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Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
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Topic: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People! (Read 215785 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #75 on:
2009 February 07, 20:53:30 »
Well, there's nothing I can think of in apthack that has anything to do with phone behavior, so I'm inclined to suspect it is coincidence, or an artifact of resettage caused by yanking. To test if a sim is even functioning correctly, try shiftclicking on its door and choosing Force Out.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 816
¯\(º_o)/¯ lol wut?
Why are there two rent options?
Reply #76 on:
2009 February 08, 00:09:44 »
(I was directed to post this by Kokopelli, so if you have problems with it, go shoot her)
So, I got Apartment Life. Yeah, yeah. Slowpoke.jpg and all that. I had my reasons. They suck but they are reasons.
I started playing with the apartments, and got confused right away because... well... when I click on a door, I get three options, not two. Kokopelli and I argued back and forth about this -- she thought I couldn't understand why different apartments had different prices, while I kept trying to tell her I was talking about a single apartment -- until I finally took a screencap to show her what the hell I meant. Turns out this ain't normal (at least, she's never seen it)
This is probably just a dumb annoyance, but it IS an annoyance. Why are there
rent prices? The rent itself doesn't change, but why is the down payment different? One is 6755 to the other's 10194. That's nearly 3500 simoleons different. Quite a chunk. That's not renting it furnished, is it? (And if it is, why doesn't it say "rent furnished"?) Is this a hack that didn't get properly updated that I didn't know about? I have way too many hacks (and yes, sadly, many of them are Not Awesome. orz)
I have all EPs and all SPs now. (That includes M&G.) And I removed the Insimenator before playing AL, though I think it was still present within the Downloads folder at the time that I
the expansion. (I can't imagine that that had anything to do with it, but...)
¯\(º_o)/¯ I dunno lol
hinking and
erceiving. Conclusion:
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: Why are there two rent options?
Reply #77 on:
2009 February 08, 00:18:30 »
Apartment hack does this. One option is for furnished, one for unfurnished.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 816
¯\(º_o)/¯ lol wut?
Re: Why are there two rent options?
Reply #78 on:
2009 February 08, 00:23:38 »
..... well that's what I get for not RTFMing, I guess.
* staroverthebay hits the the thanks button.
¯\(º_o)/¯ I dunno lol
hinking and
erceiving. Conclusion:
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #79 on:
2009 February 16, 18:26:29 »
Quote from: Devonian on 2009 February 07, 19:18:25
I have a problem that I have not seen reported here.
My apartment sims' neighbors will not visit after accepting the invitation by phone when this hack is installed.
I have tested it by removing one mod/hack at a time, and also by removing all mods/hacks and replacing them with the most recent version of The Director's Cut. When apthack is removed the neighbors show up.
I have to admit that I downloaded and installed the EA patch for Apartment Life. Perhaps this is the conflict.
I would really like to play with the Apthack. Do you have some solution for me?
I'm having the same issue. Sim neighbors stand me up constantly. I'm going through the testing phase right now. I'll update if I find a seperate solution.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #80 on:
2009 February 20, 19:49:42 »
I downloaded this hack last night and played for a bit. I noticed that my YA sims will not go to class or their final exam on their own. I have had to keep track with who goes to class at what time. I have also noticed that the apartment neighbors are not young adults, but in fact social group townies. Also the landlord showed up to work, then after work went to the Mahjong table and never left after that! so he is still at the Mahjong table with a couple of other sims. Everything else is working perfectly. One more thing, there are neighborhood stray pet walking by the apartment, but a small inconvenience for such a wonderful hack!! Can we fix the YA sims not going to class on their own?
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #81 on:
2009 February 22, 17:02:03 »
Quote from: OneQTPie on 2009 February 16, 18:26:29
Quote from: Devonian on 2009 February 07, 19:18:25
I have a problem that I have not seen reported here.
My apartment sims' neighbors will not visit after accepting the invitation by phone when this hack is installed.
I have tested it by removing one mod/hack at a time, and also by removing all mods/hacks and replacing them with the most recent version of The Director's Cut. When apthack is removed the neighbors show up.
I have to admit that I downloaded and installed the EA patch for Apartment Life. Perhaps this is the conflict.
I would really like to play with the Apthack. Do you have some solution for me?
I'm having the same issue. Sim neighbors stand me up constantly. I'm going through the testing phase right now. I'll update if I find a seperate solution.
Can you not just knock on the apartment neighbour's door and ask them to come out? Works for me. (Except after 10pm, as apparently neighbours need their beauty sleep.)
Cosy Lane -- 1x1 Lots for TS2
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #82 on:
2009 February 24, 08:41:50 »
Quote from: TashaFaun on 2009 February 22, 14:08:51
Quote from: msshanni on 2009 February 20, 19:49:42
Can we fix the YA sims not going to class on their own?
Turn autonomy back on? Are you talking about the sims you control or your neighbors?
the sims I control do not get the popup for class or final.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 156
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #83 on:
2009 February 24, 20:17:12 »
Quote from: msshanni on 2009 February 24, 08:41:50
Quote from: TashaFaun on 2009 February 22, 14:08:51
Quote from: msshanni on 2009 February 20, 19:49:42
Can we fix the YA sims not going to class on their own?
Turn autonomy back on? Are you talking about the sims you control or your neighbors?
the sims I control do not get the popup for class or final.
Is it all sims or just in a specific dorm/lot? I was having this problem too and did a binary search, where I couldn't find a culprit. I played another lot that wasn't a dorm and they worked fine. I had downloaded the dorm, so I decided to package and reinstall it to make sure it was a clean lot. There was a couple of mailbox recolors and the line controller in the lot. I must have missed cleaning them out when I installed. After I removed them, my sims got the proper class and exam pop-ups.
I don't know if it was the recolors or the line controller, but I would double check that you didn't pick something up from a downloaded lot.
Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow. If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #84 on:
2009 February 25, 00:47:13 »
I have tested for this issue and cannot reproduce it: I get the "So-and-so has a final in one hour" popup just fine.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #85 on:
2009 February 25, 23:49:15 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 February 25, 00:47:13
I have tested for this issue and cannot reproduce it: I get the "So-and-so has a final in one hour" popup just fine.
I have downloaded the latest version of this hack and am still not getting the popup with so and so has class in one hour, or final. The apartment neighbors are young adults, and I didn't see any stray pets, but am still not getting the popup for class or final. I had a sim almost fail the semester because I couldn't keep track of when he had to go to class. I really need this hack to work, because it is so awesome!!!
Please help!!!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #86 on:
2009 February 26, 01:30:47 »
Is free will on or off? Is this apartment at UNI? The apartment needs to actually be in a Uni, you know.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #87 on:
2009 February 26, 02:15:05 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 February 26, 01:30:47
Is free will on or off? Is this apartment at UNI? The apartment needs to actually be in a Uni, you know.
Yes the apartment is in a UNI neighborhood. How I got the apartment in the UNI hood was I placed an apartment lot in Belladonna Cove, then I changed it to a residential lot, then put it back into the Lots and Houses Bin. After I did that I loaded the UNI hood, then I placed the apartment in the UNI hood, changed it back into an apartment. Exited and then reload the lot, moved the UNI students in. everything else works fine except they get no popups to go to class. I haven't checked to see if Free will is on or off, but they do do things autonomously. So I figured that free will must be on if they do that.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #88 on:
2009 February 26, 03:25:32 »
I am pretty sure placing it in a normal hood first will bork the controllers. THe lot must be built ON Uni, otherwise the Uni controller will have self-destructed. This is a known, extremely common glitch that has existed since Uni: Any lot built at a Uni must remain there, and vice versa.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #89 on:
2009 February 26, 03:30:04 »
Does that include lots that have been imported into the game via Sims2Pak, or are those ok to place in Uni subhoods?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #90 on:
2009 February 27, 00:08:30 »
No. Or maybe it would work if the lot had originally been built on a Uni lot. I've imported my own lots, which aren't originally built from an empty lot in a uni 'hood, and the class dialogs got lost.
On the bright side, so far I've always been able to get them back by editing the lot and saving a second time. That is, put down the lot in uni as a residential. Change the lot zoning, save and exit. Enter again, make a change, save and exit. The second save (or move-out/move-in) revives the controllers for dorms and rentals. I built my uni apartments in situ, to avoid the potential borkiness, so I'm not sure it will work for apartments.
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Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #91 on:
2009 February 27, 01:25:24 »
Quote from: rufio on 2009 February 26, 03:30:04
Does that include lots that have been imported into the game via Sims2Pak,
are those ok to place in Uni subhoods?
Quote from: seelindarun on 2009 February 27, 00:08:30
. Or maybe it would work if the lot had originally been built on a Uni lot. I've imported my own lots, which aren't originally built from an empty lot in a uni 'hood, and the class dialogs got lost.
Sounds like you mean "No, they are not ok in Uni subhoods", rather than "No, this doesn't include lots imported via Sims2Pack"?
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #92 on:
2009 February 27, 05:06:13 »
How you import the lot doesn't matter, it's all based on where the lot was originally built. For lots built by unknown third parties, however, there is no way to tell. I may consider writing a Lot Debugger Fix for this. However, I don't have a lot of test cases, as I am not in the habit of importing lots, mostly because people who build lots often suck at it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #93 on:
2009 February 27, 08:57:50 »
so should I delete the lot? what if I take a dorm, and change it into a apartment? will that work? maybe I should place the lot in a UNI hood as a residential lot, then change it into an apartment, will that still make the class dialogs not work? I have no idea how to build an apartment, that is why I imported a lot from another site.
Tina G
Feckless Fool
Posts: 287
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #94 on:
2009 April 02, 20:46:22 »
Quote from: Faizah on 2009 February 22, 17:02:03
Quote from: OneQTPie on 2009 February 16, 18:26:29
Quote from: Devonian on 2009 February 07, 19:18:25
I have a problem that I have not seen reported here.
My apartment sims' neighbors will not visit after accepting the invitation by phone when this hack is installed.
I have tested it by removing one mod/hack at a time, and also by removing all mods/hacks and replacing them with the most recent version of The Director's Cut. When apthack is removed the neighbors show up.
I have to admit that I downloaded and installed the EA patch for Apartment Life. Perhaps this is the conflict.
I would really like to play with the Apthack. Do you have some solution for me?
I'm having the same issue. Sim neighbors stand me up constantly. I'm going through the testing phase right now. I'll update if I find a seperate solution.
Can you not just knock on the apartment neighbour's door and ask them to come out? Works for me. (Except after 10pm, as apparently neighbours need their beauty sleep.)
Just knocking on an apartment door and asking them to come out doesn't have the same effect as calling and having them actually visit. It's what I've been doing, though, because all this time I thought getting stood up by apartment neighbors was another EAxis bit of But I have just discovered the problem is the apt hack as well. The also don't come to birthday parties, etc when invited. Since I see the issue has been reported and ignored, I suppose it isn't going to get fixed, so I'll either settle for not inviting my apt neighbors on the phone, or I'll live without the apt hack, although I don't like that option very much.
Last Edit: 2009 April 02, 20:53:24 by Tina G
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #95 on:
2009 April 12, 21:17:05 »
I wish the rent furnished actually said rent furnished for x! I keep accidentally clicking the rent furnished price, and I only really got this hack for It's fixes.
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #96 on:
2009 April 12, 21:20:17 »
Quote from: parrot on 2009 April 12, 21:17:05
I wish the rent furnished actually said rent furnished for x! I keep accidentally clicking the rent furnished price, and I only really got this hack for It's fixes.
before "accidentally" clicking, duh.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #97 on:
2009 April 12, 22:13:41 »
I can tell which one is the higher price, but it is just a weird setup, and I am not used to it.
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 87
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #98 on:
2009 May 12, 14:22:52 »
About restoring tenant's motives....
Have you ever noticed that developers forgot to include TEMPERATURE to be restored inside their appartment?
Frozen sims are still frozen after getting out.
P. S.
But of course this mod forces tenants to stay home almost all time (if you firnish their flats with some entertainments) so it does not matter if I use this mod now.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
Reply #99 on:
2009 May 12, 15:27:32 »
Quote from: parrot on 2009 April 12, 22:13:41
I can tell which one is the higher price, but it is just a weird setup, and I am not used to it.
The reason it's done this way is to avoid localization issues. If I wanted to make it SAY "Rent Furnished", I would have to actually do translations. Whereas I was able to splice the number into all the localizations without problem.
Quote from: Ailias on 2009 May 12, 14:22:52
About restoring tenant's motives....
Have you ever noticed that developers forgot to include TEMPERATURE to be restored inside their appartment?
Frozen sims are still frozen after getting out.
Noted, I will see about fixing that in the next version.
Quote from: Ailias on 2009 May 12, 14:22:52
But of course this mod forces tenants to stay home almost all time (if you firnish their flats with some entertainments) so it does not matter if I use this mod now.
Well, sure, that's a bad thing? You have any idea how much LAG it causes when they cluelessly pop out of their apartments for no other reason than BECAUSE THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR DECIDED TO BOOT THEM OUT, and then proceed to wander around outside complaining because the outside did not, in fact, offer them anything of use?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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