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Author Topic: Badge building and Skills  (Read 25264 times)
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480

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Badge building and Skills
« on: 2008 November 28, 17:45:08 »

I couldn't find a list of the skills for badges here at MATY, but there was some info at the BBS.  I've found a couple that mention personality so I added those as well, though I think it might just apply to building the skill easier rather than the badge.

OFB Badges

Cosmetology / Cleaning / Neat
Flower Arranging / Creativity / Playful
Cash Register / Logic / Serious
Restocking / Body / Active
Robotery / Mechanical
Sales / Charisma / Outgoing
Toy Making / Mechanical

Seasons Badges

Gardening / Charisma
Fishing / Mechanical

Freetime Badges

Pottery / Creativity
Sewing / Creativity

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Re: Badge building and Skills
« Reply #1 on: 2008 November 29, 04:46:31 »

I've found a couple that mention personality so I added those as well, though I think it might just apply to building the skill easier rather than the badge.

Yes.  The link between personality and skilling is mentioned here:,4.msg244477.html#msg244477

Do you have any numbers or experimentation to go with the skill/badge speed rate, or did the BBS person just copy it from the (often inaccurate) Prima guide?

Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480

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Re: Badge building and Skills
« Reply #2 on: 2008 November 30, 23:47:29 »

There was no mention of the prima guide, I think if the posts had drawn their information directly from the guide they would have had a fully fleshed list.  It is likely that the various posters were just drawing on what they could remember from the guide.  This isn't written in stone and I've done no testing, it is very likely some is wrong but at least it gives us a place to start. 

Until Pes mentioned it in another thread, I would never have guessed Charisma had anything to do with gardening, I used to think Cleaning skill might help because of raking leaves building cleaning skill, and the building of Nature when you study cleaning.  It does make sense when your sim has a gold badge and can talk to plants/trees though.

I don't get to play so much any more, a couple of evenings a month maybe, but perhaps someone who enjoys doing that sort of thing can find more solid facts for us. Smiley
Axe Murderer
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Re: Badge building and Skills
« Reply #3 on: 2009 March 12, 11:26:32 »

I got reminded of this thread today Smiley

Yes, those personalities will help you gain the skill faster, but not the badge.  So they're indirectly related.  The above list is correct.

Skills that give boosts to badge gain speed. (Same list as first post, in different order)

Mechanical - Toy Making, Robotery, Fishing
Charisma - Gardening, Sales
Body - Stocking
Logic - Cash Register
Creativity - Pottery, Sewing, Flower Arranging
Cleaning - Cosmetology

The amount of boost varies depending on the number of skill points showing (0-10) on a sliding scale.
0 no effect. 1 point will increase the gain by 10% ... 10 points will double the gain speed.

(Source: Global 0x04CD and lua "Badges - Calc Skill Mod")

Things that take the skill bonus into account using the above lookup table...
Destination - Fishing (Fishing)
Badge Juicer cheat object (All)
Script Holder - Shops (Sales)
Sell Objects from CashRegisterGlobals (Sales)
Restaurant podium guy (Sales)
Stuff in CraftingGlobals...
(Toy Workbench, Flower Station, Robot Workbench, Sewing Machine, Pottery Wheel, Robot Workbench)

If you install Richief's mod, you can add shrubs, flowers, and the hydrogarden to that list.

Harvestable Plants don't use the same table for gardening badge gain, but have Charisma hardwired into the equation. (with the same relative increase in rate)
Harvestable Tree's probably work the same.
The Restoking interaction doesn't use the above table either, but this does not have the body skill hardwired.
If you install my mod you can add the body skill bonus to restoking (same rates)

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