Reduces the chance of furious walkby to >20%  The way the game currently check for walkby is to check every neighbour in the neighbourhood to see if they are furious with a sim in the family, then check for a random 10% chance of walkby. So more furious sims, more furious walkbys. This hack checks for a 20% chance before checking any neighbours. Nightlife & OFB
« Last Edit: 2006 March 23, 11:57:04 by crammyboy »
Thank you! More ways to reduce this "pesky pissy sims (PPS)" epidemic!
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 929
Unrepentant Inteenimator User - Kitten Killer.
Reduces the chance of furious walkby to >20%
The way the game currently check for walkby is to check every neighbour in the neighbourhood to see if they are furious with a sim in the family, then check for a random 10% chance of walkby. So more furious sims, more furious walkbys.
This hack checks for a 20% chance before checking any neighbours. Oh so THAT's why all those bloody annoying people have been coming round kicking over the dustbins and stealing the paper? mmm - my own solution was going to be to make it Against The Law and then imprison the buggers in my new prison (thanks Inge). I've been busy working on passing legislation for sim crimes ... maybe I won't use this just yet.
Inteen for AL, yay!
Oh so THAT's why all those bloody annoying people have been coming round kicking over the dustbins and stealing the paper? mmm - my own solution was going to be to make it Against The Law and then imprison the buggers in my new prison (thanks Inge). I've been busy working on passing legislation for sim crimes ... maybe I won't use this just yet.
I've been getting some particularly grouchy neighbours who walk by and steal the newspaper and kick over the trash can for no reason at all. One of them is a friend of my Sim, and not furious with anyone, so it's really a piss-off. But also kind of entertaining (not to mention I don't have to worry about my Sim recycling the newspaper).
Sims will still come around and kick the can over, if they have negative aspiration (in the red).
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Furious walkbys...
Glad I came here, I was wondering what was going on. My vampire Sim does not get along with a Count Cole, to the point that everytime they see each other a fight ensues. Usually it's my Sim that starts it, but if she doesn't the Count will. That part made sense. The part that didn't is, Count Clown keeps coming over to her house and inviting himself in. I like the extra opportunites to kick his butt, so I won't be using the hack; but I appreciate the good work.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 861
Robotic Baby Harp Seal!
I've been getting some particularly grouchy neighbours who walk by and steal the newspaper and kick over the trash can for no reason at all. One of them is a friend of my Sim, and not furious with anyone, so it's really a piss-off. But also kind of entertaining (not to mention I don't have to worry about my Sim recycling the newspaper).
You mean . . . you have Pescado in your neighborhood?  That's all he does in my game. That, and play with small children. He likes them for some reason. Has anyone noticed that people seem to be going out of their way to thank people since the new news box thing went up?
You mean . . . you have Pescado in your neighborhood?  That's all he does in my game. That, and play with small children. He likes them for some reason. That's odd...since he scares the bejesus out of small kids in real life apparently.  Has anyone noticed that people seem to be going out of their way to thank people since the new news box thing went up?
Yes, I'd like to thank you for noticing.
Most of the sims in my game that kick over trashcans are in gold or platinum when they do it - just high in fun and low in niceness! Plus they may have walked by the lot a couple of times and nobody came rushing out to greet them!
Zephyr Zodiac
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
I have been using this for a while and love it. I was tired of those stupid sims kicking over my trash can and stealing my newspapers.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 290
I dont use this mod because I didnt think I need it I just use Inge's no kick trashcan I dont care about the paper I dont need it anyway.
Dark Trepie

Posts: 1705
I hadn't downloaded this till now because I found the furious walkbys to be funny. But since my poor sim caght the flu 2 times in the span of 3 days because of roaches from kicked over trashcans its found a home in my game.
Well, I just delete the rubbish with move objects as soon as the can is kicked over - since the game slows to a crawl, there's no problem spotting it!
Zephyr Zodiac
Is this one compatible with OFB?
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 213
I don't think he has updated anything yet. He was supposed to get the game yesterday, so I doubt he has had a chance to check them yet.
Others he made are already mentionned to be OFB compatible so I was just wondering about this one since I cannot live without it. 
« Last Edit: 2006 March 06, 14:55:54 by MissDoh »