Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Death to Pescado.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 53
To Ladyangua A new Link for the Castle Kit and Dining Objects has been posted.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Store Hair needs FT or later EP and latest FT patch to be visible in BS and Game.
Is this something that can be fixed in SimPE as with some of the earlier store objects Havelock? Or do you think the game engine itself must be upgraded? Also, has anyone else noticed that the single-story, 2-tile door has fucked shadows? The left side of the double door is distinctly darker than the other in my game. 
Store Hair needs FT or later EP and latest FT patch to be visible in BS and Game.
Is this something that can be fixed in SimPE as with some of the earlier store objects Havelock? Yes you could change the EP/SP bits in Propertyset. You could look in the older Store tread what bits EPs have. Also, has anyone else noticed that the single-story, 2-tile door has fucked shadows? The left side of the double door is distinctly darker than the other in my game.  Yes its the same in my Game but all 2-tile doors have it, its not only the Store door.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 476
Also, has anyone else noticed that the single-story, 2-tile door has fucked shadows? The left side of the double door is distinctly darker than the other in my game.  Aren't ALL 2 tile doors like that? I don't think there's a fix for that.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Oh! I was using TS2 on the Windows side to check out the store stuff, and I rarely do any actual playing with it.  Ironically, the mac version of the game is pretty much inferior in all respects, except this I suppose. All double doors in my mac game display properly. Thanks Havelock, for the info and the fixes. I shall research and learn. 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 192
Tried the castle bed in game last night and found it strange that the only bedding available to it was the old EA bedding. None of any new bedding and none of my custom bedding was showing in the catalog for this bed. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem?
Let it be noted that all the bedding is showing up in my buy catalog for all other EA beds and my custom beds.
This is true, Castle Bed doesn't accept custom beddings. It only accepts basegame and BV beddings. I made a fix for it. Download here. Fixes:- Castle bed accepts all beddings including custom ones. - Castle beddings are available to all beds, not only this one. - Removed duplicate files.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
Psycho sookie.
Where do I drop the clothes for them to work? 
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Where do I drop the clothes for them to work?  I just put mine in a sub-folder in my Downloads folder.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
Psycho sookie.
Can they be binned? The reason I'm asking is that I have downloads turned off in my game so I bin everything so that the game doesn't blow up.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
They might work being put in the C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\YOUR LATEST EP\TSData\Res\Catalog\Skins folder. Try it and see.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
Here is an utterly dumb question. I have *tried* to read all of the posts about the store before asking this but, what ep does the game need for the objects from the spooky and medievil sets? The cubic and deco show up fine and all the clothing and hair from every set does as well but the furnishings do not. I have FT as my latest ep (with no patch). Is there any suggestion as to making this work? Sorrry to waste post space 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Store Hair needs FT or later EP and latest FT patch to be visible in BS and Game.
I have been using the Store hair and clothing in a couple of different installation setups; up to Seasons only, and up to Bon Voyage only, without any trouble with the package files in a subfolder of my Downloads folder. My main computer that I play Sims 2 on does not have the EADM software on it, either. Therefore, I have not found the above quote to be correct. *Thanks to everyone here for their generous sharing.
« Last Edit: 2008 November 10, 01:54:29 by Melli »
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
I've found the same to be true for the hair and clothes. Skins appear properly in my BV game without modification.
Objects are a different matter. So far, I've been able to get all the Cubic and Deco objects to show up except for the dining chairs in my game, so I think those require FT+. The Spooky objects mostly don't show up in my BV game. I can get maybe half of them going, even after checking the EP flags to be sure they are set for base game. If they don't work in FT either, then I guess they must have true AL dependencies. Of the Castle objects, I managed to get all but the bed and chest to show up.
I haven't given up hope for those last 2 objects, though. I'm still looking into whether the bed can be made compatible for earlier EPs. I have a SimPE question in regard to this though: I have SimPE installed next to an AL game, so I cannot clone an appropriate bed to get the resources. Could someone toss me a cloned Maxis bed from a Pets/Seasons game installation?
Once I get some idea of whether I can expect to include the bed and chest in a timely fashion, I'll offer up whatever objects I have.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 69
S&W: The original point and click interface. ENTJ
I also only have expansions to BV installed. I set the flags as per the post by Bastdawn and everything shows up in game excluding the chest and bed, and the single story spooky windows, spooky columns, and the deco bar stool.
All the hair and skins show up just fine in my regular Downloads folder.
I AM THE LAW! Judge Dredd
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
I'm having similar issues with Sims Store objects showing up in my game. I'm a Mac user, so I have all Sims EPs and SPs that are out for Macs (EPs through BV, plus FFS, GLS, and Holiday). All Cubic and Deco objects show up with the exception of the dining chairs. Most of the Spooky objects don't (with a couple of exceptions). So I'm basically having the same results as seelindarun.
Given that, I expected to have all Castle objects show up in my game except for the bed and chest. But I currently don't have a single Castle object showing up. I have no idea if this has to do with base game flags or not - SimPE isn't available for native Mac environments, so I can't check this out or fix this problem on my own. Do the objects posted in this thread have base game flags? If not, is this something someone might be able to help me out with?
Many, many thanks for any and all help.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
The earlier links for Castle objects didn't have base game flags. I have done this now; this set doesn't include any version of the bed nor the decorative chest, because I could not make them load properly in earlier EPs. If someone else would like to try it, I'd welcome that. I tried to replace all of the resources I could think of that might have been updated in AL (BCON, TRCN, BHAV, TTAs, TTAB, OBJf, STR#), but did not meet with success.  To reiterate, the objects in this set may not be compatible with the base game even though flags were set, and in fact many objects probably won't be. If you cannot see some objects with your EP configuration, it's because the object has intrinsic dependencies on a missing EP.
The earlier links for Castle objects didn't have base game flags. I have done this now; this set doesn't include any version of the bed nor the decorative chest, because I could not make them load properly in earlier EPs. If someone else would like to try it, I'd welcome that. I tried to replace all of the resources I could think of that might have been updated in AL (BCON, TRCN, BHAV, TTAs, TTAB, OBJf, STR#), but did not meet with success.  To reiterate, the objects in this set may not be compatible with the base game even though flags were set, and in fact many objects probably won't be. If you cannot see some objects with your EP configuration, it's because the object has intrinsic dependencies on a missing EP. Most Castle Objects are Pets enabled which means bed has joints for pets to sleep and slots for sratch and chew on them. Its the same with other objects if one has no Pets EP Objects may not show up in Game.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Something different is going on with the Castle bed, though. I tried to load it (with basegame flags set) into a game with all EPs up to BV. When that didn't work, I replaced resources which I extracted from a cloned Colonial bed (with EPs up to BV), so I think the Pets issue is covered. Nonetheless, I must have done it wrong, or else I'm replacing the wrong resources. Interestingly, none of my experiments caused the Castle bed to break in my AL game; it just absolutely refused to load into the BV game no matter how I mangled it. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Since I don't think it's been posted yet.. I've made a package for Elder Male "The Red and White Veteran Knight" Unfortunately, I can't buy from the store, so it's just a recolor of the mesh using the texture from the Adult outfit (Better than nothing in my opinion!) It'll show up along with the other store outfits. I didn't include the mesh in the package, so you will need one of the other outfits of this mesh. http://www.mediafire.com/?ktwwobennngHas anyone ever gotten the toddler mummy hair working? 
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 216
Has anyone ever gotten the toddler mummy hair working?  TS2 Store Stuff Collections Post #20
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Oh, thanks! I don't know how I missed that. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Has anyone else noticed that the castle windows don't shed any light? I guess EA thinks castles should be dark.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Do you have all EPs? When I checked with all EPs up to AL, the windows lit the room properly (as did the doors) if they were put into a wall receiving sunlight.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
seelindarun, I just wanted to thank you so much for the base-game-flagged castle set you shared. I'm on a mac with all eps up to BV and everything showed up perfectly, the windows let light in too Is there any chance you could also do the deco & cubic desk chairs? And the spooky set? (Only the small gargoyle, streetlight, and wall light show up for me.) Please please please?