@GloamingMerle - I don't think this conflicts with TwoJeffs' hack. I have a modified version of his hack in my game, and looking at the code, what happens is that the command to wash hands gets immediately pushed onto the queue pretty much after the sim flushes the toilet. The majority of the code in Crammyboy's hack involves TEST bhavs, which pretty much, as far as I understand it,
test whether a sim will do the specified interaction. Since TwoJeffs' hack does not call a test bhav, it just directly calls that action, it should not conflict with this hack. And... from my experience playing with both hacks in my game, my sims wash their hands fine. With TwoJeffs' hack, sims will pretty much always wash their hands (unless they have 0 neatness).
@Crammyboy - I typically maintain my sister's hacks, keeping them up to date as possible (she's too afraid to mess with installing hacks herself so I take care of that, making sure they are updated and that there are no conflicts). Anyways, today, the for first time, I actually noticed a difference (I haven't really played NL for that long, and right now I only have been playing my legacy household at Uni, which only has my simself, who is reasonably neat - i.e. has at least 5 points of neatness).
Anyways, long story short, we observed that two of her sims wouldn't clean a counter top. I know this is part of the functionality, but you also state above that, for sims who have 1-5 neatness, there will be some randomness depending on activeness too. Well, the two sims had equal neatness (both had 4 points), but the mother had 4 points activeness and the son had 7 points activeness, yet they pretty much equally did not clean the counter. As soon as they started, they pretty much stopped.
My question is, is the randomness supposed to be whether they will clean it or not? Or like how long they will clean it? In other words (and I haven't looked at the code specifically), is it because cleaning is done in a loop, and so each cycle will go through the
random check for whether or not to clean. I think that, if this is the case, it will be pretty difficult to actually get some randomness. Sims will probably pretty much always appear to decide to not clean. If it were possible to have the personality checks done once, before entering the loop, then you could actually get some randomness where some sims do clean, and other sims don't. But if the check happens each cycle in a cleaning loop, then there seems to be a higher chance that they end up not cleaning altogether. I hope this makes sense.
The reason why I think this is, well I've toyed around with trying to make a hack where the fire alarm and the burgular alarm fail randomly. But it seems that the code for those objects pretty much loops over time, and constantly checks the status of the lot. So even if it fails on one cycle, it may succeed the next, and I don't know how long each cycle/loop takes. Essentially it would just mean that, if a fire starts or a burgular starts, you might have a chance that the alarm does not immediately go off, but it is still fairly likely that the alarm will go off while the fire or burglary keeps going. The point of this is to ask how the checking works, and maybe suggest a way to possibly improve the checking if it can be placed outside the loop (assuming that I am right about the loop in the first place). If this is not the case, then it might just be a coincidence that the sims just happened to not clean those several times.
Finally... aside from my question, I have a separate request. If I am not mistaken, I would think that this hack might possibly conflict with Inge's ijNoCommunityPlateClearing hack. Could you possibly include this functionality and add checks for Is this a Community Lot? and probably if the sim is selectable, so that at least
selectable sims do not clean such things as plates, puddles, toilets, and anything else that would be ridiculous for visiting sims to clean on Community Lots. I know this hack is meant to allow Slobs to be Slobs, but since it already modifies all the clean interactions, it would just make sense to have the functionality included as other/separate hacks would just conflict.
It seems ridiculous that our selectable sims, even if they are super neat, will try to clean up puddles and put away dishes on Community Lots. So there should be checks to see if they are on Community Lots to begin with. But... there should also be checks that probably limit this to selectable or playable sims, that way NPCs on community lots can still clean.
Just a suggestion. I suppose I can make these changes myself if I really wanted them. But I figured, in case you ever release updated versions, it would help to have them in already.
