Thanks dizzy. It will be especially useful for Mac users who can't use SimPE.
Any thoughts on making a tutorial to change the debugger into the decorative object of your choice?
I wrote a sort of mini tutorial at the end of the first post. Below is more verbose version.
How to turn FFS Lot Debugger into Maxis decorative object of your choiceThis tutorial assumes that you have basic understanding of object cloning. If you don't know how to clone an object in SimPE, I suggest that you read
this tutorial first. (Skip the stuff about 3D meshing and texturing, you only need to read the part about SimPE.)
1. Clone a decorative object of your choice as usual in Object Workshop. It does not need to be an 1-tile object.
2. In the
Scenegraph rename wizard, set
ModelName as ffsdebuggerbox, click
Update and click OK.
DO NOT tick the box named University Ready v2. Save it in the convenient folder.
As dizzy has said, it really does not matter. You can change ModelName if you want. I just prefer making it as close to original as possible.
3. Before extracting mesh files, apply
repository technique to pull textures from the original Maxis object.
4. Extract these 4 resources from your clone.
Geometric Data Container (GMDC)
Geometric Node (GMND)
Resource Node (CRES)
Shape (SHPE)Save these 4 resources in a safe folder for future use. You'll need them whenever lot debugger is updated.
5. Open the Lot Debugger in SimPE, and delete the existing
TXMT and
TXTR for the black bat box.
6. Delete the existing
CRES and
7. Add
CRES and
SHPE you extracted from the clone.
8. If you're cloning an object like large sculpture or floor plant that can sit only on the ground, you're done. But if you're cloning something like a small plant or a painting, you have to
change the object placement of the lot debugger. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to put it on surfaces or hang it on the wall.
If you're cloning a small decorative object that sits on various surfaces, you can reuse my edited custom BHAVs in the first post. 0x00001FFE allows lot debugger to serve as table deco. If your object is too large to serve as table deco, you can leave it out.
If you're cloning anything else, replace
"Function - Init" BHAV with mine, but don't add other 2 BHAVs.
this tutorial first for basic understanding of object placement.
Tool - Object Tools - Import SemiGlobals in SimPE, and pick the right semiglobal for your clone, e.g. PaintingGlobals for paintings. Select Scan, select Uncheck all, and import only
BHAV: Function - Init. (Sometimes the name can be different.)
Select newly added BHAV, click on
Resource tab, and change the Instance number to
0x00001FFF, and commit.
Plugin View tab again, change the filename to something like Function - Init - Painting to avoid confusion.
If you want to change the object placement further, follow
this tutorial.
This tutorial can be applied to other object hacks as well.