This hack will stop non-controllable sims appearing on community lots and doing walkbys in work clothes. Only normal,formal,toga or secret society clothes are used.  Install all the packages into the downloads directory. Created using SimPE QA version 49o by Quaxi BHAV editor by PLJones Objects listing with disasm2_22e by dizzy2 This hack is for nightlife onlyDO NOT USE IN PETS AND/OR SEASONS. The clothing event fix is needed for a bug in maxis codingThis hack has a habit of reseting the game. It is advisable to make sure all cars are at home, and sims are idle (preferable in the morning) before installing this hack. v5 (02 Dec 2005) ---------------- Added check for toga parties. V4 (21 Oct 2005) ---------------- Added check for secret society sims outfit. fixed bug in version 2&3
« Last Edit: 2007 July 26, 02:46:59 by Venusy »

Posts: 1572
The clothing event fix is needed for a bug in maxis coding  A bug in a global tree? * dizzy checks this out... E: Turn On/Off - Cache Personal Traits(Me); true: true, false: error What could possibly go wrong? 
« Last Edit: 2005 November 05, 10:59:19 by dizzy »
Note the reference to me when everything else is referenced by stack object
99.99% of the time they are the same thing. But not always.
EDIT: They could be different sims and the code would still work. Although i doubt the turn on/off system would work as intended.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 05, 13:42:59 by crammyboy »
I was very excited to see this; however, I am experiencing problems. Using this hack with debug mode enabled, I keep getting errors about the Controller - CLP - Community Lot - Populator. It will only go away if I click Delete. Cancel and Reset have no effect. I have attached two separate logs that I get when this happens. One says "the object referred to must be a person," and the other says "Error: Trying to route while out of world."
EDIT: Attachments no longer needed.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 07, 02:44:06 by rainbow »

Posts: 1572
Do you have "CBOY_Clothing_event_fix" installed? I looked and noticed that the stack object in the previous tree was "N001_User00387 - Gwen" and the Me object was the controller (not a person).
I just installed it, and I still got errors. I didn't have the clothing event fix installed for the first set of errors, but I just installed it last night and played downtown wtih it. Here is the latest log I have, this one in Strangetown. The other one was in Pleasantview, not that that really matters, I don't think. It looks the same as the others to me, but I thought I'd include it just in case something is different with the clothing event fix installed.
EDIT: Removed attachments no longer needed.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 07, 02:44:32 by rainbow »
With the clothing event fix installed, you should not get this error, and the errorlog refers to the origonal code. What other hacks do you have installed?
My bad, I thought I had installed the clothing fix but I had not. I must have forgotten to download it at the same time I downloaded the other. I have since done so and loaded up a community lot with no problems at all. Sorry about that. 
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 212
what're YOU lookin' at?
I just installed these 2 files and when I re-loaded the game, a few weird things happened...
1) My famiy's daughter went from normal clothes (she had just had a bath before I saved & quit) to pajamas. 2) The bedding on the master bedroom double bed changed from a custom pattern to a Maxis pattern. 3) The husband (who was sleeping in the double bed upon save & quit) was out of bed and had the autonomous action to "Leave", which was uncancellable.
Because of issue #3, I quit without saving and disabled the clothing hacks, which put everything back to normal. Hope this information is helpful!
Because if the reset issue, sims will not be doing what they were doing when you left the game.
1) I have not seen. 2) This I have seen happen with early recolours. 3) I expect the "leave" interaction would have cancelled itself out anyway, unless the sim does not live on the lot.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 212
what're YOU lookin' at?
Actually, the first time I loaded the family after installing the clothing hacks, the husband actually left the lot and his picture disappeared from the family bar on the left of the interface. Naturally I didn't save and quit to the neighborhood. Re-entering the lot, he again had the Leave action active, and even when I would cancel it it immediately re-appeared and he would start walking off the lot again, which is why I uninstalled the hacks before continuing to play the family.
Ok. I would like to get to the bottom of that one.
Do you have the nightlife patch installed? What other hacks do you have?
The leave interaction shouldn't cause any major problems. It acts like just you turned move objects on and deleted the sim. If you save and exit, then go back into the lot the sim will return. The game always checks to see if all the sims that are supposed to be on the lot are when the game loads and if they aren't it dumps them back by the mailbox.
I had one of my sims leave, but when I saved and exited and return he was right there by the mailbox. Even if the sim didn't return for some reason, in the absolute worst case scenario you can always teleport him back via the mailbox in debug mode or various hacks like Inge's teleport shrub or the Insimenator.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 212
what're YOU lookin' at?
I have the NL patch installed and the following hacks:
Monique's non-global hacked PCs Phone Call - Auto Yak Yak Eat More Talk Less Slobs Be Slobs (though my sims with 2 neat points still clear dishes!) College Adjuster No Kids In Double Beds Food Already Available No Community Plate Clearing Congrats Fix No Autonomous Hang Out No Autonomous Napping School Bus - Bring Friend Dialog Teasing Fix No Autonomy Read To No Force Watch Fight Paintings Stay Viewable Phone - Line Controller (NL testing edition) Smart Serve 2g Formal Wedding without default clothes
Lipless Loser
Posts: 636
Quirky Liberal Alpha Male
With the clothing event fix installed, you should not get this error, and the errorlog refers to the origonal code. What other hacks do you have installed?
A-ha! So THAT was causing the "Object referred to must be a person" problem. FYI crammyboy : I noticed this only happened to me when there was a pregnant sim on the community lot.
Instant gratification takes too long.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 212
what're YOU lookin' at?
Any thoughts on what might be causing that Leave interaction yet? I'd really like to use this hack, as one of my sim teens just went out for her first date in her fast food uniform! Sexy! 
I am not sure why the leave interaction happens, because it is not anywhere in the code.
As Motoki stated, the interaction should not cause any major problems if you allow it to happen, the sim will just re-appear on the lot the next time the lot is started. You should make backups first though.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 16, 11:37:39 by crammyboy »
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 212
what're YOU lookin' at?
What's the best way for backing up? SimPE, or just copy the junk in the neighborhood folder to somewhere else on the hard drive?
Just copy the neighbourhood folder to anywhere outside of the sims 2 folder. Don't make a copy inside this folder, it will create confusion in the game.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Hey crammyboy, I'm using * CBOY_NormalClothes dated 21/10/05 I had issues trying to load downtown lots with debug mode on. Same 'populator' and 'out of this world' type errors. When I'd clicked reset about 50 times, I tried delete. Then the lot just hung. I happened to read Rainbow's comments here and wondered if this was my problem.
Does the latest version: * fix this issue?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 39
| will fix it. I'd also use Version 4, too.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 174
Note the reference to me when everything else is referenced by stack object
99.99% of the time they are the same thing. But not always.
EDIT: They could be different sims and the code would still work. Although i doubt the turn on/off system would work as intended.
Yeah, I hit this one with InTeen and ended up plugging this bug there. In my case, Me was referencing the pregnancy controller - blah. I filed a report with Maxis several weeks ago, and had hoped it would make the NL patch - but alas. Maybe next time.
Isn't it about time you did your part in God's plan? Go on, install InTeen today. What would Jesus do?
Feckless Fool

Posts: 265
Does this hack affect toga parties? My sorority sims held a toga party and all their guests showed up in normal clothes, although the girls who lived on the lot changed. Not a big deal, but just checking if it could be because of this.
This mod seems to cause sims in the secret society to wear their uniforms at all times, not just at community lots. In dorms or as visitors on residential lots, they should be wearing their normal outfit.
Does this hack affect toga parties? My sorority sims held a toga party and all their guests showed up in normal clothes, although the girls who lived on the lot changed. Not a big deal, but just checking if it could be because of this.
It might do. I may have to put an extra check in for it. This mod seems to cause sims in the secret society to wear their uniforms at all times, not just at community lots. In dorms or as visitors on residential lots, they should be wearing their normal outfit.
The decision to make the sims wear secret society clothing is done by the game. This won't change sims into normal clothes if they are in secret society clothing already. It does NOT change sims into secret society clothing.