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Store Stuff
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Topic: Store Stuff (Read 136295 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #75 on:
2008 November 17, 12:26:10 »
Quote from: seelindarun on 2008 November 16, 19:24:50
Do you have all EPs? When I checked with all EPs up to AL, the windows lit the room properly (as did the doors) if they were put into a wall receiving sunlight.
Yeah I do have all EPs and all SPs except for ikea and H&M or did have until my computer crashed Saturday night in the middle of furnishing the castle.
Before that I had experimented a bit and the castle windows were not casting light into the room like the other windows but the room was not suffering a hit to the enviroment score like it would have if it had no light.
Now that I think about it maybe it was my graphics card because I'm pretty sure that is what caused the crash.
Last Edit: 2008 November 17, 12:33:32 by ladyangua
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #76 on:
2008 November 17, 16:41:42 »
Quote from: snoopy on 2008 November 17, 10:14:23
Is there any chance you could also do the deco & cubic desk chairs? And the spooky set? (Only the small gargoyle, streetlight, and wall light show up for me.) Please please please?
Snoopy, the items you mention do not currently work for Macs. As I understand it, they need resources from one of the EPs we don't have yet in order to work properly. The Castle bed and treasure chest are the same way, which is why seelindarun didn't include those objects when he/she changed the object flags for this most recent set.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 332
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #77 on:
2008 November 17, 21:00:52 »
I've been having trouble getting my game to load with this stuff installed. The Cubic and Deco sets both crash my game as soon as the loading screen is about to fade to the neighbourhood-choosing-thing. I changed field 0040 to 0x0001 in SimPE, to no effect. Is this because I only have the base game and University, or did I screw something up while editing?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #78 on:
2008 November 17, 21:39:27 »
Please read the thread you are posting in. We've already discussed the problem of missing EPs with respect to store objects. The issues with mac players with BV have nothing to do with macs specifically. They apply to anyone who does not have a complete set of EPs up to AL.
To elaborate on what Grania wrote, the objects which will not load for BV players require more extensive modification than just setting flags. (Read my earlier post in this thread for an idea of what I tried on the Castle bed as an example.) Essentially, it's the same principle as updating CC for later EPs, except in reverse. If you want to learn, there are tutorials for this. Unfortunately, even though I understand what must be done in theory, I don't have enough experience to know which resources need to be replaced for each object x each EP. For some objects, it would probably be easier to remake them from scratch using only the mesh from the store object. I continue to read and learn and try different things with those stubborn objects, but it's mostly just to advance my own learning process. Anyone else who is interested should feel free to try their hand at it.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #79 on:
2008 November 18, 11:30:23 »
Oh sorry! I saw Cynarra had tried it but I guess I just hoped
(And why would newer eps affect dining chairs? Stupid Eaxis...)
But thank you again to the original uploaders for the castle set , to seelindarun for flagging it base-game, and to Richief for the bedding fix.
Humourless Egghead
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Re: Store Stuff
Reply #80 on:
2008 November 22, 01:56:44 »
Quote from: Grania on 2008 November 17, 16:41:42
Quote from: snoopy on 2008 November 17, 10:14:23
Is there any chance you could also do the deco & cubic desk chairs? And the spooky set? (Only the small gargoyle, streetlight, and wall light show up for me.) Please please please?
Snoopy, the items you mention do not currently work for Macs. As I understand it, they need resources from one of the EPs we don't have yet in order to work properly. The Castle bed and treasure chest are the same way, which is why seelindarun didn't include those objects when he/she changed the object flags for this most recent set.
Grania, do you mind mentioning which objects do work for people who have Macs with all EPs and SPs? Trying to keep track of this gives me a huge headache.
EDIT: Sorry, I saw your earlier post, but it still does give me a giant headache. I'll try things a bit at a time.
Lo, how I hate the Sims store.
Last Edit: 2008 November 22, 02:05:53 by professorbutters
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #81 on:
2008 November 24, 06:45:20 »
PB, the Sims 2 Store items that have not worked in my game to date are:
EDIT: All Sims Store build and buy objects now work in game thanks to the efforts of seelindarun and the wisdom of Lord Darcy.
My game includes the following EPs and SPs: Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons & BV; FFS, GL & Happy Holiday.
Figured it was shorter and neater to list what DIDN'T work than what did.
Last Edit: 2008 December 12, 02:42:32 by Grania
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Store Stuff
Reply #82 on:
2008 November 24, 17:37:22 »
Castle Bed, Castle treasure chest, and the two dining chairs work for me. All EP, H&M, K&B, Ikea, and now M&G. Worked before M&G. I can't speak for the spooky items as I had no interest in them.
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Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #83 on:
2008 November 24, 18:29:47 »
Please don't spread the confusion, Zazazu. Grania, professorbutters (PB) and I were posting about which store objects work if you have all EP/SPs in
. FT/AL/M&G are not available for macs.
However, it doesn't actually matter whether you're on a mac or PC. If you have all EPs up to BV, Grania's list of broken TSStore objects is accurate.
Grania, could you please edit your post to explicitly include what EPs you have, instead of posting "all EPs". I'm sure professorbutters isn't the last to ask about this, and it would be nice to be able to link to your post, for the benefit of anyone (mac or PC) who has your EP configuration.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: Store Stuff
Reply #84 on:
2008 November 24, 18:46:08 »
I have downloaded the castle walls pack from the link here. Normally I would have been happy to purchase it legitimately, but they seem to hate Brits at EA.
Anyway, I do have EA Store edition installed (I did that before I knew I could not get the objects). Should I uninstall it first in case it phones home and gets me into trouble?
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #85 on:
2008 November 24, 19:07:32 »
I did exactly the same Inge. They hate Swedes too. I haven't had any problems so far.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #86 on:
2008 November 24, 19:23:02 »
The EA store edition annoyed me, because it's a pointless, useless folder that's just there to remind me I was dumb enough not to go here and download the stuff in the first place instead of trying (and failing because I wasn't from the right side of the pond) to throw money at EA so they could magnanimously throw broken shit at me, so I got rid of it fast as I possibly could.
Everything works perfectly fine for me without it.
All swedes are turnips, but not all turnips are Swedish
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 216
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #87 on:
2008 November 25, 17:02:53 »
could someone with the know how please lower the
Fleur de Luce Chandelier
so its not sticking thru the ceiling
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
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Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #88 on:
2008 November 25, 17:11:53 »
I would prefer two versions - one without the annoying chain sticking up on upper floor, and one with a longer chain which could hang in a room with a two floor high ceiling.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #89 on:
2008 November 26, 03:49:41 »
seelindarun, previous post has been edited. Link away!
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 178
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #90 on:
2008 November 26, 10:56:54 »
New items found:
Ultimate Interior Castle Bundle (includes 21 pieces)
1,275 SimPoint
Now your Sim's desire to live and dress the part of royalty has finally come true. The Royals will enjoy home even more with plush interiors and grand lighting. This bundle contains hand carved living, dining and bedroom furniture, beautiful rugs, a one of a kind tapestry, chest, door, and window. 21 separate pieces
See it yourself!
Anyone still have enough points for that?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #91 on:
2008 November 26, 20:54:35 »
Quote from: Grania on 2008 November 24, 06:45:20
PB, the Sims 2 Store items that have not worked in my game to date are:
Cubic Dining Chair
Deco Dining Chair
Spooky Fence Lamp
Mean Jack-o'-Lantern Table Lamp
Nice Jack-o'-Lantern Table Lamp
Spooky Floor Plant
1x3 Gargoyle Sculpture (the one that's not the pig)
Castle Double Bed
Castle Treasure Chest
Everything else works fine for me. My game includes the following EPs and SPs: Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons & BV; FFS, GL & Happy Holiday.
Figured it was shorter and neater to list what DIDN'T work than what did.
Grania, Thanks for the list. At least now I can give up on those objects for the time being. However, I have to ask- is there a reason that I can't get any of the beds to show up in my game? I'm not talking about just the castle ones.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #92 on:
2008 November 26, 23:02:35 »
Quote from: TashaFaun on 2008 November 26, 11:10:38
Quote from: SiuPang on 2008 November 26, 10:56:54
New items found:
Ultimate Interior Castle Bundle (includes 21 pieces)
Anyone still have enough points for that?
Pretty slow aren't we? These have been posted in Peasantry for awhile now.
I'm not sure about that, this seems to be a new item. If only EA provided more pics instead of this:
1,275 SimPoints
Ultimate Interior Castle Bundle (includes 21 pieces)
Now your Sim's desire to live and dress the part of royalty has finally come true. The Royals will enjoy home even more with plush interiors and grand lighting. This bundle contains hand carved living, dining and bedroom furniture, beautiful rugs, a one of a kind tapestry, chest, door, and window. 21 separate pieces including 2 outfits and 2 hairstyles in all.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #93 on:
2008 November 26, 23:56:40 »
I have it. It's in the Castle collection here, where else would I have got it?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #94 on:
2008 November 27, 00:23:27 »
Yeah the ultimate bundle thing is new. If only people bother to take a look closely at the link siupang posted. The one we currently have is the one with 15 items, this has 21.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #95 on:
2008 November 27, 00:28:18 »
The one I have, called Castle Objects, has 21 objects in it. I am in Europe so I have obtained it here.
ETA: its the one posted here:,13577.msg387229.html#msg387229
Last Edit: 2008 November 27, 02:14:08 by ingeli
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #96 on:
2008 November 27, 10:14:08 »
will enjoy home even more with plush interiors and grand lighting. This bundle contains hand carved living, dining and bedroom furniture, beautiful rugs, a one of a kind tapestry, chest, door, and window. 21 separate pieces including 2 outfits and 2 hairstyles in all.
It looks like they made a additional royal part with different objects in it.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 178
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #97 on:
2008 November 27, 11:10:34 »
Quote from: ingeli on 2008 November 27, 00:28:18
The one I have, called Castle Objects, has 21 objects in it. I am in Europe so I have obtained it here.
ETA: its the one posted here:,13577.msg387229.html#msg387229
Those are not the ones... I know you have those new items... But the 21 new ones are different!
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 178
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #98 on:
2008 November 27, 11:11:41 »
Quote from: TashaFaun on 2008 November 26, 11:10:38
Quote from: SiuPang on 2008 November 26, 10:56:54
New items found:
Ultimate Interior Castle Bundle (includes 21 pieces)
Anyone still have enough points for that?
Pretty slow aren't we? These have been posted in Peasantry for awhile now.
I guess those are new... So, I am not slow
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #99 on:
2008 November 27, 13:30:48 »
I will check it out when I get home. But, even if they call it plush, the description (dining, bedroom, chest, door, window..) sounds a LOT like the previous items.
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