So someday(far far in the future) I hope to renovate my current home. I built the house as close to how it is in real life - my basement is bigger by one tile in each direction so things look really cramped down there.My real life house is totally not playable and the reno doesn't have to be either, I just need ideas of what we could do to make the house work better. I couldn't actually put in my basement stairs as they are very steep - but there are stairs there.
House must sleep 6 with one bed/sitting room for grandma and one double bed room for Mom & Dad. I have two girls that share a room but don't have to and a single boy.
I would like the bed/sitting room to be close to a bathroom.
Bathrooms can be added.
You must stay within the fenced property line.
The basement can and should be dug out under any addition made.
All existing exterior BRICK walls must stay as they are - any other walls(exterior or interior) can be removed.
I would love an eat in kitchen.
Large trees must stay in the backyard.
My sad little house is hereCass