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More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
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Topic: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised (Read 92921 times)
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 200
More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
2008 September 04, 22:57:15 »
You know those hairs that look AWESOME on the models, and then sit seven feet too high on your sim's head and clip violently through the torso?
Or the furniture that looks brilliant on such-and-so's website but somehow gets lumpy and badly-textured and crashes and pokes through walls when it's in your game?
Find them! Post them! Ideally, post a contrast between how it looks in the advertising and how it REALLY looks. Expose the filthy liars!
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #1 on:
2008 September 04, 23:16:42 »
I NOMinate MATY itself, which poses to the greater unwashed, uneducated masses as a paysite, but is actually the forum in which I am posting right now.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
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Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #2 on:
2008 September 04, 23:23:13 »
A while ago, after a night of manic hair-downloading, I noticed a completely FUBARed hair in the custom hair section in CAS. Since most of my hair is binned and I normally never go into the custom hair section, I decided I didn't particularly want to do a binary search of the hair folder to figure out which one it was and left it there. Recently, cleaning out my downloads folder in anticipation of installing AL, I decided to hunt it down... and discovered that it is not one, but the mating of two
from the same creator on MTS2. Now, looking at them again, the pictures don't look that bad, but in-game they look like strips of petrified blanket with pictures of hair on them. But that's not why I'm entering them. If I put the two hairs in separate subfolders, they show up fine, or at any rate as "fine" as hairs like this can be. If I put them together in the same folder (as I did) hair #2 attempts to use hair #1's mesh, resulting in a completely borked texture that doesn't even look like hair anymore. I suspect the problem stems from the fact that both hairs are billed as "hairmesh 1" and that the creator simply forgot that s/he had already made a hairmesh 1 and accidentally used the same code for indicating the mesh. Or something. I don't know anything about making hair.
Close up
ETA: Rehosted images, but imageshack seems to phail at hotlinking.
Last Edit: 2008 September 12, 18:23:05 by rufio
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 200
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #3 on:
2008 September 05, 01:01:47 »
Here's one of my main inspirations for starting this thread: a pay hair from The Sims Connection called "Time After Time."
Upon putting it in the game one of the first noticable things is that the ponytail has something weird going on at the end.
It's skintone/pink and sort of weird. I call it 'the Butt.' Look for it in the following pictures.
Besides the Butt, the real problems with the hair begin when the Sim starts to move, because aside from sticking out at odd angles as seen above, the luxurious ponytail tends to...
I still remember the face I made first time I witnessed this years ago, when the hair was advertised enthusiastically on TSC as being by Fionn and having amazing animations.
(edited to try and get one of the pics to show)
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #4 on:
2008 September 05, 01:32:18 »
but those ARE amazing animations.
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #5 on:
2008 September 05, 01:38:18 »
Quote from: sudaki on 2008 September 05, 01:01:47
"My hair cut off my head and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!"
The "butt" on the end is extra special.
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #6 on:
2008 September 05, 02:49:26 »
Wow. If "Time After Time" didn't cut off the Sim's head, it would look close to my real hair.
Well, if it didn't cut off the Sim's head, or have a pink buttock on the end, it would look sort of like my hair.
Hmm, okay. If it didn't cut off the Sim's head, have a pink buttock on the end, stab her torso, come in a shade of blonde never actually seen in real life (except on trailer trash who have abused $5 hair bleach kits from the drugstore), and had a bit more of a fringe, it would bear a passing resemblance to my actual real life hair.
Okay, if it... GAH. Never mind.
Now, was it VitaSims, WallSims or both who stole extremely high poly furniture meshes that cut through walls, devour Sims and are the incorrect scale for Sims games? The sad thing is that I like the style of furniture made with those extremely high-poly meshes, and still occasionally used some of it that wasn't too badly borked in my game.
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #7 on:
2008 September 05, 03:37:32 »
Quote from: sudaki on 2008 September 05, 01:01:47
I still remember the face I made first time I witnessed this years ago, when the hair was advertised enthusiastically on TSC as being by Fionn and having amazing animations.
Pic PLZ?
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #8 on:
2008 September 05, 15:59:46 »
I nominate everything from Peggy.
I win.
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My Urinal
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #9 on:
2008 September 05, 16:16:54 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2008 September 05, 15:59:46
I nominate everything from Peggy.
I win.
Ho ho, you. This makes me think a "Worst of Peggy" contest would be pretty challenging.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Night Racer
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 44
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #10 on:
2008 September 05, 19:01:04 »
I nominate everything from Peggy.
I win.
LMFAO!!! peggy stuff isnt that bad
i chose Fresh princes home decor objects over at mts2. there all bad
i remember that old above ground pool he psots at SS2 forever ago...omg it made my sims get stuck and couldnt move >_<
that is bad not only becuse it is horridly pixel-ey... it is also photo realistic...which mates NOTHING in the sim world...i dont even think CC will work with it
I seem to have lost my mind. I'm going to look for it, if you see it tell it to wait for me.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #11 on:
2008 September 05, 19:30:27 »
Quote from: Cockroach on 2008 September 05, 19:01:04
I nominate everything from Peggy.
I win.
LMFAO!!! peggy stuff isnt that bad
Gaping hair, anyone? Borked mesh for your pleasure! Mismatched animations, sure to dazzle you! Firetruck reds, piss (off) yellows, blacks which aren't black at all - who could possibly wish for more? And it's hair only - don't let me start on other stuff!
And yes, the fact that it's, so
as it is,
I mean, all hail Peggy. Such skills are hard to achieve. [/sarcasm]
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"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #12 on:
2008 September 05, 19:39:59 »
I actually have yet to download any hairs by peggy with the reputed huge gaping holes in them. Anyone got pictures?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 200
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #13 on:
2008 September 05, 22:47:56 »
Quote from: Cockroach on 2008 September 05, 19:01:04
that is bad not only becuse it is horridly pixel-ey... it is also photo realistic...which mates NOTHING in the sim world...i dont even think CC will work with it
Here's some pics of this fridge in my game for comparison. Honestly I don't think it looks that bad, or at least not that different from the advertising. The water dispenser on the front isn't painted on, it's meshed more or less properly, and the animations work.
There is an issue, however, with the Sims hands not matching up with the fridge doors.
Now somebody get moving and post Peggy hair gaps please!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
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Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #14 on:
2008 September 06, 02:23:30 »
Quote from: sudaki on 2008 September 05, 22:47:56
Now somebody get moving and post Peggy hair gaps please!
There is this peggy hair, that has braids and a side pony. I love this hair style. But there is a VERY *cough*scrumptious*cough* detail in the back...
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane..., oh, wait, no, it's just her teeth...
Multiple times happened where I'm filming and I get the perfect angle, only to realize I can't do it anymore because there's a big ole gap in the chick's head
Edit: Screwed up quote.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1205
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #15 on:
2008 September 06, 09:53:17 »
Paysite gaps, let me show you them.
Rose's not as infamous for her gaps as Peggy is. I found out about her gaps on
Renegade Sims
For just $2.50, you can get
this lovely hair
, complete with gap! Of course, if you're a weird nutjob who doesn't like gaps, you can download a gap-less version from Renegade for free, but where's the fun in that?
Does Rose playtest
her stuff
? By the looks of things, the answer is no. Neither does the EAxis team, and look at them!
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!"
Edward Current
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #16 on:
2008 September 06, 16:44:19 »
I remember one hair of Peggy's which had a gap so huge that sim's head almost disappeared when you looked from backview. It was pay, of course. If I could only remember which hair it was...
Here it is!
Original pic:
The gap:
Last Edit: 2008 September 06, 17:09:36 by Keksich
"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
Night Racer
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 44
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #17 on:
2008 September 06, 20:54:52 »
that one literaly made me go that person stupid and blind?
I seem to have lost my mind. I'm going to look for it, if you see it tell it to wait for me.
Posts: 2176
A flock of crapped nerds
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #18 on:
2008 September 06, 21:12:26 »
Ugh, I remember seeing that in-game. That's what happens when Peggy decides to do a female-to-male conversion of her own hair.
Pinheaded Pissant
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spukhafte Fernwirkung
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #19 on:
2008 September 06, 21:43:21 »
Aw man. That Peggy hair makes mine look tame, but at I didn't even set out LOOKING for it; I found this while making some CAS sims. Pay Rose two-fifeh for:
Two main problems: This hair is binned in brown and uh-- yeah, those bangs.
Here's an 'as advertised' shot:
Why are there THREE blonds and one 'brown' (that's really purple?)
Edited to bring you a horrendous profile shot!
Last Edit: 2008 September 06, 22:15:51 by Kazzandra
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1205
Reply #20 on:
2008 September 07, 00:15:49 »
Quote from: Cockroach on 2008 September 05, 19:01:04
that bad
chose Fresh princes home decor objects over at mts2. there all bad
remember that old above ground pool he
at SS2 forever ago...omg it made my sims get stuck and
move >_<
that is bad not only
it is horridly pixel-ey... it is also photo realistic...which mates NOTHING in the sim world...i
even think CC will work with it
Quote from: Cockroach on 2008 September 06, 20:54:52
hat one
made me go
wtf that person stupid and blind?
Excuse me for being off-topic, but I've had enough!
Capital letters! Full stops! Apostrophe, apostrophe, apostrophe, apostrophe! Use spellcheck!
[/derail by grammar flame]
"Jesus is not Santa Claus for adults! Jesus is for everyone!"
Edward Current
Posts: 2176
A flock of crapped nerds
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #21 on:
2008 September 07, 00:18:48 »
*golf claps*
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #22 on:
2008 September 07, 01:27:13 »
Wow, that Peggy hair is something else. How do you miss stuff like that? Does she actually look at her stuff before she demands money for it?
I actually have that Rose hair, Kazzandra, but I never wound up using it so I never noticed that. I went into CAS just now to see it for myself, and noticed something else about it when the teenage sim did the slouchy head-lolling posture:
Now, granted, I've seen other hairs do this, but never to that degree.
Last Edit: 2008 September 12, 18:30:03 by rufio
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 200
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #23 on:
2008 September 07, 01:47:12 »
Quote from: Kazzandra on 2008 September 06, 21:43:21
Aw man. That Peggy hair makes mine look tame, but at I didn't even set out LOOKING for it; I found this while making some CAS sims. Pay Rose two-fifeh for:
What the hell. Back-of-neck gaps are sometimes kind of irritating (especially if you want that picture and your sim's teeth are showing from behind..) .... but FRONT OF THE FREAKING FACE gaps? Visible in CAS? Did she look at this in-game at ALL?
Also the way it sticks out in the back is so not right.
Man, now I want to go into my collection of Peggy "THAT'S IN THE WRONG BIN" candidates. WTF reds in the blonde bin, blondes in the brown bin, browns in the black bin.
ETA: Holy Jesus! It also does the bendy-pigtail dance!
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised
Reply #24 on:
2008 September 07, 01:56:25 »
It's really a shame, because it's one of, like,
pigtails that actually hang down the back and not over the shoulders that I've ever been able to find.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
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