Nice to see you back in business Jason

STR# Variables:
Note: a,b,c, etc. are local variable references
$Object (stack object = objectId, supplies name)
$Local:a (a = value, supplies value)
$Neighbor (stack object = neighorId, supplies name)
$NeighborLocal:a (a = neighborId, supplies name)
$Family (stack object = familyId, supplies family name)
$NameLocal:a (a = objectId, supplies name)
$LastName (stack object = neighborId, supplies last name)
$FullName (stack object = neighborId, supplies full name)
$FullNameLocal:a (a = neighborId, supplies full name)
$CatalogLocal:a (a = objectId, supplies catalog name)
$GUIDCatalogNameLocal:a:b (a = guidLo, b = guidHi, supplies catalog
$TimeLocal:a (a = hour, supplies time)
$DayLocal:a (a = 0 to 6: 0 = Sunday, supplies name - STR# 0x99)
$DayFlags:a (a = day flags, supplies name of days)
$JobTitle:a[:b] (a = job title index, b = objectId, supplies job title)
$FamilyAssets:a (a = familyId, supplies value)
$Money[:a]:b (a = multiplier, b = value, supplies value)
$Cash:a:b (a = multiplier, b = value, supplies value)
$NeighborhoodLocal:a (a = neighborhoodId, supplies neighborhood name)
$PrimaryNeighborhood (supplies name of primary neighborhood)
$LotNameLocalByLotId:a (a = lotId, supplies lot name)
$Attrib:a (a = index, supplies value of attribute)
$SkillName:a (a = skill, supplies name of skill)
$WordPoints (supplies the word "points") (?)
$AspirationString:a:b (a = 0x9A to 0x9E, b = index, supplies name - see
$BehaviorString:a (a = instance, supplies ?)
$PrivateString:a:b (a = instance, b = index, supplies STR#)
$SemiGlobalString (a = instance, b = index, supplies STR#)
$GlobalString:a:b (a = instance, b = index, supplies STR#)
$PropertyPrivateString (a = instance, b = index, supplies value of
$PropertySemiGlobalString (a = instance, b = index, supplies value of
$PropertyGlobalString (a = instance, b = index, supplies value of
$WantDescriptionLocal:a:b (a = personId, b = slotNum, supplies
$WantHelpTextLocal:a:b (a = personId, b = slotNum, supplies help text)
$FearDescriptionLocal:a:b (a = personId, b = slotNum, supplies
$FearHelpTextLocal:a:b (a = personId, b = slotNum, supplies help text)
$Neighbor - Insert name of neighbor pointed at by neighbor ID in
stackObject ID
$FamilyAssets - Insert family monetary Net worth into string from
family index in local var
$Family - Insert house-hold name of person in stack object into string
$Me - Insert catalog name of current person into string
$Object - Insert catalog name of current stack object into string
$Local:X - Insert value of local var X
$TimeLocal - Insert hour of day in text using in index of local var to
point at var with hour value in it new ones
$NameLocal:X - Insert catalog name of object with ID pointed at inside
of local var X
$NameAttrib:X - Insert catalog name of object with ID pointed at index
X of stack objects attribute (?)
$NeighborLocal:X - Insert name of neighbor pointed at by neighbor ID
with ID pointed at inside of local var X (?)
$Attrib:X - Insert attribute value X of stack objects attribute (?)
$CatalogLocal:X - Insert catalog description of object with ID of local
var X (?)
$TokenNameLocal:X - Insert catalog name of object type pointed at by
token type, which is indexed by local var X
$DayLocal:X - Insert text name of day given in local var X. Day values
are 0-6, 0 being Sunday (?)
$JobTitle:X - Insert text name of a job title of given object. Using
index passed in via local var X, this indexes into string table 800 (?)
$PrivateString:X:Y - Gets the Private string from table X, string Y
!WARNING! Guessed, yell at me if wrong
$LastName - Gets the current family's last name !WARNING! Guessed, yell
at me if wrong
* static const string sNeighborSub("$Neighbor");
o Insert name of neighbor pointed at by neighbor ID in stackObject ID
* static const string sFamilyAssetsSub("$FamilyAssets");
o Insert family monetary Net worth into string from family index in
local var
* static const string sFamilySub("$Family");
o Insert family name of person in stack object into string
* static const string sMeSub("$Me");
o Insert catalog name of current person into string
* static const string sObjectSub("$Object");
o Insert catalog name of current stack object into string
* static const string sLocalSub("$Local");
o Insert value of local var using passed index of local var to get
value from
* static const string sTimeSub("$TimeLocal");
o Insert hour of day in text using in index of local var to point at
var with hour value in it new ones
* static const string sNameLocalSub("$NameLocal");
o Insert catalog name of object with ID pointed at inside of passed in
index of local var
* static const string sNameAttribSub("$NameAttrib");
o Insert catalog name of object with ID pointed at by passed in index
of stack objects attribute
* static const string sNeighborLocalSub("$NeighborLocal");
o Insert name of neighbor pointed at by neighbor ID with ID pointed at
inside of passed in index of local var
* static const string sAttribSub("$Attrib");
o Insert attribute value pointed at by passed in index of stack objects
* static const string sCatalogDescriptionLocalSub("$CatalogLocal");
o Insert catalog description of object with ID pointed at inside of
passed in index of local var
* static const string sTokenNameLocalSub("$TokenNameLocal");
o Insert catalog name of object type pointed at by token type, which is
indexed by local var
* static const string sDayLocalSub("$DayLocal");
o Insert text name of day given an index to a local var with day value
in it. Day values are 0-6, 0 being Sunday
* static const string sJobTitleSub("$JobTitle");
o insert text name of a job title of given object. Using index passed
in via local var, this indexes into string table 800