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No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
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Topic: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL (Read 22091 times)
Posts: 197
No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
2005 November 05, 04:59:16 »
This hack by-passes a global call primarily used for furious reactions.
This is an EXPERIMENTAL fix and may cause problems. Be careful. Backup files.
Furious tokens will still be created, and should decay normally.
Actions based on furious (Can kicking, stomping, etc.) should stop.
Furious thoughts will still exist, although there should be fewer standing fuming sims.
If you have problems with this hack, please provide detailed descriptions of the problem.
I say again.
This hack is Experimental only. Use at your own risk
This is a nightlife only hack.
(0.78 KB - downloaded 730 times.)
Last Edit: 2006 March 23, 11:40:21 by crammyboy
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #1 on:
2005 November 11, 20:34:14 »
Hmmm. After all the moaning and groaning we were all doing about the furious thing no one's replied yet?
I guess I'm going to have to give this a run-through in a test neighborhood and see what happen as soon as I get some time to do it. Life's just been too crazy lately!
BogSims Institute
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Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #2 on:
2005 November 18, 02:59:12 »
Quote from: Misty on 2005 November 11, 20:34:14
Hmmm. After all the moaning and groaning we were all doing about the furious thing no one's replied yet?
I guess I'm going to have to give this a run-through in a test neighborhood and see what happen as soon as I get some time to do it. Life's just been too crazy lately!
We're all scared of what it might do... and running about like the proverbial headless chickens, trying to ready ourselves for the holidays. *hugs C-boy for this*
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #3 on:
2005 November 18, 18:16:56 »
Oops, sorry. I usually try not to reply to experimentals unless I have a problem. I've downloaded and installed the mod almost as soon as it was posted and so far it is working like a charm. No problems, hassles, no BFBVS, and yes, I have NL installed.
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Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #4 on:
2005 December 04, 20:59:55 »
It took me a while to be able to test it because, well, I had to first have a sim furious at another! LOL
At any rate, it doesn't cause my game to explode, which is really great!
It's been really difficult to tell, though, if this is actually working because it seems like they're still fuming over the burglar every chance they get.
BogSims Institute
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #5 on:
2005 December 06, 01:56:12 »
Thank You!!!
I found it very annoying that even the kids would stomp and fume over every little annoyance.
As for the adults; fuming over a rejected flirtation w/a stranger, for days at a time ??
A bit obsessive, hey?
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #6 on:
2005 December 11, 04:38:46 »
Well, I have two students who really hate each other, Phineas Furley and a dormie called Rebecka Bendett, and he now shares a house with a dormie called Cale Andrews. Cale is friends with Rebecka. She came over to visit, and Phineas saw her and started fighting before she even got to ring the doorbell. The next evening she appeared while he was at class, so I sent Cale to greet her, but by the time he'd got downstairs and reached her, she'd kicked over the trashcan. So, if they're really furious, I think they will still do things like that!
Update. I played them again for a bit and Phineas gradually went down to around 0 although still furious. Then I went back to the dorm, and checked Rebecka with the Mind Control Mirror after she appeared to be stuck in her room for about 3 days. She was still totally furious. Anyway, I moved her out and into her own place, and then the furiousness declined normally.
I think it's a problem with any non-playable sim, that once furious, they stay that way, and it seems odd as in other aspects their relationships can increase/decline just like any other sim's. But it explains why Kaylynn, for example, will still have the furious bubble for ages after Daniel, or Don, thinks they're friends again!
Last Edit: 2005 December 12, 11:57:58 by ZephyrZodiac
Zephyr Zodiac
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #7 on:
2005 December 13, 23:48:30 »
Just got back here to add to what I said earlier.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working in my game. I have two uni students who were furious with the burglar for breaking into their house when they were kids. Barbie's over her furiousness, so of course the foot-stomping and fist-clenching has stopped. However, James is still stamping his feet and clenching his fists at every turn (his furiousness isn't wearing off quite so quickly--although I know that's not a problem with the mod, anyway.)
BogSims Institute
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: No Furious Reactions/Actions EXPERIMENTAL
Reply #8 on:
2005 December 13, 23:52:42 »
I hate it when a furious sim has the want to "See X's ghost" and at the same time they also roll "Apologise to X" especially when X is the instigator of the disagreemnt that led to the fight(s)!
I mean, if someone kicked over your trashcan for no apparent reason, and you had a go at them for it, why should YOU apologise!
Zephyr Zodiac
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