Inspired by The Crash from August, this month's contest is for videos that either don't make sense or make you wonder why it was created. Rules: 1. Videos must be have been created BEFORE this contest! No creating an awful item just to win! 2. Videos must be submitted by the deadline, the end of October, Server Time. 3. Moar rules may be made up along the way. Judges: None yet. An example of a perfect submission: This is FABULOUS. This series should be called "They Came From AOL." It has a plane crash, murder, a sandwich break (while being chased) and plot holes. go to bed were all tierd. Tierd? Like wedding caeks? Sorta.  Reaction to this news: omg lets clam down and get something to eat. Just for fun, a dog shoots out of the killer's butt in Part 3 at :24.  We half to find away home Just kill yourselves, please. Commentor PrincessLeo013 agrees: I believe jenna had no1 else 2 kill so she killed herself lol Thanks Assmitten & wyrdwing.
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!" — Edward Current
This is FABULOUS. This series should be called "They Came From AOL." It has a plane crash, murder, a sandwich break (while being chased) and plot holes. Wow, that was some utterly pointless and illiterate crap. Amazing fluidity of that seamless transition, too. "ZOMG, RUN4urLIFE!!!11One!1ooh, dude. samiches." Personal favourite exchange: Emma: dont kill me!!!!!! Jenna: but i want to I feel ya', Jenna. I really do. I believe jenna had no1 else 2 kill so she killed herself lol Yes, yes, who killed Jenna?! Could it be the mysterious homeowner?! I must watch Season 2 and find out!! Uh, pass. Erry, those are some choice examples of WTF. Maybe, possibly, I can see someone shooting a movie of their sim freestyling (dancing? bleargh) if they think it's funny or whatever (or to film a couple of sims eating, just for practice), but then to watch it and decide, "Yes, this grainy, boring crap MUST be shared with the world!"? It boggles the mind. Sadly, I could not make it a full minute into the lameassery of the witch house before a wave of seasickness forced a retreat. I can only pray for the souls of those who endured the full 8 minutes.
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
This is FABULOUS. This series should be called "They Came From AOL." It has a plane crash, murder, a sandwich break (while being chased) and plot holes. Wow, that was some utterly pointless and illiterate crap. Amazing fluidity of that seamless transition, too. "ZOMG, RUN4urLIFE!!!11One!1ooh, dude. samiches." Personal favourite exchange: Emma: dont kill me!!!!!! Jenna: but i want to I feel ya', Jenna. I really do. I believe jenna had no1 else 2 kill so she killed herself lol Yes, yes, who killed Jenna?! Could it be the mysterious homeowner?! I must watch Season 2 and find out!! Uh, pass. Now you see why it inspired this month.
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!" — Edward Current

Posts: 2176
A flock of crapped nerds
Someone go find that "Smell Yo Dick" music video!
Feckless Fool

Posts: 253
I nominate the terrible rape video. Although it's been nominated twice already, and should probably be disqualified on those grounds.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Someone go find that "Smell Yo Dick" music video!
 "Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!" "Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth." "Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?" "Yes." ... "Friend!!"
Someone go find that "Smell Yo Dick" music video!
Here. What the holy fuck? I'm not sure what's worse, that the song even exists or that someone felt the inclination to make a music video out of it! And does that guy have his underpants on the outside?
Someone go find that "Smell Yo Dick" music video! Here. Aw, hell diddily ding dong crap! I watched that masterpiece of modern culture last time it was nominated, and it was the most torturous, distasteful brainworm ever. Must... fight... relapse! * Liz shakes fist and offers a delightful selection of various poxes and curses upon houses
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 98
I love how the newspaper wasn't even removed half of the time.
There is no meaning in our world for us who live there. No meaning at all. -Ulquiorra
J. M. Pescado
And does that guy have his underpants on the outside? Wearing your underpants on the outside is only acceptable if you are a superhero.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 104
ISTP - "Engineer"
LOL, that was awesome. I also highly recommend the Lion King video for the same song. I was completely amazed by how accurately the lyrics sync up with the lions' talking animations. It's like the song and movie were meant to be spliced together!
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
| are Brynne's videos included or not?
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
| are Brynne's videos included or not?
Sure, why not? Pick one. Ha! Merbabies are funny. 
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Sure, why not? Pick one.
Oh Lord, where to start...I may look around YouTube a bit. That "I'm soooo tired to vLog" one looks like a prime candidate 
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Sure, why not? Pick one.
Oh Lord, where to start...I may look around YouTube a bit. That "I'm soooo tired to vLog" one looks like a prime candidate  That's not a Sims video, so it doesn't count.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
That's not a Sims video, so it doesn't count.
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 436
This is what happens when you mess around in SimPE and decide to post a video about it. are Brynne's videos included or not?
Sure, why not? Pick one. making narcissistic boring-ass videos aren't enough, she has to show everyone else how to make said narcissistic boring-ass videos.
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!" — Edward Current
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Is that a graphical glitch or some kind of mod to make it look "cool"? Nevermind, I probably don't want to know. I had to rewind to try and figure out when her brother-in-law became her step brother, but it just turns out that video-maker doesn't know English.
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 107
I don't get it...  Those swords keep slicing everyone, but they don't seem to die. *Was wishing they WOULD die* Also, I was waiting for the space junk to land on them at the end. Disappointed.
why be normal?
* Liz backs slowly away from TashaFaun... ETA: Big ups to FFS Magic Wand for the cameo appearance!
« Last Edit: 2008 October 21, 07:29:06 by Liz »
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
* Liz backs slowly away from TashaFaun... ETA: Big ups to FFS Magic Wand for the cameo appearance! It's probably just one of the spawned game cheats.