This hack will completely bypass the conversation if the sims is in desperation for energy, hunger, fun or bladder, or is in a bad mood. Sims with maxed social will talk less. For nightlife Compatible with OFB Includes no overeating as follows: 8-10 active personality never overeat 6-8 active personality 25% chance of overeating 4-6 active personality 50% chance of overeating 0-4 active personality always overeat. Only very sloppy sims or starving sims will eat spoiled food. Install the package into the downloads directory. This hack will clash with NoEatCrap. Created using SimPE QA version 49o by Quaxi BHAV editor by PLJones Objects listing with disasm2_22e by dizzy2
« Last Edit: 2006 March 28, 00:58:48 by crammyboy »
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 110
I am so happy to have this! I've been trying to feed my Sims in seperate rooms and sometimes that doesn't even make them STFU.
Glad you are here!
It's a shame that stupidity isn't painful.
If your sim is on the borderline, which percentage will it use? For instance, a sim is 6 active, will it go with 50% or 25%?
Thanks for the great hack!
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
I also wanted to say thanks. I went crazy after installing NL. No one would STFU and eat. After installing your mod, my simmies are now able to have a pleasant meal together without it taking three sim hours to eat!
If your sim is on the borderline, which percentage will it use? For instance, a sim is 6 active, will it go with 50% or 25%?
Thanks for the great hack!
50% I may change that once I get moved in properly.
Since it doesn't conflict with JM's food hacks, I'll give it a try too.
Hya there, I finally made it here, thanks Crammyboy
Lady Moiraine
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 145
I can't thank you enough for this, I'm going to try it out now! I posted a request in some other forum for a hack just like this and was of course, ignored. Thank you so much!
Will it also change the way they act when they are on a date on a community lot or does this just apply in Sims houses?
It is applied to eating in general, so it will affect everywhere.
I think this hack is interfering with "call to meal." Anyone else having that problem?  Call to Meal works fine for me with this hack installed. Sims who are asleep or "skillinating" usually won't respond to Call to Meal right away even if it's in their queue, but that's true even without this hack. Can you give some more details about the problem you're having? Karen
I have those hacks too, but I haven't had this problem.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
 You're the best! ;)Thnaks.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
"Say 'Good night,' Manuel..."
Is there a way to tweak it so they talk even less? My sims are still taking forever to eat, but it's getting there.
Or better yet... Not fall asleep in their food.
\\\"Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is lame.\\\" --Albert Einstein
Dead Member

Posts: 1392
Despite the name, I am male.Do not call me "miss".
Is there a way to tweak it so they talk even less? My sims are still taking forever to eat, but it's getting there.
Or better yet... Not fall asleep in their food.
Try No Eat Crap II: Electric Boogaloo.
"They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal."
ISTP - Independent, concise in speech, master of tools.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
"Say 'Good night,' Manuel..."
Is there a way to tweak it so they talk even less? My sims are still taking forever to eat, but it's getting there.
Or better yet... Not fall asleep in their food.
Try No Eat Crap II: Electric Boogaloo. Thanks, I found that one last night, so I plan on trying it sometime today. I had gotten to the point where none of my sims have dining tables. Just chairs and couches. Ever notice that you can tell them to eat dinner with the energy at a level that shouln't put them to sleep, then they talk so freakin' much that they fall alseep ANYWAY?
\\\"Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is lame.\\\" --Albert Einstein
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Thanks so much for this hack. My female Sims tend to spend more time conversing than eating when there is company.
Does the March 23 edit mean this is compabible with OFB now? Not trying to be pushy or anything, I just really like this hack so I want to redownload it when it's ready :) Thank you very much for it.
It is compatible with OFB, I forgot to update the description  The march 23 update was the josh 404'ed thingy.
Thanks again :) This one has just the right amounts (lazy, fat, talking etc.) for me.
Stupid Josh - But I'm kinda glad he caused an update to the thread :)
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 110
I am so glad to put this hack back in my game! Stupid dates all want to dine out but then they spend all the date time talking instead of eating their paltry bowl of mac & cheese.
It's a shame that stupidity isn't painful.
J. M. Pescado
They're together because it's the same BHAV that controls it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
This is a different hack than JM's NoEatCrap hack. His will allow lazy sims to overeat and sloppy sims will eat spoiled food. And pizza is a separate object, so you could always have them eat rotten pizza and get sick. 

Posts: 1572
Are you really making your awesome hacks in this way?  You have my salutations... Szappy That's the BHAV plugin you're looking at. That is far more readable than SimPe BHAV plugin was over a year ago.
J. M. Pescado
Are you really making your awesome hacks in this way?  You have my salutations... You should see what it looks like BEFORE we start modifying it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pescado has often said that Maxis code is like spaghetti. 