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Author Topic: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/05/02)  (Read 146811 times)
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
« Reply #50 on: 2008 November 26, 08:05:09 »

Like translating Macrotastics?
Yes. You should show up in grah so we can work through this.

I've been thinking about this. This would reduce the number of strings, too. I could provide you with Danish version, but I need the things to translate in a text file.

I noticed yet another thing. Before "Fly to school" action for no reason there's an asterisk ("*"). I believe it's like that in all languages.
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
« Reply #51 on: 2008 December 02, 11:16:55 »

I almost forgot about gardener members. When you want to buy some chlorophyl... dechlrophyllli... hmm, if you want buy a potion that turn Plantsim to a normal Sim, you'll see (in French, of course) "Acheter une potion.../Chlorophylline/". It have to be "Acheter une potion.../Chlorophylline.../", of course !
Will be fixed in the next version.

And, gardener members will always sells only this potion ; it's the same thing for all NPC that sell potions, except gypsy and witches.
You are aware that it's not a bug, aren't you? Garden Club members are supposed to sell only Plantophic-C (that's English name), and no other. It would be weird if they also sell vampire cure or love potion.

I could provide you with Danish version, but I need the things to translate in a text file.
SimPE can export/import strings into text files. Export English strings, translate them, and import back into Danish. Pescado instructed me to send him translated text files.

Before "Fly to school" action for no reason there's an asterisk ("*"). I believe it's like that in all languages.
Exactly where? STR# 0x0000012E of PersonGlobal has "Fly to Work" and "Fly to School", but I see no asterisk.

Pescado told me about those strings beginning with asterisk. They are not intended to be displayed, so no translation is necessary.

Lipless Loser
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
« Reply #52 on: 2008 December 02, 19:29:36 »

Lord Darcy i have attached German textlists for autoyak and sleepclock i am working on makrotastics but i need to know which textlists are used, for now the MakeActionString prim string set is mostly translated but i could not find the string for Business.../Be Salesperson it stays English in Game all others are under Geschäft.../.

Edit: Strings removed they are in the other replies now.
« Last Edit: 2008 December 07, 18:05:23 by Havelock » Logged
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
« Reply #53 on: 2008 December 04, 13:08:07 »

2008-12-04: Added PetGlobals. Fixed a lot of existing strings in different languages. Removed garbage strings in unused languages for smaller file size.

i could not find the string for Business.../Be Salesperson it stays English in Game all others are under Geschäft.../.
Business.../Be Salesperson exists in autosoc, which is now part of Macrotastics.

Probably you will need to contact Pescado directly via IRC. Although I heard that he is very busy with InSim/Walt business ATM.

Lipless Loser
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/04)
« Reply #54 on: 2008 December 07, 14:04:57 »

Lord Darcy i have removed German Strings i have translated at this time. There is some reworking needed i will post when they are finished. Its a PitA to find all strings needed in the hacks i get still a cluttered Menue sometimes.  Embarrassed
« Last Edit: 2008 December 07, 14:46:46 by Havelock » Logged
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/04)
« Reply #55 on: 2008 December 07, 15:22:34 »

Ow, and I just informed Pescado about your reworked BUY toilet paper mesh... Tongue
The new mesh looks much better, no more clunky and angled toilet paper.

Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/11)
« Reply #56 on: 2008 December 10, 17:04:35 »

2008-12-11: Updated to v1.09.

is the fix compatible with the official patch? The magic cauldron was updated so it has the new "Weiter (...) herstellen" (Continue crafting (...)).
AL patch fixed b0rked cauldron strings for "Resume Making" interactions. Previously, wrong object name was displayed in cauldron pie menu.
I forgot to incorporate this update. Fixed in v1.09.

Also restored AWOL BedGlobals strings, stupid me.

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
« Reply #57 on: 2008 December 11, 07:47:19 »

Exactly where? STR# 0x0000012E of PersonGlobal has "Fly to Work" and "Fly to School", but I see no asterisk.

Pescado told me about those strings beginning with asterisk. They are not intended to be displayed, so no translation is necessary.

Just checked it. Only Danish actually. But it does display. Somebody must've pressed the wrong key. It should be "Flyv i skole" without an asterisk.

Thanks for the cauldron fix again.
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
« Reply #58 on: 2008 December 11, 14:04:08 »

Looks like most of glaring mistakes were taken care of.

Only Danish actually. But it does display. Somebody must've pressed the wrong key. It should be "Flyv i skole" without an asterisk.
Will be fixed in the next version.

Thanks for the cauldron fix again.
Are those "Resume Making (potion)" strings grammatically correct in Danish? I copypasta'ed Danish potion names from this post to fix them.

Tasty Tourist

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/11)
« Reply #59 on: 2008 December 22, 20:28:43 »

I recently used the three "clutter boxes" (which came with Bon Voyage I think) in a business owned by a sim.

I made the boxes "buyable" but the texts which are shown when I click the objects does not make any sense in german:
"Durchsuchen" which means "search through" will set the price
"Objekt zeigen" which means "show object" will set the price
"Preis festlegen" which means "set price" will refill the box when something was sold
At least "Ware präsentieren..." (= show to sb.) does what is says.

IIRC the boxes with jewelry show correct texts.

Could you please have a look into that and correct the texts?

Or are these objects not save to use in a sims business?
I ask because the animation when a sim buys something out of these boxes doesn't seem to be correct. At least in my game in this sim-owned shop the sims will not grab towards these boxes when they want to buy as they do with any other object they want to buy. But they will go to the cash desk and pay afterwards so they actually must have taken something out of the box.
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/11)
« Reply #60 on: 2008 December 23, 12:58:22 »

2008-12-23: Updated to v1.10. Fixed OFB business strings for souvenir racks and Danish string for "Fly to School".

The business strings for BV souvenir racks were wrong in all languages except for US English, because OFB features of souvenir racks were never completed. Furthermore, EAxis deliberately crippled remaining OFB features of souvenir racks in one of BV patches.

Or are these objects not save to use in a sims business?
I ask because the animation when a sim buys something out of these boxes doesn't seem to be correct. At least in my game in this sim-owned shop the sims will not grab towards these boxes when they want to buy as they do with any other object they want to buy. But they will go to the cash desk and pay afterwards so they actually must have taken something out of the box.

You need my other fix to make souvenir racks fully functional in OFB businesses. It fixes the animation problem you've mentioned, and makes restockers "aware of" souvenir racks in their restock routine.

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #61 on: 2009 January 18, 12:20:55 »

Hey just saw it in my German game:
The new AL kiss interaction (Suck Face/ Abknutschen) is not in the same string as the older kissing ones.
There is an space between "Küssen"("Kiss") and the three dots.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #62 on: 2009 January 18, 13:35:52 »

I discovered another mistake in French.
While clicking on a radio, Maxis music stations are in "Changer de style.../<name of the station>". But custom stations are in "Changer pour.../Station personnalisée.../<name of the custom station>". Maxis stations should be in "Changer de station.../<name of the station>" (yes, I made a mistake a long time ago) ; custom stations should be in "Changer de station.../Station personnalisée/<name of the custom station").
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #63 on: 2009 January 18, 15:06:25 »

Hey just saw it in my German game:
The new AL kiss interaction (Suck Face/ Abknutschen) is not in the same string as the older kissing ones.
There is an space between "Küssen"("Kiss") and the three dots.
I already fixed it around v1.01. Tested in my German AnyGame:

Are you sure you don't have another hack that also modifies PersonGlobals strings? A lot of hacks contain this stringset to add new functions in Sim pie menu.

@Timoram: I can't figure out where the text string of custom station is stored. The only way I can merge them under one menu is to change all Maxis stations like "Changer pour.../<name of the station>".

I have a question about food strings used by cooking objects. Both "Get (cooked food)" and "Make.../(single plate or group meal)" use "Préparer". Except for OFB desserts, which use "Prendre". They should not share the same verb, otherwise pie menu can be jumbled when Sims take cooked food off the stove.
I'm going to use "Prendre" for all base game food to maintain consistency. Is it a suitable translation for "Get" function? Like "Prendre.../Omelettes" or "Prendre Homard Thermidor", for example.

« Last Edit: 2009 January 21, 11:18:12 by Lord Darcy » Logged

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #64 on: 2009 January 18, 17:38:14 »

Shit! I have only one new hack that would make such a mess. I have to contact MadCat.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #65 on: 2009 January 18, 21:30:12 »

@Timoram: I can't figure out where the text string of custom station is stored. The only way I can merge them under one menu is to change all Maxis stations like "Changer pour.../<name of the station>".

I have a question about food strings used by cooking objects. Both "Get (cooked food)" and "Make.../(single plate or group meal)" use "Préparer". Except for OFB desserts, which use "Prendre". They should not share the same verb, otherwise pie menu can be jumbled when Sims take cooked food off the stove.
I'm going to use "Prendre" for all base game food to maintain consistency. Is it a suitable translation for "Get" function? Like "Prendre.../Omelettes" or "Prendre Homard Thermidor", for example.

All the things below should apply to all cooking objects.

1. "Servir le déjeuner.../Soupe "Le potager de Mamie" and "Servir déjeuner.../(any other group meal)" should be merge into "Servir le déjeuner.../(name of the group meal)"

2. "Prendre.../Omelettes" doesn't have sense, because it means "take a meal already cooked" ("Omelettes" needs to except if the meal is already cooked and ready to be eaten. The "Get" fonction should be only available for these meals (that doesn't need to be cook) : "Gelée" and "Repas instantané", and also FT plates that only appear with a minimum hobby enthousiasm for Cooking. I think the "Get" interaction should be "Prendre.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the group meal)" or "Prendre.../Plat individuel.../(name of the single meal)".

3. I think fridge interactions are too much complicate.
- With "Servir déjeuner.../" (or "Servir le dîner.../" or "Servir le petit-déjeuner.../"), a Sim will cook will cook a group meal, then put it on any counter or island, and then take one plate to eat, except for "Repas instantané" : they'll take (without cooking), put on any counter or island and then eat a "Repas instantané" in group meal size.
- With "Déjeuner.../" (or "Dîner, or "Petit-déjeuner"), a Sim will cook a single plate, then put it on any counter or island, and then take one plate to eat, except for "Repas instantané" : they'll take (without cooking), put on any counter or island and then eat a single "Repas instantané".
- With "Servir le dessert.../", a Sim will cook will cook a group meal, then put it on any counter or island, and then take one plate to eat except for "Gelée" : they'll take (without cooking), put on any counter or island and then eat a "Gelée" in a group meal size.
- With "Préparer.../Repas de groupe.../", a Sim will cook (without eating) a single group meal, and put it on any counter or island.
- With "Préparer.../Plat individuel.../", a Sim will cook (without eating) a single plate, and put it on any counter or island.
- With "Préparer plusieurs.../Repas de groupe.../" and "Préparer plusieurs.../Plat individuel.../", a Sim will cook respectively group meals or single plates until you stop him/her.
- With "Servir une assiette.../", a Sim will take a group meal, then put it on any counter or island, and then take one plate to eat.

I think "Petit-déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le petit-déjeuner.../Plat individuel.../(name of the meal)" and "Servir le petit-déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le petit-déjeuner.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the meal)", in order to match OFB interactions.
Lunch : "Déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le déjeuner.../Plat individuel.../(name of the meal)" and "Servir le déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" or "Servir déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le déjeuner.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the meal)".
Dinner : "Dîner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le dîner.../Plat individuel.../(name of the meal)" and "Servir le dîner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le dîner.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the meal)".

And in French Canadian :
Breakfast : "Petit-déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le déjeuner.../Plat individuel.../(name of the meal)" and "Servir le petit-déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le déjeuner.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the meal)".
Lunch "Déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le dîner.../Plat individuel.../(name of the meal)" and "Servir le déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" or "Servir déjeuner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le dîner.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the meal)".
Dinner : "Dîner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le souper.../Plat individuel.../(name of the meal)" and "Servir le dîner.../(name of the meal)" should be "Cuisiner le souper.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the meal)".

Also, I think you should merge "Servir une assiette.../(name of the meal)", "

In fact, "Préparer" means cook a meal and put it somewhere to eat it later. "Cuisiner" means cook a meal, serve it (or take a plate) and then eat it.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #66 on: 2009 January 18, 23:00:31 »

I all... i'm spanish and my english is terrible but i want made a request...

All the things they do are for english users only, i'm having problems to understand all the interactions with the npc's that they offer...  Huh

Mmm... i don't know a thing of create a mod, but i figure it's a huge work... sorry for importune you with this...

Well, goodbye.

P.S. Another request, but this is something different, in sims 1, play with toy house with another, increase friendship, but in the sims 2, only social... i have two twin toddlers that have 0 friendship... that's make me angry, they play all day toguether... >_< someone can do something, or is already fixed with a mod?

My games are:
# Original
# University
# Nightlife
# Open for Business
# Pets
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# Bon Voyage
# Free Time
# Family Fun Stuff
# Teen Style Stuff
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #67 on: 2009 January 19, 10:57:53 »

I forgot a thing...
I have all Castway Stories conversions, and I saw that CS potions can be drink while clicking on a Sim and click "Drink Potion.../(name of the CS potion)" and in French "Boire la potion.../(name of the CS potion)". Why not include the TS "Drink" interaction into "Drink Potion.../(name of the potion)" (French : "Boire la potion.../(name of the potion)", in order to match CS "Drink" interaction ?

Example (in English) : "Drink Potion.../Love Potion"
Example (in French) : "Boire la potion.../Essence enchantée de queue de chiens"

So this change should apply to those potions (name in French) :
- Chasse-sorcière (AL potion) (the original name of the interaction is "Utiliser le Chasse-sorcière")
- Chlorophyrine (SSN potion) (original name of the interaction : "Utiliser de la chlorophyrine")
- Délycanthropique (Pets potion) (original name : "Boire le délycanthropique")
- Vampirociline (NL potion for vampires) (orignal name : "Utiliser la Vampirociline")
- Philtre d'amour 8.5 (Love Potion, came with NL) (original name : "Boire le philtre d'amour 8.5")
- Oublicine pré-dosée (can change the turn on/turn off, came with NL) (original name : "Boire Oublicine pré-dosée")

Others potions that can be make by a witch (Essence enchantée de queues de chiens et Sucre épicé magique) cannot be drink when they're inside the inventory.
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #68 on: 2009 January 19, 11:54:56 »

Shit! I have only one new hack that would make such a mess. I have to contact MadCat.

Well, I already mentioned this issue a couple of times, in case you didn't notice. Tongue

Note: To fix cluttered Sim menu (like new AL kiss or Vamprocillin-D on Gypsy), I had to make overrides for PersonGlobals text strings. Chances are that it may conflict with other hacks (like InTeen) which also alter these resources.

HCDU shows 2 conflicts between this fix and the Inteenimater B Package , would that be a problem??
Inteen modifies the same PersonGlobal text string as this fix. If you can't part with InTeen, make sure that InTeen loads after this fix. You'll lose corrections for Sim interactions (like Dance or Buy Potion) though.

Personally I don't Kill Kittens, but it would be nice if MadCat includes fixed PersonGlobal stringset in the new version of InTeen. I only fixed it in the EAxian way it was supposed to be. The only exception is Sim menu for dances. "Dance Together" "Slow Dance" and "Dance.../Classic" are now found under "Dance.../".

@Timoram: For Food strings, original EAxian strings should be honoured, however awkward they may be. The key is consistency. If I arbitrarily change them as I see fit, fridge menu will be hopelessly cluttered when you have custom food.

1. "Servir le déjeuner.../Soupe "Le potager de Mamie" and "Servir déjeuner.../(any other group meal)" should be merge into "Servir le déjeuner.../(name of the group meal)"
I'm going to move Grandma's Comfort Soup under "Servir déjeuner...", rather than to move all the other foods under "Servir le déjeuner...".

2. "Prendre.../Omelettes" doesn't have sense, because it means "take a meal already cooked" ("Omelettes" needs to except if the meal is already cooked and ready to be eaten. The "Get" fonction should be only available for these meals (that doesn't need to be cook) : "Gelée" and "Repas instantané", and also FT plates that only appear with a minimum hobby enthousiasm for Cooking. I think the "Get" interaction should be "Prendre.../Repas de groupe.../(name of the group meal)" or "Prendre.../Plat individuel.../(name of the single meal)".
"Get" function is not what you think. Observe:

Both "Get" and "Make..." use "Préparer". Except for OFB desserts, which use "Prendre". Unless "Prendre" is something really unacceptable, I'm going to stick to existing EAxian strings for consistency, rather than to introduce a whole new verb.

3. I think fridge interactions are too much complicate.
<French Teal Deer snipped>
This mod is mainly for correcting mistakes, not for drastically changing EAxian way as you see fit.

Also, I think you should merge "Servir une assiette.../(name of the meal)",
This is a FT-exclusive function, so it should be left untouched.

I'm not going to include CS fix in this mod. Contact the makers of CS conversions.
Had a reading comprehension fail moment, now I understand what you meant. I never used CS potion before, I'll have a look at it.

I all... i'm spanish and my english is terrible but i want made a request...

All the things they do are for english users only, i'm having problems to understand all the interactions with the npc's that they offer...  Huh
Lolwut? Why should I support someone else's payshit? And what does dollhouse have anything to do with pie menu fix? This is NOT a request forum, in case you didn't notice.
« Last Edit: 2009 January 26, 01:52:55 by Lord Darcy » Logged

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #69 on: 2009 January 19, 16:31:00 »

Both "Get" and "Make..." use "Préparer". Except for OFB desserts, which use "Prendre". Unless "Prendre" is something really unacceptable, I'm going to stick to existing EAxian strings for consistency, rather than to introduce a whole new verb.

Use "Prendre" is not so unacceptable (if the meal has to be taken from the stove, the microwave or the grill), except for this :

But, in fact, the meal will be ready and you'll have to take it. So this verb's correct.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #70 on: 2009 January 19, 19:10:21 »

Sorry... for being stupid...  Cry
Sometimes I forget that however geniuses that you are, aren't omnipotent... and you do not have a magic wand to do the job.
And sorry for write this here (it suddenly occurred to me to put it) where I should not.
Again sorry.
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #71 on: 2009 January 21, 11:00:33 »

Use "Prendre" is not so unacceptable (if the meal has to be taken from the stove, the microwave or the grill), except for this :

But, in fact, the meal will be ready and you'll have to take it. So this verb's correct.
Thanks for the confirmation. The string is changed from "Resume Cooking" to "Get (food)" or "Get.../(food)" when the cooking process is completed with that "ting" sound.

More French help is needed.

"Encourage.../To Be Outgoing" string is translated into "Encourager.../A se montrer extraverti", while the rest of strings are translated into "Encourager à être.../(personality)", resulting in inconsistency. "Encourager à être.../A se montrer extraverti" doesn't seem to be grammatically correct.

From "Management..." on OFB employees. Crafted flowers use "Composer", unlike all the rest of craftables (OFB and FT alike) which use "Fabriquer". Can I safely use "Fabriquer" on OFB flowers too? Like "Fabriquer des Bouquets de fleurs mélangées" or "Fabriquer à l'unité.../Bouquet de tulipes", for example. Just like food strings, I'd rather use "Fabriquer" if it's something acceptable.
(Notice that I already moved the orphaned "Management.../Craft Robots.../Servo" menu under "Make Many...".)

"Snuggle" on toddlers. Looks like this interaction was originally designed as "Hug.../Snuggle" but changed at the last minute, after all translations were sent in. It should be just one verb sans slash. What do you suggest? Will "Se blottir" work?

Man, this PersonGlobals string is a mess. Every time I update this fix, I come up with a fresh batch of b0rkenness from PersonGlobals. I also fixed orphaned "Comment tu me trouves" (Do You Like What You See?), so that it properly appears under "Demander..." (Ask...).

EAxis is partly to blame for this mess, failing to provide enough information for translators to maintain consistency. They used to give detailed descriptions around EP1 or EP2, but recent EPs come with almost nil information to guide translators. One more evidence that quality control is a long-lost concept inside EAxis.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #72 on: 2009 January 21, 17:58:20 »

"Encourage.../To Be Outgoing" string is translated into "Encourager.../A se montrer extraverti", while the rest of strings are translated into "Encourager à être.../(personality)", resulting in inconsistency. "Encourager à être.../A se montrer extraverti" doesn't seem to be grammatically correct.

I never noticed this bug before! I should seriously wear glasses.

From "Management..." on OFB employees. Crafted flowers use "Composer", unlike all the rest of craftables (OFB and FT alike) which use "Fabriquer". Can I safely use "Fabriquer" on OFB flowers too? Like "Fabriquer des Bouquets de fleurs mélangées" or "Fabriquer à l'unité.../Bouquet de tulipes", for example. Just like food strings, I'd rather use "Fabriquer" if it's something acceptable.
(Notice that I already moved the orphaned "Management.../Craft Robots.../Servo" menu under "Make Many...".)

Hmm... "Fabriquer" only apply to technology. "Composer" is correct, since the badge's name is "Composition florale". For a correct verb for all OFB craftables, "Créer" is more appropriate.

"Snuggle" on toddlers. Looks like this interaction was originally designed as "Hug.../Snuggle" but changed at the last minute, after all translations were sent in. It should be just one verb sans slash. What do you suggest? Will "Se blottir" work?

Yep, exactly.
Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #73 on: 2009 January 22, 09:58:22 »

Any suggestion for Encourage strings?

Hmm... "Fabriquer" only apply to technology. "Composer" is correct, since the badge's name is "Composition florale". For a correct verb for all OFB craftables, "Créer" is more appropriate.
Is "Créer" suitable for FT craftables too? Because all craftables, OFB and FT alike, should use the same verb. It must be something generic like "Make".

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/12/23)
« Reply #74 on: 2009 January 22, 11:59:32 »

For Encorage strings, it should be "Encourager.../À être (personality)" to match english strings "Encourage.../To Be (personality)". So "Encourager.../A se montrer extraverti" should be "Encourager.../À être extraverti". (dont forget the accent on the A), and all others strings should be "Encourager.../À être soigné", "Encourager.../À être sympathique", "Encourager.../À être actif" & ""Encourager.../À être espiègle".

Hmm... "Fabriquer" only apply to technology. "Composer" is correct, since the badge's name is "Composition florale". For a correct verb for all OFB craftables, "Créer" is more appropriate.
Is "Créer" suitable for FT craftables too? Because all craftables, OFB and FT alike, should use the same verb. It must be something generic like "Make".

In French, "Make" is translate into "Faire". "Faire" is too general and not enough specific. "Créer" is more appropriate.
But it will be better if we have (in French) a specific verb for every craftable, but it will not match others languages and it would be redundant.
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