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no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
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Topic: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8) (Read 48499 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
2008 September 01, 20:23:25 »
name: noalignmentchangeonneutralcast.package
description: casting a neutral spell does not change your alignment anymore.
alignment shift is calculated through (targetalignment of spell - currentalignment of caster) * spellweight / 100. i have set the weight (0x1000:0x02) of all neutral spells to 0, so they actually dont influence alignment anymore. i dont know, if these weights influence anything else than alignment, so consider this a hack, not a fix.
name: noreagentsdocumented.package
description: set the reagent requirements for all spells to 0, but "Magus Mutatio". all BCONs are halfway decent documented now, so you can adjust them to your liking.
name: noalignmentchangeoncast.package
description: casting a spell does not change your alignment at all.
name: noalignmentreqandchange.package
description: casting a spell or creating an object dont have alignment requirements and dont change alignments. magic skill requirement stays in place. although, casting a spell or creating an object of the wrong alignment take much longer, have lower success rates and drain motives much more, as already implemented through EAxis.
so long,
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Last Edit: 2008 September 17, 04:30:39 by TripleM
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #1 on:
2008 September 15, 15:45:55 »
Cheers! I will certainly be making use of the no neutral spell alignment change. Why should using a neutral spell make you less good or evil?
On a side note the only other thing I can think the weights may effect would be the new reputation guage but I have no idea so just ignore me if I'm in completely the wrong ball park.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #2 on:
2008 September 15, 17:37:49 »
Thank you! I was ranting about this in #grah a few days ago.
Is it possible to make a hack that makes spells not change your alignment at all? I wish the only way to change alignment would be by studying it.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 204
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #3 on:
2008 September 15, 18:03:46 »
Quote from: Tsarina on 2008 September 15, 17:37:49
Is it possible to make a hack that makes spells not change your alignment at all? I wish the only way to change alignment would be by studying it.
I think I'd like that as well, an evil witch or a good witch should be able to cast a good or evil spell respectively once in a while without their alignment changing, even a little bit.
Dive in!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #4 on:
2008 September 15, 23:13:30 »
Quote from: Menaceman on 2008 September 15, 15:45:55
On a side note the only other thing I can think the weights may effect would be the new reputation guage but I have no idea so just ignore me if I'm in completely the wrong ball park.
i dont think, the weights have any influence on reputation. i'm more concerned about their possible influence on the magic level of a sim, but i dont have enough enthusiasm to check that.
Quote from: Tsarina on 2008 September 15, 17:37:49
Thank you!...
oh no. i thank you!
Quote from: Tsarina on 2008 September 15, 17:37:49
Is it possible to make a hack that makes spells not change your alignment at all? I wish the only way to change alignment would be by studying it.
Quote from: Cappuccino on 2008 September 15, 18:03:46
I think I'd like that as well, an evil witch or a good witch should be able to cast a good or evil spell respectively once in a while without their alignment changing, even a little bit.
i would not like it that way, because i think, casting a specific spell of course reflects your alignment. but it is not my part to judge, only to percieve, so here you go:
name: noalignmentchangeoncast.package
description: casting a spell does not change your alignment at all.
(4.29 KB - downloaded 849 times.)
Last Edit: 2008 September 15, 23:20:55 by TripleM
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 436
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #5 on:
2008 September 16, 00:35:14 »
Oh yes! I don't understand, if something is neutral, then how does it effect how good or bad your which becomes? It's neutral of all things! XD
Thanks for sharing. If I do get around to which-craft in the game, I'll be sure to remember I have this hack.
Swing Tree
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 217
INFP, AQ: 36. Fear.
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #6 on:
2008 September 16, 03:43:27 »
Thanks muchly for sharing! My little witchly types don't believe that a spell can, by nature, be good or evil. This noalignmentchange bit will be perfect for them.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 216
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #7 on:
2008 September 16, 10:22:51 »
now if only someone can make a mod to enable all spells no matter the alignment
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #8 on:
2008 September 16, 15:54:30 »
Quote from: knightguy on 2008 September 16, 10:22:51
now if only someone can make a mod to enable all spells no matter the alignment
name: noalignmentreqandchange.package
description: casting a spell or creating an object dont have alignment requirements and dont change alignments. magic skill requirement stays in place. although, casting a spell or creating an object of the wrong alignment take much longer, have lower success rates and drain motives much more, as already implemented through EAxis.
i dont know, if somebody already noticed it, but sitting on the throne of opposite alignment drains your motives, instead of replenish them. i didnt checked the influence of aligned objects on environment score.
(5.29 KB - downloaded 1018 times.)
Last Edit: 2008 September 17, 04:22:18 by TripleM
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 204
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #9 on:
2008 September 16, 22:28:37 »
Quote from: TripleM on 2008 September 16, 15:54:30
Quote from: knightguy on 2008 September 16, 10:22:51
now if only someone can make a mod to enable all spells no matter the alignment
name: noalignmentreqandchange.package
description: casting a spell or creating an object dont have alignment requirements. magic skill requirement stays in place. although, casting a spell or creating an object of the wrong alignment take much longer, have lower success rates and drain motives much more, as already implemented through EAxis.
Do I understand it correctly that this also contains the noalignmentchangeoncast.package mod too, or should I get both? Thanks for these by the way, especially since it's not something you'd make for yourself.
Dive in!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #10 on:
2008 September 17, 04:25:07 »
Quote from: Cappuccino on 2008 September 16, 22:28:37
Do I understand it correctly that this also contains the noalignmentchangeoncast.package mod too, or should I get both? Thanks for these by the way, especially since it's not something you'd make for yourself.
you did.
dont mix the different alignment-packages, cause they all modify the same BCON-tables (more or less).
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #11 on:
2008 September 18, 02:35:05 »
Gee, you fixed a eaxis bug that exists in the game but it says otherwise in the readme. Which is the alignment change thingy.
Why they did this, I don't know. But if I want a
evil warlock
Pescado, I'd rather he can make people on fire and teleport around doing it.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #12 on:
2008 October 06, 21:00:16 »
If you are still taking orders, I would like some spam, eggs, sausage, and spam... Oh and a noalignmentreqandchangeonneaturalcast on the side.
Oh I almost forgot that Floof wants some spam, spam,spam,spam,spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam, and spam.
Last Edit: 2009 April 11, 19:29:09 by parrot
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 125
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #13 on:
2008 October 06, 21:54:18 »
Quote from: knightguy on 2008 September 16, 10:22:51
now if only someone can make a mod to enable all spells no matter the alignment
Squinge made one.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #14 on:
2008 October 06, 22:37:56 »
Quote from: fatkitty on 2008 October 06, 21:54:18
Quote from: knightguy on 2008 September 16, 10:22:51
now if only someone can make a mod to enable all spells no matter the alignment
Squinge made one.
if you haven't noticed, this was already done in response to the request.
look here.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 125
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #15 on:
2008 October 06, 22:42:39 »
I'm sorry. I must have overlooked that reply. That's what I get for trying to read/type with 2 little kids climbing on me. I can remove it if you'd like.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #16 on:
2009 February 27, 05:00:57 »
I downloaded Treeag's "No Stupid Reagents" from MTS2, but the hack conflict detector says it conflicts with MATY's firemod, which I can't play without. But this thread here:,13372.0.html
says that the "noreagents" hack breaks the spectral cats. Could you please look into it? I'm lazy enough that I want to cast spells without having to use reagents, but I don't want to break the spectral cats or end up having my sims diaf because they're too stupid to use a fire extinguisher.
Last Edit: 2009 February 28, 09:01:00 by catpaw
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 224
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #17 on:
2009 February 28, 00:57:41 »
Quote from: parrot on 2008 October 06, 21:00:16
If you are still taking orders, I would like some spam, eggs, sausage, and spam...
Oh and a noalignmentreqandchangeonneaturalcast on the side.
If there's any chance for this, I would also like it. I think the witchy types should have access to all the spells, but if they cast something opposed to their alignment it should effect them. But neutral should still be
, ffs.
A mean person laughs with you because they don't really mean it. A really mean person just laughs at you.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 658
a red dragonfly
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8)
Reply #18 on:
2009 March 26, 02:59:48 »
I'd really like to see that too, Tamha, but TripleM hasn't been around since January, so it might be a while.
Incidentally, Pescado has indicated that the spell-casting related code in firemod isn't being run, so the conflict with treeag's mod can presumably be ignored.
Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (E
Reply #19 on:
2009 April 02, 05:58:42 »
Quote from: Tamha on 2009 February 28, 00:57:41
Quote from: parrot on 2008 October 06, 21:00:16
If you are still taking orders, I would like some spam, eggs, sausage, and spam...
Oh and a noalignmentreqandchangeonneaturalcast on the side.
If there's any chance for this, I would also like it. I think the witchy types should have access to all the spells, but if they cast something opposed to their alignment it should effect them. But neutral should still be
, ffs.
I want it too, so I opened up TripleM's hacks in SimPE, compared them to each other to the EAxis code, and made some changes based on my learnings. You can download it
. It works as far as I can tell, which is not very far since I don't have any really advanced witches yet.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
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