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Store Stuff
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Topic: Store Stuff (Read 136293 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Store Stuff
2008 November 04, 22:14:33 »
New Medieval Stuff added to the store. Sorry I could only get 3 of the Male outfits. I only had $5 bucks to spend. I am missing the 4th selection. I haven't even seen all the new additions so I hope some of the rest of you can also "spread the wealth around."
Ok, I'm greedy I went back for more.They haven't finished updating the store yet but there is this really neat castle set for 325 points. Here are some of the new Hair styles.
Last Edit: 2009 January 31, 17:35:42 by BastDawn
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
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Back by popular demand!
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #1 on:
2008 November 04, 23:31:49 »
Thanks for sharing. You posted the same link twice though.
The awesomest thing on the internet.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #2 on:
2008 November 04, 23:48:20 »
Wow, thanks for these.
I'll see if I can buy the castle set and some other stuff; I specially like the chest, door, arch and window. I may buy them today, perhaps tomorrow. So do not spend your money there
. Sorry,
I cannot buy beacuse I'm from Mexico!
Here is a list of the new items.
Buy Mode:
Destiny Dining Chair (100 pts)
Lord and Lady Living Room Chair (100 pts)
Lord and Lady Loveseat (100 pts)
Royal Rest Slab-o-Wood Double Bed (100 pts)
Destiny Dining Table (100 pts)
Noble End Table (75 pts)
Troubadour Table (75 pts)
The Great Lord So-and-So's Shield and Sword (50 pts)
The Banner of the Bold (50 pts)
Treasures of the Realm Chest (75 pts)
Monarch's Mat (50 pts)
Monarch's Runner (50 pts)
Armor Armoire (100 pts)
Beacon of Brightness Floor Lamp (75 pts)
Fleur de Luce Chandelier (75 pts)
Build Mode:
The Complete Castle by Castle Kits, Inc. (includes 15 pieces) (375 pts)
Royal Front Door by Castle Kits, Inc. (100 pts)
Royal Back Door by Castle Kits, Inc. (100 pts)
Regal Window by Castle Kits, Inc. (100 pts)
Royal Back Arch by Castle Kits, Inc. (100 pts)
Thanks to everyone who contributed, Buy and Build Mode Sets are complete!
Last Edit: 2008 November 08, 21:34:54 by Richief
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #3 on:
2008 November 05, 00:54:34 »
Quote from: TashaFaun on 2008 November 05, 00:07:31
Am I the only one getting empty packages for the hair?
The clothing works
, there are three empty packages (two female, one male). Also one male clothing shows up but it is weird (borked Lifo).
Two hair packages are not working; "afhairfullbob" and "afhairlongloosebraid". The other two DO work.
Last Edit: 2008 November 05, 03:24:20 by Richief
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Life's to short not to Laugh!!
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #4 on:
2008 November 05, 06:10:02 »
I have 300 points so I am going to grab 3 of the adult female Hair do we have any already?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #5 on:
2008 November 05, 07:19:07 »
I have added an updated file for you all to download. I've experienced much the same problems have you have. For some reason the SCSKINS package file isn't being updated. I had to delete it several times to allow the EA downloader to re update. I have the same problem with the corrupt black knight skin (no clue what the deal is with that) but now all the hair files and all the female outfits are now showing up in CAS.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 220
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #6 on:
2008 November 05, 07:51:19 »
The afbodymedievalceltic_purple, ambodychainmailleknight_blue, afhairfullbob, and the afhairlongloosebraid are empty packages. I looked at the hair and the clothes with the clean installer. Somebody who knows what they are doing could see if they could fix the messed up black knight skin.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #7 on:
2008 November 05, 08:23:13 »
Quote from: jaldeer on 2008 November 05, 07:51:19
The afbodymedievalceltic_purple, ambodychainmailleknight_blue, afhairfullbob, and the afhairlongloosebraid are empty packages. I looked at the hair and the clothes with the clean installer. Somebody who knows what they are doing could see if they could fix the messed up black knight skin.
The messed up black knight is hopeless broken the biggest texture has a corrupted alpha and because of this texture is also ruined. There is nothing we can do. I would suggest to wait with redownload because it looks like they are still working on the fileservers. If i go to the store site there is nothing listed in clothing and hair. Maybe its fixed later.
Here is the message i get if i open the borked packagefiles in SIMPE.
SimPe does not support this type of file.
SimPe is a package editor for Sims2 packages.
packages are NOT supported.
There is a big mess at the store.
Last Edit: 2008 November 05, 08:37:49 by Havelock
Lipless Loser
Posts: 658
a red dragonfly
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #8 on:
2008 November 05, 13:47:15 »
The best way to find this stuff, btw, is to go to the Collections area of the store, where you can go to Exclusives, then Castle, and it should have everything (right down to 2-4 versions of various hairstyles and outfits for multiple ages). But right now it seems like we'd better watch the BBS for reports of an update.
Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #9 on:
2008 November 05, 15:05:15 »
Will collection files be made again for the new stuff once it's completed?
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 109
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #10 on:
2008 November 05, 20:29:57 »
I have the new Teen hairs with the exception of the female teen bowl cut. All work (they showed up in body shop )
included in zip is
tf curly bob
tf smooth bob style
tf long braided style
tm emo style
cf long braid style
Updated with new link that also included the child female long braid style
I now have the following:
Lord and Lady Living Room Chair
Lord and Lady Loveseat
Royal Rest Slab-o-Wood Double Bed
Monarch's Mat
Monarch's Runner
get them here:
Whoops! The bed and loveseat were missing! Here is the link to get the bed and loveseat.
Last Edit: 2008 November 06, 00:53:15 by Cerridwen
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #11 on:
2008 November 05, 21:11:35 »
Grumble.. can't use the store as I live in Sweden.. grumble. Yearns for those medieval items.. lol. /end whining
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 220
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #12 on:
2008 November 05, 22:09:49 »
Thought I'd let everybody know I reported the messed up black and red knight outfit. I even included the picture that Richief had put up just so that Maxis would have proof that it needs fixing. They have a Sims 2 Store stuff thread over at the site on the BBS. I had reported the problem there and included that picture. Hope they fix it.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 220
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #13 on:
2008 November 06, 00:04:29 »
Cerridwen, the loveseat and the double bed aren't in your zip. Just the chair and the 2 rugs are.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 109
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #14 on:
2008 November 06, 01:11:14 »
Whoops! Thanks jaldeer, I updated the original post with the link to the other items.
Thanks to JDFrankFan it looks like we now have working files for all the new hairs now?
Some from bzrburns in the original post, some from myself and the rest from JDFrankFan.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #15 on:
2008 November 06, 02:29:13 »
nekonoai, I'll make (and update) the collections, once we get all the stuff.
Quote from: Richief on 2008 November 04, 23:48:20
I'll see if I can buy the castle set and some other stuff; I specially like the chest, door, arch and window. I may buy them today, perhaps tomorrow. So do not spend your money there.
Unfortunately, The Sims Store does not accept my credit card (I'm from Mexico). Weird, my card got accepted three times , perhaps they updated their system to only accept US and Canada credit cards. Sorry, but I cannot contribute this time.
PS: I got 25 pts, is there a way to transfer them?
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 220
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #16 on:
2008 November 06, 02:39:30 »
That's ok Richief - I plan on buying $20 worth of points Friday (my husband says I have to wait till Friday). I'll buy what's needed. I thought I'd start with the objects that aren't bought at that time and I should still have points left over to buy some more of the clothes and hair.
Edit: I don't think there is a way to transfer points - if there is, I'm not sure on how - Just wanted to thank everyone who bought and shared so far. I'll do my part on Friday.
Here is what clothes and hair that are left -
Clothing & Hair:
Adult Female: Celtic Princess Dress in Purple (75 pts).
Adult Male: The Blue Knight (75 pts), The Red and White Knight (75 pts), Lord of the Manor in Black (75 pts), Lord of the Manor in Blue (75 pts), Lord of the Manor in Red (75 pts), and Chainmaille Adult Male Hairstyle (100 pts).
Female Child: Celtic Girl's Dress in Blue (75 pts), Celtic Girl's Dress in Green (75 pts), Celtic Girl's Dress in Purple (75 pts), Celtic Girl's Dress in Red (75 pts).
Elder Female: Celtic Queen Dress in Teal (75 pts), Celtic Queen Dress in Purple (75 pts), Celtic Queen Dress in Red (75 pts), and Celtic Queen Dress in White (75 pts).
Elder Male: The Black and Red Veteran Knight (75 pts), The Blue Veteran Knight (75 pts), The Red Veteran Knight (75 pts), Duke of the Manor in Black (75 pts), Duke of the Manor in Blue (75 pts), and Duke of the Manor in Red (75 pts).
Teen Female: Celtic Baroness Dress in Teal (75 pts), Celtic Baroness Dress in Purple (75 pts), Celtic Baroness Dress in Red (75 pts), Celtic Baroness Dress in White (75 pts), and the Cute Bowl Cut (100 pts).
Teen Male: The Black and Red Young Knight (75 pts), The Blue Young Knight (75 pts), The Red Young Knight (75 pts), The Red and White Young Knight (75 pts), Lord of the Manor in Black (75 pts), Lord of the Manor in Blue (75 pts), Lord of the Manor in Red (75 pts), and Chainmaille Teen Male Hairstyle (100 pts).
I noticed that the adult female celtic purple and the adult male blue knight outfits are empty packages. That's why I have them listed.
Last Edit: 2008 November 06, 06:17:18 by jaldeer
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #17 on:
2008 November 06, 03:07:14 »
Feeling bad
about the snafu's with the first upload so here are the perfectly
working Castle Kit, Doors and the Dining Table and Chairs
Edited November 8 2:40PM EST
Some of you have indicated that you have problems downloading probably due to bandwidth issues. I've split the two rar's into four so try this link:
Last Edit: 2008 November 08, 19:44:36 by bzrburns
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Life's to short not to Laugh!!
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #18 on:
2008 November 06, 05:05:27 »
I have 300 points what do we need, I'm willing to grab some items. Can someone post the still needed items.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #19 on:
2008 November 06, 05:37:49 »
The amhairemocut does not seem to be enabled for elders. Does anyone have a fix for this? I tried doing it myself, but my skillz are lacking. Thanks.
Now asbestos-free.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #20 on:
2008 November 06, 05:50:33 »
Quote from: hobbitgrl on 2008 November 06, 05:05:27
I have 300 points what do we need, I'm willing to grab some items. Can someone post the still needed items.
Buymode items left in order of the Collection are:
Armor Armoire
thx jaldeer
Hanging Lamps:
Fleur de Luce Chandelier
thx jaldeer
Floor Lamps:
Beacon of Brightness Floor Lamp
thx jaldeer
Treasures of the Realm Chest
thx hobbitgrl
Wall Hangings:
The Great Lord So-and-So's Shield and Sword
thx jaldeer
The Banner of the Bold
thx jaldeer
Coffe Tables:
Troubadour Table
thx jaldeer
End Tables:
Noble End Table
thx jaldeer
Thanks to all who share the stuff with us.
Last Edit: 2008 November 08, 05:22:00 by Havelock
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #21 on:
2008 November 06, 06:01:39 »
Please, Havelock can you do a listing of all the Bodyshop stuff left?
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 216
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #22 on:
2008 November 06, 06:12:27 »
Quote from: cow_tools on 2008 November 06, 05:37:49
The amhairemocut does not seem to be enabled for elders. Does anyone have a fix for this? I tried doing it myself, but my skillz are lacking. Thanks.
is that the only non-elder hair?
i was gonna wait till we got all the hairs before i looked an them an enabled the ones that needed it for elders
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #23 on:
2008 November 06, 06:19:17 »
Quote from: knightguy on 2008 November 06, 06:12:27
is that the only non-elder hair?
I'm pretty sure. All the female hairs show up enabled for elders in my game. The only other hair left is the male chainmail one.
Now asbestos-free.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 220
Re: Store Stuff
Reply #24 on:
2008 November 06, 06:28:14 »
Knightguy, also from the Spooky theme, the adult female messy style from beyond the grave isn't enabled for elders either. That one never got enabled for elders.
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