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Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
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Topic: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov) (Read 65295 times)
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #25 on:
2006 February 06, 10:26:40 »
They wouldn't be dormies if they didn't stink. But you could always use Bathroom Uses You so they have to wash every time they pee (unless they're indulging in that other detestable dormie habit).
Ancient Sim
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #26 on:
2006 February 06, 21:43:59 »
Yes, I could use that, but it's more of a treatment than a cure and I don't really like it because it forces people to shower when they're almost fully green in hygiene, even when they're so tired they can't stand up, which I find somewhat annoying. It also pushes them into the shower when they desperately need the comfort of a bubble bath, or puts them in the bath when all they really need is a shower ... Also, when I have it in dorms it tries to get all the visitors to use the shower and they can't, so they get stuck in the bathrooms and unless I happen to see them, they either block it for everyone else or pop off in a very stinky fashion. Anyway, the dormies don't pee everywhere when bathroomusesyou is in and I would miss that terribly, so it's basically a no-no.
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #27 on:
2006 February 07, 03:51:57 »
Oh, gosh, I love the bathroom controller. I couldn't live without it! I always hated micromanaging my sims' bathroom habits. Now they go when they need to or I tell them to go use the bathroom. And the visitors trying to use the shower thing appears to have been fixed in the latest version, as well as babies getting stuck in the bathroom after being born and toddlers getting dropped on the floor when the parents are thrown out. Now they carry the baby or toddler out and put them on the floor. Anyway, that's my two cents, and everyone is certainly entitled to play the game they way they see fit!
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #28 on:
2006 February 07, 04:17:42 »
Quote from: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 06, 21:43:59
Yes, I could use that, but it's more of a treatment than a cure and I don't really like it because it forces people to shower when they're almost fully green in hygiene, even when they're so tired they can't stand up, which I find somewhat annoying. It also pushes them into the shower when they desperately need the comfort of a bubble bath, or puts them in the bath when all they really need is a shower ... Also, when I have it in dorms it tries to get all the visitors to use the shower and they can't, so they get stuck in the bathrooms and unless I happen to see them, they either block it for everyone else or pop off in a very stinky fashion. Anyway, the dormies don't pee everywhere when bathroomusesyou is in and I would miss that terribly, so it's basically a no-no.
Actually, it's been my experience that only a few dormies seem to use the bathroom with both this mod and the bathroomusesyou mod. It could be due to the design of the dorms I've used? I usually stick with the Maxis made dorms, but I tend to do some minor-remodling so that the bathroomusesyou can actually "see" the showers and terlets. Even with a tp for each terlet, I still only have a few of them using the bathrooms. And in my game, not everyone showers. It seems kind of random. Some will be sent to the shower, some manage to "escape" the shower. This happens regardless of their hygiene bar. Usually, if the hygiene bar is more than half depleted, they shower. But I haven't found that
get sent to the shower. However, I also use twojeffs' Always Flush - Wash Hands version, so maybe that reduces the chance? Since my sims tend to warsh their hands, their hygiene bars get a slight boost before getting grabbed for the showers or getting ejected from the bathrooms altogether.
In regards to the Slobs mod, personally, I ended up deleting the "Cleaning Tracker - Stop Cleaning?" BHAV which is Group 0x7FD46CD0 Instance 0x024E. In my game, although I liked the idea of having slobby sims actually act slobby, it kind of got a bit annoying that I personally couldn't
direct my own sims to clean when I wanted them too. Just a tad frustrating when you can't afford a bookcase quite yet and so you want your sims to gain Cleaning skill points by cleaning their house. Hehe.
I think all the other BHAVs are just TESTs and Hygiene checks, which determine whether a sim will attempt to clean or whether or not they care about things being dirty, so I kept those.
Maybe the fact that your sims aren't bathing is due to the personality dependencies? That might be the reason why only some of my sims don't shower? I didn't really pay attention to this or care that much, since they are only dormies. Hehe. And I pretty much let the bathroomusesyou mod to "decide" whether my sims shower or not. And if I want them to shower, I can direct them to.
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Ancient Sim
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #29 on:
2006 February 07, 04:45:44 »
No, it's not personality, there are 10 dormies on the lot all with varying personalities and not one of them is showering or bathing. They will if I tell them to, but that means taking control of them all the time. I'm pretty certain it's because their aspirations are set in the middle and never alter.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #30 on:
2006 February 07, 06:19:19 »
Quote from: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 07, 04:45:44
No, it's not personality, there are 10 dormies on the lot all with varying personalities and not one of them is showering or bathing. They will if I tell them to, but that means taking control of them all the time. I'm pretty certain it's because their aspirations are set in the middle and never alter.
Hrmmm... but according to this:
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 04, 23:35:48
Sims with neatness between 1 and 500 will clean on a much reduced level. Increasing based on neatness and activity compared with random values. Because the system is random, there may be variations.
Sims with a below zero aspirational score and neatness < 500 will not:
Complain about their hygiene or environment.
Sims with neatness > 500 will behave normally.
Sims with neatness < 400 will complain less often about the environment.
So... it theoretically
basis on personality. The aspirational dependency should only be for sims with neatness less than 500. I haven't noticed a problem with sims not bathing at all. But then again, I do have bathroomusesyou. Maybe that makes the difference for me. *shrugs* In my regular households, my sims rarely have low aspiration scores. In Uni, the dormies are more likely to have low aspirational scores due to nouniprotect because they are often starving, pissing themselves, and passing out on the floor. lol
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #31 on:
2006 February 07, 06:31:21 »
Quote from: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 07, 04:45:44
No, it's not personality, there are 10 dormies on the lot all with varying personalities and not one of them is showering or bathing. They will if I tell them to, but that means taking control of them all the time. I'm pretty certain it's because their aspirations are set in the middle and never alter.
I don't have this hack in my game and I did notice sometimes Sims that are dirty (green fumes) in dorms might take a few days before they shower. For me, it seems it all depends if other needs are more important to fulfill like eating, doing homework, go to class... etc.
Try to wait a few days before you force them to shower to see if they will or not do it on their own, and try to notice if it is not simply because they have to go to class or go to bed, even when they come back to class it is not always the 1st thing they will take care of when they come back. You could always ask them if any of your controllable Sims knows them enough what sign they are so you can see if they are slob or not.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #32 on:
2006 February 07, 07:10:07 »
Quote from: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 06, 21:43:59
Yes, I could use that, but it's more of a treatment than a cure and I don't really like it because it forces people to shower when they're almost fully green in hygiene, even when they're so tired they can't stand up, which I find somewhat annoying.
It only showers sims that are really neat unless their hygiene is pretty low. There's also the "idle shower" behavior, where a sim will shower from lack of anything else to do (the behavior is suppressed if his queue has other tasks), and the shower behavior is similarly suppressed more if the next task happens to be "go to sleep".
It also pushes them into the shower when they desperately need the comfort of a bubble bath, or puts them in the bath when all they really need is a shower ...
Bathroom uses you selects the nearest available bath object and uses it in the fastest hygiene method. Comfort is for wimps.
Also, when I have it in dorms it tries to get all the visitors to use the shower and they can't, so they get stuck in the bathrooms and unless I happen to see them, they either block it for everyone else or pop off in a very stinky fashion.
That bug was fixed awhile ago. This behavior should no longer persist: Sims that are not allowed to shower even when pushed will no longer be pushed at all.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #33 on:
2006 February 10, 17:21:17 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 February 07, 04:17:42
In regards to the Slobs mod, personally, I ended up deleting the "Cleaning Tracker - Stop Cleaning?" BHAV which is Group 0x7FD46CD0 Instance 0x024E. In my game, although I liked the idea of having slobby sims actually act slobby, it kind of got a bit annoying that I personally couldn't
direct my own sims to clean when I wanted them too.
Thank you for this tip, I actually came to the thread to ask about that. I don't mind half assedness if they clean on their own, but if I tell them to clean there's usually a good reason for it. Otherwise, this mod is very entertaining.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 447
Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #34 on:
2006 March 23, 00:30:02 »
Can someone tell me if this hack is OFB compatible?
Posts: 197
Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #35 on:
2006 March 23, 01:24:33 »
It probably isn't because it hacks so much stuff.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Let Slobs be Slobs Version 2 (11 Nov)
Reply #36 on:
2006 March 23, 04:22:24 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2006 March 23, 01:24:33
It probably isn't because it hacks so much stuff.
Will you please let me test it?
I had it, since I save the zip files of everything I install, but when I finally decided to upgrade to Win XP two weeks ago, I forgot to burn that folder and lost it. I love that hack so much!
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