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EAxis House of Fail: October
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Topic: EAxis House of Fail: October (Read 169862 times)
Goopy Lover
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #25 on:
2008 October 02, 09:05:43 »
Download 'Flat' 2 Cover Up Road
Faizah, include this link in the first post if you want.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Lipless Loser
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #26 on:
2008 October 02, 09:12:34 »
Done. Thanks!
I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to this lot... I chose it because I hated it, but I've realised that what I hated about it was largely the internal walls (and those platforms) which are all removable.
Cosy Lane -- 1x1 Lots for TS2
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #27 on:
2008 October 02, 09:15:42 »
Right, I'm willing to try Emma's lot, cheers for that mate!
I'll just have a quick wee look before bed....
(Yeah, right! I should set the alarm on the stove so I don't get lost).
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Goopy Lover
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #28 on:
2008 October 02, 09:30:10 »
Lemme know if it doesn't work. My fingernails are nearly gone now
Needless to say, it works in my game, even being moved around and placed on different elevations etc, etc.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #29 on:
2008 October 02, 10:17:17 »
I've placed it, gutted it, painted the external walls yellow and started modifying the platforms. All seems well. It is in darkness unfortunately, so everytime I save it gets dark again, but that's a minor problem I can live with.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 107
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #30 on:
2008 October 02, 10:44:55 »
I'm steampunking the house. Still fiddling with it, and Pascal's teenage alien spawn is still living there, so need to move him to college.
Here's a couple pics. I'll prob be done in a day or so.
I did cheat with the outer wall, by the leftside door. Removed 2 pieces of outside wall, for a nicer look. Could have left them in, but.. looks nicer this way. Balloon is in there only for the steampunkish look.
I'll remove it when I'm done.
why be normal?
Goopy Lover
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #31 on:
2008 October 02, 11:25:07 »
You cheat, YOU FAIL!
Kidding, Salix, I love the look of your house
Witchypoof, good-oh! Yeah, this house has never been played so it is saved at the time the Curious Brothers house 'starts', so unfortunately it is nighttime.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #32 on:
2008 October 02, 13:20:52 »
Salix Tree, that looks Pretty-Beautiful!
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #33 on:
2008 October 02, 14:32:02 »
Quote from: Emma on 2008 October 02, 08:13:35
Liveangel, I just said that
Yes, but she said it with underpants gnome reference.
Quote from: chobeegal on 2008 October 02, 06:27:54
I've never had a non-flat lot to bork my game and I've used and moved dozens of them. I did have one with a basement fuck up the neighbohood terrain once. It left a square, water filled hole behind when I moved it and I couldn't put anything else there or across the street either! It wasn't even a beach lot either.
The problem comes in when you make very tight 'hoods like I do. If you have a setup like X - Y - Z (- for visual separation, not terrain spaces), and X is occupied while lot Z is uneven, you'll have issues placing a prebuilt or template lot in spot Y. As in, you can't. And, if the street portion of Z is uneven, you'll have issues placing anything across from it. Even edges FTW. Any terrain elevation change inside of the edges is perfectly fine.
I'm keeping the basic structure of the platforms. Still working on purpose. I'm thinking community lot.
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My Urinal
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #34 on:
2008 October 02, 21:30:00 »
I'm having quite a lot of fun with this one so far. It's yet another modern design and it's mostly done, just finishing off really. I've done away with the old platforms and reworked them to fit into the new design. The top floor is still on the same level as the top platform.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #35 on:
2008 October 02, 22:02:39 »
Quote from: SalixTree on 2008 October 02, 10:44:55
I'm steampunking the house. Still fiddling with it, and Pascal's teenage alien spawn is still living there, so need to move him to college.
Here's a couple pics. I'll prob be done in a day or so.
I did cheat with the outer wall, by the leftside door. Removed 2 pieces of outside wall, for a nicer look. Could have left them in, but.. looks nicer this way. Balloon is in there only for the steampunkish look.
I'll remove it when I'm done.
Aw man, I love the steampunk look of this home! Then I actually read your post and found that it was intentional.
I may steal this.
Last Edit: 2008 October 02, 23:00:42 by Bliss
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 107
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #36 on:
2008 October 02, 22:25:38 »
Eevilcat, I love the look of that! Almost like a castle. Must download it when you're done.
I rounded out my roofs as well. I'm done with my lot, but it's quite late, so I'll upload tomorrow morning.
why be normal?
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #37 on:
2008 October 02, 23:09:59 »
Quote from: witch on 2008 October 02, 10:17:17
I've placed it, gutted it, painted the external walls yellow and started modifying the platforms. All seems well. It is in darkness unfortunately, so everytime I save it gets dark again, but that's a minor problem I can live with.
All you need to do is enter the sethour cheat to 7 (or whatever daylight hour you prefer) to keep it from going dark after each save. However, I always click the day/night button to dark when I am about to put in lights... but I think everyone does that.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #38 on:
2008 October 03, 00:57:12 »
eevilcat, this house looks awesome!
I tried to make the house a little more comfortable for the Curious brothers and their alien babies to live in, but it still looks like a warehouse.
Here it is:
and the interior,
first floor:
second floor with a bedroom for everybody:
third floor:
here is the download link:
Cover Up Road kalina.rar
It could also be used as a uni house if the nursery is converted to an exercise room.
Angie Baby
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #39 on:
2008 October 03, 06:51:11 »
Eevilcat that's it! That's the house I want for my Curious brothers.
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 107
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #40 on:
2008 October 03, 15:10:58 »
Here's 6 Steampunk Street:
I made 2 versions, one has a 4 CC items in it for a more steampunkish feel, the other is Maxis only.
All expansions up to Freetime were used.
Maxis only:
with CC:
Last Edit: 2008 October 03, 15:19:50 by SalixTree
why be normal?
Breakfast of Champions!
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Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #41 on:
2008 October 03, 20:07:54 »
That is totally terrific and quite in keeping with the original inhabitants of the house. I just love it. You have such a quirky creativity and an eye for seeing how the ordinary decorations might look in another setting. Plus awesome pictures showcasing this work. I am just so fucking impressed. I don't want to work on my lot now, I want to download this lot and play with it.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Fat D
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 395
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #42 on:
2008 October 05, 12:21:51 »
current state of development: might be suitable for an apartment building:
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Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #43 on:
2008 October 05, 12:54:51 »
Great interpretations so far. Salix Tree, in a million years I could never have thought of that intepretation - it rocks. Kalina, others - great work. I love the idea of making the space 'fit' the Curious personalities.
Somehow last month completely got away from me - I was so busy with work I never even fired up my game. But I have some ideas for this one. ::::rubs hands together::::
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Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3565
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #44 on:
2008 October 05, 16:16:32 »
I've got a question. When adding to the existing house, is it then okay to delete the external walls? Sometimes I only extend a block. I would hate to have some silly one-block wide hallway of sorts because I can not delete what used to be the external walls.
Also, I completed last month's house in time only to have this computer blossom with viruses. I have since fixed these and feel comfortable sharing September's house. Should I post the house, even though it is technically past the deadline?
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #45 on:
2008 October 05, 16:25:32 »
Quote from: snowbawl on 2008 October 05, 16:16:32
Also, I completed last month's house in time only to have this computer blossom with viruses. I have since fixed these and feel comfortable sharing September's house. Should I post the house, even though it is technically past the deadline?
Yes! Please post your house. Computer malfunctions suck.
I created a mall out of this months lot. The lot is flat.
In game view:
The first floor features plenty of couches for resting, a couple vending machines, a clothing store, video game store, and a pet store.
The second floor has more seating, a food court, more vending machines, a restroom, and a balcony for star gazing through the telescope.
The food court boasts quite a selection of foods including a 1960's style diner, a tropical getaway, a mountain hideout, and a far eastern adventure.
The third floor has a coffee shop where you can take a break and watch the bustling food court below, cash register, and last minute souvenir shoping.
Outside you may nap under the shade of the willow tree, breakdance, or enjoy the fish as they swim around in the pond.
To explore the wonders of rampant consumerism
download the Covering Stuff Up Mall
now. (You need 7-zip or WinRar to extract)
Last Edit: 2008 October 05, 18:01:28 by jesslla
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #46 on:
2008 October 05, 19:39:00 »
Quote from: snowbawl on 2008 October 05, 16:16:32
I've got a question. When adding to the existing house, is it then okay to delete the external walls? Sometimes I only extend a block. I would hate to have some silly one-block wide hallway of sorts because I can not delete what used to be the external walls.
Short answer? Nope.
Even if you're making the house bigger by extending it, the original external walls need to remain in place. Otherwise, we'd have all just extended past that screwy, narrow entrance a couple months ago and then deleted the entrance's walls. The fact that the narrow little 'T' was all originally exterior forced us to keep those walls and incorporate them into the house's new design.
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
Goopy Lover
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #47 on:
2008 October 06, 06:19:24 »
Jesslla, I love the mall!
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 107
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #48 on:
2008 October 06, 08:24:50 »
Jesslla, love that food court, especially the 50s themed one.
Quote from: witch on 2008 October 03, 20:07:54
That is totally terrific and quite in keeping with the original inhabitants of the house. I just love it. You have such a quirky creativity and an eye for seeing how the ordinary decorations might look in another setting. Plus awesome pictures showcasing this work. I am just so fucking impressed. I don't want to work on my lot now, I want to download this lot and play with it.
Thank you for the lovely compliments, Witch. *blush* Nice to have praise from another imaginative person. I remember fondly your "under the sea" disco.
Quote from: Hecubus on 2008 October 05, 12:54:51
Salix Tree, in a million years I could never have thought of that intepretation - it rocks. Kalina, others - great work. I love the idea of making the space 'fit' the Curious personalities.
Thanks Hecubus. I think it's fun to suit the house to the Curious brothers and kids.
Now I think everyone needs some clothing to match the steampunkiness!
why be normal?
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3565
Re: EAxis House of Fail: October
Reply #49 on:
2008 October 06, 16:24:32 »
Quote from: Liz on 2008 October 05, 19:39:00
Quote from: snowbawl on 2008 October 05, 16:16:32
I've got a question. When adding to the existing house, is it then okay to delete the external walls? Sometimes I only extend a block. I would hate to have some silly one-block wide hallway of sorts because I can not delete what used to be the external walls.
Short answer? Nope.
Even if you're making the house bigger by extending it, the original external walls need to remain in place. Otherwise, we'd have all just extended past that screwy, narrow entrance a couple months ago and then deleted the entrance's walls. The fact that the narrow little 'T' was all originally exterior forced us to keep those walls and incorporate them into the house's new design.
Well dammit, I am a cheater, then. Not by much though. Mini-cheater. I will incorporate new non-cheating ways into this month's house.
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