farm Veronaville: Perhaps require that everything already there must remain?
73 Road to Nowhere Strangetown: I have always hated this lot. I can't play it without nearly tearing the entire house down and rebuilding it.
10 Oak Street Pleasantview: Just pretty much a useless cabin to me. It dosen't even have room for a shower in the bathroom.
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