I totally never knew that hobby enthusiasm built/destroyed interests - but that makes total sense, and I've actually pondered this. I would've gone a step further, and just made such things improve/be based on interests.
It was the messing with interests that first made me want to change the way it worked, then it grew from there as I found more annoying things.
Have you seen my enthusiasm mod in Peasantry? (plug plug). Very much interest driven

The whole enthusiasm code looks like it was copied from skilling. Still some stuff in there that does nothing.
It was designed for skilling though, and not enthusiasm. As a result you lose the rate bonus's the higher you go up the levels in part of the code.
(In integer math, adding 50% to 1 is 1. This never happened in skilling as the IQ is always multiples of 100.)
Yeah, the enthusiasm absorption part was different. As you say, lots of thought in there. After seeing what the ppl had in mind for enthusiasm gain, it was
disapointing to see little variation in the Base Rates. Some sections seem to have more thought in than others. Whoever plugged the values in for Games, at least made 'doing' more value than just 'watching'. Then you see something like the trainset which costs heaps (money and space) and doesn't provide any other skilling benefit and still has crappy rates. Perhaps when more are uncovered, we'll see some things with a higher rate than the hobby mag or blogging.
Anyhow... I missed a section. Here for the person that asked me on IRC.
I've not updated the file with this yet. So no need to download it again.
As soon as a sim reaches level 10 in a hobby, they go into 'the zone' when they
pursue it.
You hear the zone fanfare, and see the white glow.
Some long running activities also have custom sound and visual effects.
eg. A FilmLit sim in the zone and reading a novel - music appropriate to the type of novel.
Those are the obvious things, now the hidden...
For long running activities only, the sim also experiences a slower decay rate
of motives. These add to the adjustments they may have already from LTA superpowers.
The amounts are...
NRG, Hyg 15
Hun, Bla, Soc 30
Com, Fun 40
These are flat adjustments, not percentage adjustments. So how much these effect your
sim depends on their life stage and superpowers.
If you use Pes's ffslotdebugger, you can see the currents motive levels (-100 to 100),
the amount they decay per day, and the adjustment figures .
These adjustments are small in comparison to the faster rates that different game objects
have. eg. The restorable car decreases hygiene. A sim in the zone will still end up dirtier.
The 2 enthusiam 'boost' methods don't bother with the decay adjustments. They don't last long
enough to have any real effect anyway.
TODO: Mystery value 50. in LUA.
Enthusiasm still increases.
Although there is no 11th bar, the enthusiasm value increases up to 10.99 ~ Near enough 11 bars.
This is so that you do not lose that 10th point as soon as you finish the activity.
The rate of enthusiam gain once you reach level 10 is the same as for level 0.
ie. Using a BR 100 object with no bonus's would fill up to level 11 in 160 mins.