Grammar Police

Posts: 6512
I like pie. A cake is fine, too.
*golf claps*
* Lorelei agrees. Good catch. The sad thing is that Liveangel's corrections of Cockroach's posts, while numerous, did not reflect all the corrections that could legitimately have been sporked; only the most glaring of the mistakes.
Corrections? I only highlighted stuff. * Liveangel looks back at her post. Yeah, I didn't highlight missing periods or spaces, because I didn't know what to highlight. Also, (insert lame excuse here) so I missed some. But if you want corrections, then good. I want something to do. LMFAO!!! Peggy stuff isn't that bad. I chose Fresh prince's home decor objects over at MTS2. They're all bad. I remember that old above ground pool he posted at SS2 forever ago ...OMG it made my sims get stuck so they couldn't move. >_< is bad. Not only because it is horridly pixel-ey, but it is also photo realistic, which means NOTHING in the sim world. I don't even think CC will work with it. That one literally made me go  WTF? Is that person stupid and blind? Better? Do they still have mistakes that I missed?
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!" — Edward Current
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 75
So, I decided to go check out Renegade Sims, because the link was listed here. I found more Peggy stuff that looks great when advertised... and sucks when in the game. Credits for the pics from Renegade Sims. XD  <---From the front  <---- What Peggy seriously did not mention about this hair...
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058
spukhafte Fernwirkung
It's really a shame, because it's one of, like, two pigtails that actually hang down the back and not over the shoulders that I've ever been able to find.
Me too! I think next month's contest should be: Now why didn't a talented creator think of that? We can drag our most shameful shit from our downloads folder and sigh at the poor meshing and horrible texturing of a good idea. ETA: Holy Jesus! It also does the bendy-pigtail dance!
Tempting me to make a bendy-pigtail dance video, eh? Well, bring on your poorly-animated, your weakly-converted (from other games), and starvin' chilluns, and I just might do it.  Edited because of grammerz nad spellinz
So, I decided to go check out Renegade Sims, because the link was listed here. I found more Peggy stuff that looks great when advertised... and sucks when in the game. Credits for the pics from Renegade Sims. XD
*snip* <---From the front *snip* <---- What Peggy seriously did not mention about this hair...
Looks like she's having her scalp surgically removed... edited to fix stupidity (my own). 10 points to whoever finds it.
<insert witty comment here>
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
 "Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!" "Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth." "Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?" "Yes." ... "Friend!!"
*broken image tags*
*another broken image tag*
Your images don't work. Either you used the wrong link or you deleted them. Could you fix them please?
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
Your images don't work. Either you used the wrong link or you deleted them. Could you fix them please?
They were working beforehand. Now I wish I had saved them to my computer/botophucket. I don't know, I was busy putting watermelons on everyone's heads. 
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!" — Edward Current
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 197
ETA: Nevermind. I'm an idiot who obviously can't read.
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Your images don't work. Either you used the wrong link or you deleted them. Could you fix them please?
They were working beforehand. Now I wish I had saved them to my computer/botophucket. I don't know, I was busy putting watermelons on everyone's heads.  Snapdrive seems to be down. I'll see if I can find where I put them on my computer and rehost them with imageshack.
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 200
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058
spukhafte Fernwirkung
Wow, sudaki, I don't envy your rebinning task.  I died a little inside last time I rebinned my hair folder. And, uh, because of the packages that had black .bmps inside, I now have a few blonds in the black bin. 
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 200
I'm on a Mac so I can't actually rebin anything. I just junk 'em. (and post on MATY  )
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
You can use Wardrobe Wrangler. I think it works on Mac.
 "Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!" "Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth." "Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?" "Yes." ... "Friend!!"
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 332
I'm too lazy to rebin all the miscategorised Peggy hair, so I just pretend my sims have chosen to dye theirs but forgot the eyebrows.
I'm too lazy to rebin all the miscategorised Peggy hair, so I just pretend my sims have chosen to dye theirs but forgot the eyebrows.
Or that your sims dyed their eyebrows.
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!" — Edward Current
Look! A pretty new top for my teenage sims.  But...  Being fat is a Very Bad Thing. This top is a default replacement. HystericalParoxysm's replacement mesh: not as advertised.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 228
This is the promoshot on TSR:  This is what the oufit looks like in CAS:  Looks like Siluetta missed a spot. A big, black spot. And it's pay (I, however, got it from the booty).
Tests say I'm INFP. I feel that ISFP describes what I act like more accurately than INFP, though. But both descriptions are pretty covering, so take your pick, or combine them.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
I actually had to come out of lurking and register to share this beautiful meshing gem. The original, and yes, it is pay.  Found game:  umm ...  Okay ...  WTF?! edit: To fix link I borked
« Last Edit: 2008 September 24, 23:57:50 by Genlisae »
My monitor says I am a geek. My keyboard says I am a dork. My daughter says I am a noob. Take your pick; they all apply.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 200
I actually had to come out of lurking and register to share this beautiful meshing gem.
The original, and yes, it is pay.
<SNIP: scary boobs and bendy neck>
 that is just frightening. And this is going to pale in comparison, but I just found this in my downloads. The advertising:  A nice "donation" bathroom from SimCredible. But for some reason when I place the rectangular tub....   It's the disappearing towel rack! You put it in your bathroom, it appears in your living room!
I haven't got pictures, (boo, hiss), but I recently downloaded some Helga stuff (ok, a lot) after all the fangirling and squeeing over her I saw at PMBD.
I set up a bedroom with her stuff (didn't really go, given it was the Hick house, but it was the first house I played after installing and I wanted to see what it looked like), and well. Quilts don't move, the bedframe sticks out through the other side of the wall (you can even see it when looking from another lot - there's a bedframe shaped shadow on one of the walls. Clicking on the bed gave the option to "00a e pc", whatever that was - I'm guessing Relax, because the sims weren't really tired yet. As soon as I got out of the game I deleted all of Helga's stuff.
<insert witty comment here>
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I think they only fangirl about Helga's hair over there, not her objects. Personally I wouldn't touch a Helga hair unless it has been recoloured
Personally I wouldn't touch a Helga hair unless it has been recoloured I'd agree with that. I downloaded a bunch of her hair and was sorely disappointed - that got promptly deleted, too. If I had any skill/inclination/time I'd do it myself (using someone else's *cough*Nouk*cough* textures).
<insert witty comment here>
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I'd love to Noukify all the Maxis hair  Hair files scare me, maybe I'll tackle them one day. When I am feeling reckless 
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
And this is going to pale in comparison, but I just found this in my downloads. The advertising: [Shiny pic] A nice "donation" bathroom from SimCredible. But for some reason when I place the rectangular tub.... [Not so shiny in-game shot] [wtf in-game shot] It's the disappearing towel rack! You put it in your bathroom, it appears in your living room!
That reminds me strongly of the Vitasims stuff. It looks gorgeous as long as you don't place it against a wall.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado 