If any of you have my female afro hair from MTS2 or TSR please redownload this file and use this one instead as I've redone it. This file contains no textures as it uses the original Maxis male afro textures installed with the game, so it's small file for a hairstyle. It adds an afro hairstyle for teens, adults, young adults (if you have university) and elders in blond, brown, red, black and grey (for elders). For children it adds the short, curly close cropped hairstyle that boys have but enabled for girls. It doesn't add any toddler hair because the baby fro' is already available for toddler girls. The hair will show up under the regular Maxis haircolors and not under custom hairs. It will have the asterix still though. If you've used the Jeannette Beidermann hair it works pretty much the same as that style. This hair functions normally according to Maxis genetics. You will also not get any duplicate toddler, child or elder junk hairs. I made the file to use Maxis textures and be as small and efficient as possible. You can make recolors of it in the bodyshop and have my permission to do so if you want. This updated mesh will still work with Cocokisses' recolors from TSR although the teen hair in that one is messed up do to a bug in the original afro mesh I made a while back. I can fix her recolors though if someone really wants or tell you how to fix it. Permission is also given to repost the file, modify it, share it, upload it to the exchange or whatever the heck else you might want to do with it.  *edited to add counts* The face and vertex count are exactly the same as the Maxis male afro mesh as I didn't add or take anything from it but just reshaped it. faces=1092 vertices=599 This is a fairly low count for a hair.
« Last Edit: 2006 May 28, 11:24:26 by BlueSoup »
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
Thank you very much! There are way too few ethnic hairstyles in the game.
So...when are your nannies going to sport this hairstyle?
Duly re-downloaded and re-placed. Re-thanks
Honestly, I'm so glad you're back. Not that I'm greedy or anything, but you were one of the first ones who paid closer attention to the mess maxis made of the elders. I'm not one yet, but I'm not all that far off (stop cackling), and I hate the way they are displayed. (Now, if someone just could adjust that insulting walk... I know, TJ tried, apparently it can't be done.)
Judging from your Morrowind stuff, may we all hope that you will continue to give up your goodies? (somehow that sounds funny, but since english is not my native language, maybe I'll get away with it, nein? ;D)
LOL yes I do need to make an afro nanny.  I think I'll take a pic of one freestylin' Veilchen: I wanted to go back and redo some of the stuff I made first before I make new stuff. Though speaking of Morrowind, you do know Oblivion is due out soon right? Between that and The Movies I may take some time off of TS2, at least until the Business expansion comes out. Actually, it's been several weeks since I actually played the game for anything other than to test files. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 82
LOL yes I do need to make an afro nanny.  I think I'll take a pic of one freestylin' Veilchen: I wanted to go back and redo some of the stuff I made first before I make new stuff. Though speaking of Morrowind, you do know Oblivion is due out soon right? Between that and The Movies I may take some time off of TS2, at least until the Business expansion comes out. I hate to break the awful news but the fantastic looking Oblivion game has been put back til next spring. Damn them, damn them all. Oh, and thanks for the afros. Its about time the sim girls got 'funkay'. 
Oh really? I kind of figured it would but haven't been keeping up on it so much. I thought they would have wanted to get it out for the Christmas season and the launch of the XBox 360 but guess that wasn't doable.  Oh and I changed my avatar to reflect a new nanny I made (well newly gave surgery to anyhow) with the fro. Happy SciBirg? 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
You're definitely awesome! I have a keen fondness for some of the hairstyles that've been switched to work with the opposite gender, and this looks great! Thanks so much for your time and effort!
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 110
This is awesome hair. Thanks 
Feckless Fool

Posts: 277
Oh really? I kind of figured it would but haven't been keeping up on it so much. I thought they would have wanted to get it out for the Christmas season and the launch of the XBox 360 but guess that wasn't doable.  Oh and I changed my avatar to reflect a new nanny I made (well newly gave surgery to anyhow) with the fro. Happy SciBirg?  Lord man, you know how to make some scary nannies.  Love the 'fro, I'll download the hair later tonight. Now, when are you going to make a nanny that looks like Mary Poppins, hm?
Reality is for those who lack imagination.
You know, someone asked a while back on MTS2 if someone could make a Mary Poppins sim so they could make her a nanny. I commented while I wouldn't mind a Julie Andrews sim, I just couldn't bear to make her a nanny and have poor Mary slapping people and peeing on the floor.  Maybe someday if Maxis or some modder makes nannies that actually work well then I wouldn't mind having Mary as one.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
Oh and I changed my avatar to reflect a new nanny I made (well newly gave surgery to anyhow) with the fro. Happy SciBirg?  LOL! Very happy! That's one happenin' nanny! She may be evil, but she does it in a "Shafty" manner...
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 342
Oh, very nice! Not just the style, but the way you put it together to use default textures. You may start yet another new trend! 
Any chance of real long dreadlocks?
Zephyr Zodiac
I thought someone at MTS2 already did that? They were a bit high on the poly count but I do remember him making them for women at one point.
I suppose I could dig out some of the old Morrowind Redguard hair we used for our mod and look at converting some of those.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
I never really looked at hair at MTS2, maybe I should, but I'd prefer low-poly, my game is getting very overloaded and I'm thinking of taking out the real high-poly stuff.
Zephyr Zodiac
Yes, those were the ones I was thinking of. Looks like CompulsiveD let them repost it there.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
They're beautiful! Thank you! I love the clothes too!
Zephyr Zodiac
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Careful there Lenny...
I love this hair style--and your nanny...she's funkadelic! 
julieanne4678 on TS2 site
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 149
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Thank yo for this hair style. I'm waiting for The Newest Elder Scrolls game too. It's on my list of anticipated games. I did get one of my lists, Civilization IV (quite buggy) but after a lot of system tweaks it finally runs. Kind of reminds me of the days of Master of Magic when you had to put everything in high memory to run on a whole megabyte of ram.
"Search" and Ye shall Find.
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
Well, this is one download I will NOT be having in my game. I've already told you what I think about that fuzzy hat!
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Well, this is one download I will NOT be having in my game. I've already told you what I think about that fuzzy hat!
We will have to make a special all fuzzy afro neighborhood just for you Ancient Sim where all sims, townies and npcs have fuzzy afro hair.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Or Dreadlocks! (just for a bit of variety!) And to really annoy Bangelnuts, they should all be goths!
Zephyr Zodiac
Motoki, I said I'd post as to whether the dreadlocks caused any problems in my game. I did find the beaded ones seemed to slow my game up, but the others are fine. I have two (father and daughter) with the long dreads, and the little boy has a bandana and short dreads. I might try letting the daughter have the beaded ones when she goes to college, as then she won't be one of three!
Zephyr Zodiac