There's few things I hate more than retarded faces in the user panel, which has become a big problem with AL. Thanks to JM's hint, I've been able to kill the fugly poses by overwriting them with acceptable ones.
I have as good as no experience with SimPE, so some of the steps may be unnecessary/redundant/whatever, although they worked fine for me. Plus, I can only guess how some of the options are called in English (
the bold, red ones), because my SimPE insists on showing me a German interface in spite of changing the language settings. Also, I'm sure that part of my phrasing will make the Grammar Police cringe. It's not on purpose, I swear.
How to get rid of fugly Sim Portraits
1. Look for the file "Sims00.package", usually located at
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D\
and open it in SimPE.
The animation files for the UI sim portraits are named as follows:
a-UIPose-F01_anim to a-UIPose-F08_anim (female)
a-UIPose-M01_anim to a-UIPose-M08_anim (male)
c-UIPose-F01_anim to c-UIPose-F08_anim (female)
c-UIPose-M01_anim to c-UIPose-M08_anim (male)
p-UIPose-F01_anim to p-UIPose-F08_anim (female)
p-UIPose-M01_anim to p-UIPose-M08_anim (male)
2. Extract source and target animationsRight click on the animation file(s) you want to use as overwrite (source) and choose "
Unpack...". Save all files in a place where you can find them easily, e.g. in an own folder on your desktop (do NOT save them in your The Sims 2 folder). Do NOT change the file name. You're going to extract more than one animation, so it's a good idea to save them in a seperate subfolder each, because otherwise, it's a bit hard to tell them apart. After saving the source animation, do the same for the animation file you want to replace (target).
In my example, I will replace the male adult pose M01 with the male adult pose M08, so I extract the source animation "a-UIPose-M08_anim" and the target animation "a-UIPose-M01_anim" to my work folders "animations\a-UIPose-M08" and "animations\a-UIpose-M01".
3. Add the target animation to a new package fileMake a new package file, right click in the resource list (which is empty) and choose "
Add...". Look for the target animation file you extracted earlier and double click it. It's now added to your package file and can be replaced.
4. Replace the target animationRight click on the target animation file (in this example "a-UIPose-M01_anim"), choose "
Replace..." and browse for the source file. You'll see two different files, one .5an file and one .5an.xml file. Double click on the .5an file. Don't worry about the warning message popping up, just click
OK "Yes".
You'll notice that the resource filename of your target animation has now changed from "a-UIPose-M0
1_anim" to "a-UIPose-M0
8_anim". In the Plugin View, change it back to "a-UIPose-M0
1_anim". Commit. Save the package file. Put it in your downloads folder. You're done!
Adult pose catalog:

And yes, the female poses F02/F05 and F01/F06 really are (almost) the same.
Child pose catalog:

Toddler pose catalog:

Zombie / werewolf pose catalog:

Zombie poses in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 University\TSData\Res\3D\sims00.package
a-UIPose-Fzombie01_anim to a-UIPose-Fzombie03_anim / a-UIPose-Mzombie01_anim to a-UIPose-Mzombie03_anim
Werewolf poses in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Pets\TSData\Res\3D\sims00.package
a-UIPose-FWerewolf01_anim to a-UIPose-FWerewolf03_anim / a-UIPose-MWerewolf01_anim to a-UIPose-MWerewolf03_anim
Note: There's an additional set of poses named a-UIPose-Werewolf01_anim to a-UIPose-Werewolf03_anim. No idea what they do, I changed them as well just to make sure. It didn't hurt.
Vampire pose catalog:

Vampire poses in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Nightlife\TSData\Res\3D\sims00.package
a-UIPose-FVampire01_anim to a-UIPose-FVampire05_anim / a-UIPose-MVampire01_anim to a-UIPose-MVampire05_anim
EDIT: Heavily changed thanks to BastDawn who pointed out that it's much safer to make an own replacement package instead of messing with game files

EDIT2: Minor mistake fixed, child and toddler pose catalog added.
EDIT3: Freakshow added