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Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/05/02)
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Topic: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/05/02) (Read 146812 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/18)
Reply #25 on:
2008 October 18, 17:41:09 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 October 17, 23:45:33
Updated to v1.01.
Quote from: Timoram on 2008 October 17, 15:58:57
Living statue
"Donner un conseil" should be "Donner un pourboire", to correct the litteral traduction.
Not sure what you mean by "living statue". Is it a decorative object?
Lord Darcy Living Statue is called Poised Podium by Performance Arts.
Edit: removed Fixes.
Last Edit: 2008 October 19, 04:59:03 by Havelock
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/18)
Reply #26 on:
2008 October 18, 19:47:59 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 October 17, 23:45:33
In Norwegian, Everyday and PJs use "Kle på...", while Outerwear uses "Kle...". Which one should I use?
Actually I don't speak Norwegian, but they used "Kle på" both for one toddler and more toddlers in original game. I'd stick to that for outdoors, then.
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 October 17, 23:45:33
No, "Dance Together", "Slow Dance" and "Dance.../Classic" are all scattered in other languages too.
All 3 dances now show up under "Dance..." in English, German, French, Danish and Korean. If anyone has better suggestion for translated text, please let me know.
Sweet. Slow dance is back to the menu now. I'm either blind or it went missing after some EP.
More mess:
Someone mentioned messed buying potions from the matchmaker.
In Danish they appear under "Køb drik", "Køb mikstur" and "Køb eliksir". Best change all to "Køb eliksir", to match with the cauldron.
Speaking of potions and cauldron...
The cauldron is more messed up than it seemed at first sight. Some names of potions don't correspond with names given to actual objects. Here's the corrected version of the strings:
Lav eliksir.../Plantophic-C should be
Lav eliksir.../Vita-Visno
Lav eliksir.../Kærlighedseliksir nr. 8,5 should be
Lav eliksir.../Elskovsdrik
Lav eliksir.../ReNuYu-transpotyller should be
Lav eliksir.../FahNihDien-transpotyller
Lav mange eliksirer.../Plantophic-C should be
Lav mange eliksirer.../Vita-Visno
Lav mange eliksirer.../Kærlighedseliksir nr. 8,5 should be
Lav mange eliksirer.../Elskovsdrikke
Lav mange eliksirer.../ReNuYu-transpotyllere should be
Lav mange eliksirer.../FahNihDien-transpotyllere
These lacked/wrongly used capital letters (rushing work is bad
dear translators)
(Here are corrected strings):
Påvirk.../Drik Farvellerhek-S ($local:0)
Påvirk.../Drik Fortryllet essens af hundehaler ($local:0)
Påvirk.../Drik Magisk krydret sukker ($local:0)
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Lord Darcy
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
Reply #27 on:
2008 October 18, 23:27:33 »
Updated to v1.02. Added Salon Chair (German), Human Statue (French) and Spellbook (Danish).
Thanks zoebme and Havelock for providing German translation and fix. Added in the new version.
@bloodredtoe: Thanks for mentioning cauldron mess. While fixing Danish texts, I also looked into Korean texts, and discovered one glaring mistranslation. "
of Darkness Ceiling Light" was translated as "
of Darkness Ceiling Light".
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
Reply #28 on:
2008 October 19, 18:18:09 »
Wow, great update ! Thanks !
I've notice a little mistake (in French) with the interaction "Danser un slow", that you had corrected in "Danser.../un slow". It should be "Danser.../
n slow". Yes, I'm perfectionist.
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
Reply #29 on:
2008 October 20, 01:51:00 »
Quote from: zasusi on 2008 October 19, 17:19:14
HCDU shows 2 conflicts between this fix and the Inteenimater B Package , would that be a problem??*** POSSIBLE CONFLICT DETECTED ***
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
Reply #30 on:
2008 October 20, 10:14:26 »
Quote from: zasusi on 2008 October 19, 17:19:14
HCDU shows 2 conflicts between this fix and the Inteenimater B Package , would that be a problem??
Inteen modifies the same PersonGlobal text string as this fix. If you can't part with InTeen, make sure that InTeen loads
this fix. You'll lose corrections for Sim interactions (like Dance or Buy Potion) though.
Quote from: Timoram on 2008 October 19, 18:18:09
I've notice a little mistake (in French) with the interaction "Danser un slow", that you had corrected in "Danser.../un slow". It should be "Danser.../
n slow". Yes, I'm perfectionist.
Noted. I'm a bit of perfectionist too.
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
Reply #31 on:
2008 October 20, 16:16:31 »
I discovered another menu that's messed up in German. It's the "Meet group...", introduced by Nightlife. Options are doubled here, but one of them leads only to "Just for fun", while the other leads to both "Just for fun" and "For an outing".
Editing function here is also messed up, so I give precise info about "Meet group" here:
1) Gruppe einladen - Nur zum Spaß / Zu einem Ausflug
2) Gruppe auf Gemeinschaftsgrundstück treffen - Nur zum Spaß
3) Gruppe auf Gemeinschaftsgrundstück treffen... - Zu einem Ausflug
Same here as in several other menus: One option with 3 dots, one without (why the hell did they do that?). 2) and 3) should be merged together.
Moderator edit:
Inline modify button seems to be unstable. Use regular Modify button on top of the topic instead.
Last Edit: 2008 December 02, 10:28:26 by Lord Darcy
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
Reply #32 on:
2008 October 20, 21:27:12 »
Quote from: Entgleichen on 2008 October 20, 17:36:33
Editing function here is also messed up, so I give precise info about "Meet group" here:
1) Gruppe einladen - Nur zum Spaß / Zu einem Ausflug
2) Gruppe auf Gemeinschaftsgrundstück treffen - Nur zum Spaß
3) Gruppe auf Gemeinschaftsgrundstück treffen... - Zu einem Ausflug
Same here as in several other menus: One option with 3 dots, one without (why the hell did they do that?). 2) and 3) should be merged together.
Because he get stupid sometimes.
Lord Darcy i have attached the fixed strings.
Edit: Attachement removed.
Last Edit: 2008 October 21, 08:06:03 by Havelock
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/21)
Reply #33 on:
2008 October 20, 21:53:37 »
Updated to v1.03. Added Phone SemiGlobal text string to fix "Meet Group on Community Lot" in German. Also fixed the PersonGlobal glitch in Nursery Rhyme popup that affects all languages except for US English. Wrong translation was used for "Gained XXX Skill" popup.
@Havelock: Thanks for the fix. Added in the new version.
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/21)
Reply #34 on:
2008 October 22, 16:02:45 »
Learning from single books (that weren't put back into the shelf before) is divided into "Lernen ..." and "Lernen...".
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/21)
Reply #35 on:
2008 October 22, 17:50:19 »
Quote from: Entgleichen on 2008 October 22, 16:02:45
Learning from single books (that weren't put back into the shelf before) is divided into "Lernen ..." and "Lernen...".
Made Fix and also fixed Very Mysterious Shelving. Read Book.../Mysteriously Mysterious Mystery Novel ( Buch lesen .../Mysteriös mysteriöser Mystery-Roman also divided by space.)
Lord Darcy if you add this to your fix no thanks in your next post please.
Only tell me its added so i could remove the attachement.
Edit: Attachement removed
Last Edit: 2008 October 23, 17:18:36 by Havelock
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/21)
Reply #36 on:
2008 October 23, 15:30:07 »
Updated to v1.04. Added Book SemiGlobal to fix German and Korean.
Quote from: Havelock on 2008 October 22, 17:50:19
Lord Darcy if you add this to your fix no thanks in your next post please.
Only tell me its added so i could remove the attachement.
Ah yes, this is MATY after all.
Fix was included in the new version.
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Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/24)
Reply #37 on:
2008 October 24, 09:39:00 »
There's this annoying little thing with radio stations in Finnish where two radio stations are separate from others because of an extra space.
It's not a big issue but I would be thankful if it would be fixed.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/25)
Reply #38 on:
2008 October 25, 04:08:03 »
Updated to v1.05. Fixed Jam Band and New Age stations in Finnish.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/25)
Reply #39 on:
2008 November 06, 09:44:58 »
Hey there !
EAxis were very very lazy - or they leave some bugs to decrease the price of theirs Sims games, I don't know... But there's always a new bug to find !
In French, the new expensive bed that came with AL (who vibrate) has an incorrect name for the interaction "Vibrate"... It's "Vibrate" and it should be "Vibrer".
And I think this interaction doesn't work entierly.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/25)
Reply #40 on:
2008 November 07, 14:03:22 »
Updated to v1.06. Added Bed SemiGlobal to fix French text for vibrating beds.
Quote from: Timoram on 2008 November 06, 09:44:58
And I think this interaction doesn't work entierly.
The vibrating bed works fine in my game.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #41 on:
2008 November 07, 14:47:06 »
BTW: Anytime you include a modified stringset, it is recommended that you just nuke the EN_UK strings to force them to default to the EN_US strings, as there is no point in having a redundant identical stringset and it will make the resulting file a good deal smaller, unless you actually implement British spelling...and even then, you'd only need to keep those strings.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #42 on:
2008 November 13, 10:26:06 »
I found many wrong interactions names, in French, of course.
First of all, the classic error of "Danser" and "Danser.../Smustle" :
Should be "Danser.../En solo" instead of "Danser".
And, there's this interaction (when you select a Sim, and then "Kiss.../") :
It should be "En dansant".
And, the interaction between two members of a secret society is "Jouer.../Poignée de main secrète". It should be "Saluer.../Poignée de main secrète".
And, there's so many errors for those interactions :
This interaction appears if you want your Sim join others Sims that play Footbag. Should be "Participer au Footbag".
Appears if you want your Sim join others Sims that play with water bombs, or snow balls. I think it's the annoying game that came in Seasons... Should be "Participer à la bataille de bombes à eau" and for the winter's game "Participer à la bataille de boules de neiges".
Appears if you want to dance (the base game dance) and if you click on a Sim that already dance. Should be "Participer à la danse".
No comments... Should be "Participer aux fléchettes".
Should be "Participer aux échecs".
This is the game that came with Free Time. Should be "Participer au Lama qui dort".
Mahjong game from Bon Voyage. Should be "Participer au Mahjong pour s'amuser".
Should be "Participer au Mahjong pour de l'argent".
The water game (I didn't know the English name) that came with Bon Voyage. Should be "Participer aux bûches nautiques".
Basketball game that came with Free Time. Should be "Participer au basketball".
The train game (why I didn't remember the original name ?) in Free Time. Should be "Aider pour ajouter l'élement".
It's the poker table from Nightlife. Should be "Participer au poker".
Soccer goal from Free Time. Should be "Participer au football" (yes, in French, "football" means soccer !).
That's all today !
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #43 on:
2008 November 17, 12:24:16 »
About the whole bunch of "Join" and "Ask to Join" requests:
Not broken, they are working as intended. It's the same way in English too, e.g. just "Join" and "Watch", not "Join Soccer". "Join" and "Ask to Join" are dynamic pie menus which are globally added to the objects when required, not tied with specific objects. Same goes to the solo dancing in all instruments.
About Secret Handshake.
Quote from: Timoram on 2008 November 13, 10:26:06
And, the interaction between two members of a secret society is "Jouer.../Poignée de main secrète". It should be "Saluer.../Poignée de main secrète".
Secret Handshake is a
interaction, not a
interaction. It appears under "Play" in English too. I'm not arbitrarily moving interactions around to where I see fit. AFAIR, "Greet..." was only introduced in AL. If I move Secret Handshake from Play to Greet, Sim menu in pre-AL EPs will be cluttered
, not less.
Last Edit: 2008 November 17, 14:30:34 by Lord Darcy
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #44 on:
2008 November 17, 14:25:17 »
Quote from: Timoram on 2008 November 13, 10:26:06
Soccer goal from Free Time. Should be "Participer au football" (yes, in French, "football" means soccer !).
I think it means that basically everywhere but the US.
Also, you people need to volunteer to translate my stuff. When I get a free moment, I'm going to start picking out people to volunteer, and those who perform the tasks will receive the prized "not being thrown in a vat of boiling sharks" award.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #45 on:
2008 November 18, 16:43:04 »
Updated to v1.07. Removed "(Play) For Fun" from FT Family Board Game in UK English, French, German & Korean. Fixed "Kiss.../Dance" in French.
Removed redundant UK English strings as suggested by Pescado.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 17, 14:25:17
Also, you people need to volunteer to translate my stuff.
Like translating Macrotastics?
Korean people can really use some translations for Awesomeware. Although critical fixes like alfix are widely used, I don't remember anyone mentioning feature-mods like Macrotastics or BUY in Korean communities.
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Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #46 on:
2008 November 19, 08:29:21 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 17, 14:25:17
Also, you people need to volunteer to translate my stuff. When I get a free moment, I'm going to start picking out people to volunteer, and those who perform the tasks will receive the prized "not being thrown in a vat of boiling sharks" award.
I could do the Finnish translations.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
Reply #47 on:
2008 November 23, 14:03:46 »
I found another error. When you want to play football if you have FreeTime, you'll see in French "Jouer.../Football"...
Canadian French
Football Football Football américain
Soccer Soccer Football
Rugby (same name in English, Canadian French and French)
In France, we didn't use to play football. "We" prefer rugby (personally I hate soccer, rugby and tennis ; I love fencing). So I didn't know which name would be correct, cause Sims just play with the ball. For froggies that live in France, it should be "Jouer.../Rugby", and for French that live in Canada, should be "Jouer.../Football". Or not ?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/07)
Reply #48 on:
2008 November 23, 15:11:59 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 November 18, 16:43:04
Like translating Macrotastics?
Yes. You should show up in grah so we can work through this.
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 November 18, 16:43:04
Korean people can really use some translations for Awesomeware. Although critical fixes like alfix are widely used, I don't remember anyone mentioning feature-mods like Macrotastics or BUY in Korean communities.
Critical fixes don't need translation, though, as they contain no text.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/11/19)
Reply #49 on:
2008 November 23, 21:20:15 »
I almost forgot about gardener members. When you want to buy some chlorophyl... dechlrophyllli... hmm, if you want buy a potion that turn Plantsim to a normal Sim, you'll see (in French, of course) "Acheter une potion.../Chlorophylline/". It have to be "Acheter une potion.../Chlorophylline.../", of course !
And, gardener members will always sells only this potion ; it's the same thing for all NPC that sell potions, except gypsy and witches.
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