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Author Topic: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.  (Read 154827 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #50 on: 2009 June 19, 21:33:46 »

I emptied it - never content to just FUBAR myself part way. But pushing on: I re-read instructions, and re-installed 2 other hoods, with the same results. It's not that difficult, it works for other people.. but if you have any suggestions, I will try anything. I HAVE saved all the originals, in my usual through fashion, which was totally unnecessary as they were never worked (had re-installed everything.)
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #51 on: 2009 June 20, 07:54:37 »

 Check your messages.

edit:  Your inbox will only hold five messages.  So if you are wondering why you haven't gotten any responses you may wish to delete something.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 28, 03:24:30 by tryclyn » Logged

Then cat rang his own bell.  I ate food.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #52 on: 2010 June 15, 17:50:40 »

Hello i have a very curious question about this issue, the thing is, i always try to create the minimum total of sims in my game to reduce the game size regarding to the memory to make it speed up... sorry for my english is not my mother language so im trying to be most clear i can Smiley, so what i want to ask you is... when you kill a sim or for example when a sim dies and you delete it's tombstone will it 'file' be permanently deleted? and it will reduce the game size, do you get me? or it will still be the same thing? and what's the best way to reduce the size, because i have the feeling when the game is full of sims playables and non playables including townies it makes the game be slow load slow etc, so im abit confused too, is this thread regarding to what im talking(reducing size of game) or something completely different? Thanks very much for reading me. Roll Eyes
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #53 on: 2010 June 16, 10:21:17 »

Hello i have a very curious question about this issue, the thing is, i always try to create the minimum total of sims in my game to reduce the game size regarding to the memory to make it speed up... sorry for my english is not my mother language so im trying to be most clear i can Smiley, so what i want to ask you is... when you kill a sim or for example when a sim dies and you delete it's tombstone will it 'file' be permanently deleted? and it will reduce the game size, do you get me? or it will still be the same thing? and what's the best way to reduce the size, because i have the feeling when the game is full of sims playables and non playables including townies it makes the game be slow load slow etc, so im abit confused too, is this thread regarding to what im talking(reducing size of game) or something completely different? Thanks very much for reading me. Roll Eyes

First of all: When a sim dies, their file is still fully intact and will not be any smaller than when s/he was still alive, even if you delete the tombstone. In fact, you should not delete the tombstone as this results in unlinked garbage data in your neighbourhood. There is a way to delete the whole sim, but this requires a lot of work and preparation and is not really recommended for a sim that has family relationships.

The best way to reduce the amount of sims in a neighbourhood is to make sure you use clean templates and antiredundancy/notownieregen hacks to keep the unplayable population as low as possible. Also, don't breed your sims excessively and don't make random CAS sims that you end up not wanting to keep.

Just how many sims you can have in one neighbourhood depends on which EPs you have. There should be a list of this somewhere on the forums, do a search. It is true that a big neighbourhood loads more slowly than a small neighbourhood, but I've found that the amount of lots/houses in a neighbourhood affects this a lot more than the amount of sims. A lot file is a great deal bigger than a sim file. Keep your neighbourhoods small and don't build a whole bunch of huge houses and community lots that you're not going to use.

By the way, all of this only affects load speed within the game, i.e. loading a neighbourhood or loading a lot within the neighbourhood. The load time of the game itself is affected by three things: How many EPs you have, how much CC you have (this being the most important factor) and how good your computer is.

It also won't affect lag within a lot. Laggy gameplay is caused by big lots with a lot of stuff on them (big houses, high poly objects), many sims on the same lot at the same time, and most of all, a crappy computer - in which case lowering your graphics settings might help.

Hope that helps you.

In short: Don't delete your tombstones, it won't help you one bit.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #54 on: 2010 June 16, 12:15:35 »

The best way to get rid of load lag is to take your game, your saves, and all that, and install it all onto a RAMdisk. It's really not too difficult these days to and get some 30+ GBs of RAM and partition off most of it as a massive RAMdisk.

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Asinine Airhead

Posts: 9

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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #55 on: 2010 June 18, 23:52:42 »

Hmmm great informations Tarlia & J. M. Pescado!  Roll Eyes Tarlia i think i been breaking the game all the time as i always was deleting the thumbstones  Shocked. But it was exactly what i always wanted to know... because my big worry was to breed too many sims & blabla... end up with a huge game data! Also i have a obsession for cleanning and organizing things haha  Cheesy so these info are very usefull!  Grin Thanks Tarlia & thanks J. M. Pescado.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 5

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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #56 on: 2010 July 15, 09:15:25 »

Sorry, posted this to the old thread first, not realizing this was newer, but I would like to request a new upload of an empty F001 / Desiderata Valley. I  have been back and forth through this topic and over google, but that is one I can't find anywhere, and Emma's 4-shared links are no longer active.

Malodorous Moron
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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #57 on: 2011 May 07, 21:51:59 »

Sorry about the necro, but I have one stupid, on-topic question and I can't find the answer in any of the several threads and tutorials (been searching for the past two hours): when installing a clean template, do I, or do I not, delete the contents of the Lots folders?

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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #58 on: 2011 May 08, 04:48:20 »

Sorry about the necro, but I have one stupid, on-topic question and I can't find the answer in any of the several threads and tutorials (been searching for the past two hours): when installing a clean template, do I, or do I not, delete the contents of the Lots folders?

Do not delete the contents of the Lot folder.

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #59 on: 2011 May 08, 10:44:00 »

Whew! Did it right. I hope. *bleats appreciatively*

Edit: OK, no, I did it wrong. *sigh*
I wanted clean hoods N001, 2 and 3, the rest empty. However, when I entered the game, the only option available was to create a new neighbourhood. Everything actually seems to be working properly in game--I made Testerhood, placed a lot, built a house, entered CAS, made a problems--but the pre-made neighbourhoods just aren't there. Does anyone have any idea where/how I screwed up?

Edit: NM, I figured it out. Everything that is done in the programme files must be duplicated in the Neighbourhood folder in My Documents. Somehow I missed that step. All better now, but I'm mentioning it in case someone else didn't realise the necessity...I don't think the tutorial makes it real clear.
« Last Edit: 2011 May 12, 19:10:23 by croiduire » Logged

The reason that clichés become clichés is that they are the hammers and screwdrivers in the toolbox of communication.
   Guards! Guards! (Terry Pratchett)
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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #60 on: 2011 May 14, 16:28:31 »

The templates are only used when your save game has no Neighborhoods folder.  As long as you already have neighborhoods, the game assumes that you want to keep them as they are.

I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74


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Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates.
« Reply #61 on: 2011 June 16, 21:59:19 »

Thanks for the templates and stuff, you guys.

I don't mind the townies being regenerated.  I just like to be able to play certain neighborhoods minus certain playables, and since I have yet to figure out how to delete Sims safely (I did RTFM but my computer is not cooperative), this is ideal.

I go into SimPE and copy the Sims I want from each 'hood.  Then I can plop them down in empty 'hoods and use SimPE or SimBlender to set relationships.  For example, I only want the Grunts and the Beakers for Strangetown.  I extract them, then "recreate" them in CAS, then plunk them down in an empty Strangetown.

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