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Author Topic: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed  (Read 26978 times)
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958

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Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« on: 2008 December 16, 21:06:21 »

This is an updated version of Targa's ever popular SupaFridge, a mini-fridge that functions as a full-sized fridge. A HUGE thanks to Targa for creating this wonderful object. It is my all-time favourite fridge and a must-have for Sim nursery. I only wished I could have more color choices than the 3 Maxis defaults, preferably sharing the same textures with the Maxis mini fridge. After some trial and error, I finally succeeded to apply "Repository" technique to this cutie.

It has the same GUID as Targa's original version. You must remove Targa's original version to prevent GUID conflict.
Poly count is the same as Maxis mini fridge.

Requires Uni. Works for Pets or later EP engines.

  • Targas_SupaFridge-SNS: Pets/SNS/BV (including Teen, Store Edition, K&B and IKEA)
  • Targas_SupaFridge-FT: FT/AL/M&G

FT version may or may not work in Seasons/BV, so use at your own risk.

1. Can use all recolors of Maxis "MMM" Mini Fridge.

No need to make separate recolors for SupaFridge. It will pull textures from Maxis mini fridge.

2. Updated for OFB / Seasons / FreeTime.

All OFB functions (Make/Make Many), Seasons functions (Get Leftovers/Stock) and FreeTime function (Serve Platter) are now enabled.

3. Fixed the counter slot bug.

The original SupaFridge has a bug which makes it impossible to prepare food on top of it. Maxis mini fridge doubles as a kitchen counter when it isn't placed under the counter. Sims can prepare meal on top of the mini fridge. But the original SupaFridge lacks a counter slot, because it was cloned from base game Cheap fridge. As described in this post, if you don't put SupaFridge under the counter and try to prepare a meal on top of it, the food will just disappear. Similarly, if you put small appliances (like microwave) on top of SupaFridge and try to use it, the appliance will just disappear. I fixed this bug as best as I can. Sims can now prepare food on top of SupaFridge just like the Maxis original, and objects will not disappear when placed on top of it. I can't guarantee that the bug was completely squashed though. Any help will be appreciated.

When you take out SupaFridge from your game, it will now revert to Uni mini fridge instead of base game Cheap fridge, and "Counter - Controller" error will no longer occur.

4. Fixed the outdoor shadow.

Now correctly casts the shadow when placed outside.

5. Increased food capacity.

You can choose between two versions; original (capacity: 80, same as Maxis mini fridge) and increased one (capacity: 400, same as the K&B Stylish fridge). Choose ONLY ONE version, they share the same GUID and will conflict with each other.

6. Fixed animation and juice drinking bug.

Thanks to the generous help of rebecah and yedda_2000, two long-standing animation issues were finally fixed.

Drinking juice function was glitched in the original SupaFridge. When children try to drink juice from SupaFridge, it disappeared from their hand.
rebecah already fixed this bug back in June, but I delayed integrating this fix to wait for AL. Then when AL finally came out, the whole issue just slipped from my mind...
Sorry for this awfully belated update, but better late then never.  Smiley

As the original Maxis mini fridge lacks leftover function, SupaFridge used tall fridge animations for storing leftovers, which looked very awkward. yedda_2000 fixed leftover animations for both adults and children. Now Sims will actually crouch when they store leftovers, and the fridge door will close properly.


If you want SupaFridge for "Nursery-Only", you can edit it with SimPE on your own.

Open the package in SimPE. Select Pie Menu Functions (TTAB) in Resource Tree window, select TreeTable in Resource List window.
In Plugin View window, you can see all available pie menus for fridge. If you don't want Sims to take out food and prepare meal autonomously, select each menu and change the Autonomy value from 0x00000032 to 0x00000064. Repeat it to all meal-related menus (Have/Serve Meal/Grilled Food/Dessert), press "Commit File" button and save your package.

Known issues:

When Sims stock fish or produce in SupaFridge, they will hold the basket in an awkward way.

Update History:

2008-02-15: Removed annoying mouseover tooltip. Removed redundant shadow png file for smaller size. SupaFridge now borrows shadow as well as textures from Maxis mini fridge.

2008-03-11: Updated to FreeTime. Sims who have gained enough Enthusiasm points in Cuisine hobby can Serve Platters of chips, cheese and appetizer.

2008-12-17: Awkward leftover animations were fixed. Juice will no longer disappear from children's hand.
Only FT version was fixed, Seasons version remains unfixed. FT version may or may not work in Seasons/BV, so use at your own risk.

Food capacity of FT LargerCapacity version was raised to 400 to match K&B Stylish fridge. "Counter - Controller" error will no longer occur when you take out SupaFridge from your game. Added Korean translation of catalog description.


 Targa for the original version of SupaFridge
 rebecah and yedda_2000 for fixing glitched animations
 IgnorantBliss for "Repository" technique tutorial
 Numenor for information on removing annoying Live Mode toolip
 Maxis for mesh and texture

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Lord Darcy
Posts: 958

The owls are not what they seem.

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #1 on: 2008 December 16, 21:06:49 »

(Reserved for possible update)

Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #2 on: 2008 December 17, 03:22:05 »

Very useful, I hate the ginormous fridges standing so tall in some small kitchens. Just one question, will this fridge conflict with Ella's fridge that just does baby bottles for the nursery? That's also handy so sims don't go schlepping up to the nursery to get meal fixings.

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #3 on: 2008 December 17, 10:12:03 »

will this fridge conflict with Ella's fridge that just does baby bottles for the nursery?
This one? I checked the GUID of Ellatrue's version. She didn't change the GUID, it's the same as Targa's original or my updated version. So yes, mine will conflict with Ellatrue's.

Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

Shunning the accursed daystar.

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #4 on: 2008 December 17, 10:41:29 »

So, mate, could I possibly talk you into doing a version that just does baby bottles? Mate?  Tongue

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958

The owls are not what they seem.

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #5 on: 2008 December 17, 12:11:36 »

Attached Baby Bottle Only version. It has its own GUID, so it will not overwrite the standard version. All functions are still there, I only disabled autonomy.
It's based on the fixed FT version, probably FT or higher will be required.


Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3565

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #6 on: 2009 March 02, 15:17:51 »

Attached Baby Bottle Only version. It has its own GUID, so it will not overwrite the standard version. All functions are still there, I only disabled autonomy.
It's based on the fixed FT version, probably FT or higher will be required.

Just a bit of necromancy here to give you some feedback.  I had been using Ella's baby bottle only mini-fridge.  I grew weary of watching sims walk three miles in the snow to place their leftovers in the nursery fridge.  I thought, OOoo, why not give this one a go-round.  The animation fix was also a perk.  Well, I am happy to report that sims will not go out of their way to put leftovers in this version.  They will, however, walk those three miles in the snow just to use the fridge as a countertop.  Shrugs.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958

The owls are not what they seem.

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #7 on: 2009 March 02, 16:27:29 »

They will, however, walk those three miles in the snow just to use the fridge as a countertop.
You can always put something on the countertop to prevent Sims from using it, like Smartmilk.

Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3565

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Re: Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime (Updated 2008-12-17) Animation fixed
« Reply #8 on: 2009 March 02, 17:08:29 »

They will, however, walk those three miles in the snow just to use the fridge as a countertop.
You can always put something on the countertop to prevent Sims from using it, like Smartmilk.

Yes, I was coming back to this thread for an edit to include this obvious solution.  So kids, don't pull a snowbawl and repeatedly watch your simmies making cereal in the nursery...getting all mad and stuff.  Snowbawls are slowbawls at times.  Cheesy
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