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Author Topic: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.  (Read 531031 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #275 on: 2008 August 31, 00:22:45 »

the error you're getting should never happen and apparently may invalidate the version checking method, requiring a rewrite of everything.

That sounds like a V, V, VBT.   Sad

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #276 on: 2008 August 31, 00:37:06 »

Another new thing I'm noticing, now that I'm trying UNI out with AL added on top, is that dormies are constantly entering my playable Sims' bedrooms and sleeping in their beds.  I've never had this happen before.  I suppose I could just lock the doors, but it still strikes me as odd and phail.  I'm running base+UNI+FT+AL at the moment, and there is some tight pants including the InSimenator, but oddly, almost everything else is working OK -- besides cell phones and anything inside an actual apartment.

I have yet even to see a witch in-game, much less try out magic, though....

If you've added the DC, either take out nouniprotect or make beds available for your dormies that not behind dorm doors - nouniprotect means that they now need to sleep, and for some reason they can't see the beds behind their own dorm doors which is why they are attempting to use your playables' beds.  This is pretty normal behaviour with nouniprotect in the game, and has nothing to do with AL.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #277 on: 2008 August 31, 01:00:10 »

Yeah, nouniprotect can make the game weird in university hoods. It can also make it hilarious. In dorms, they pee their pants, get all smelly, fall asleep in their food, fall asleep on the ground...

If you don't want to see the hilarity, just remove nouniprotect. It's EAxis behaviour.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #278 on: 2008 August 31, 01:19:07 »

I can confirm this. I spent some time last night making a really nice duplex on a foundation that had private backyards and I couldn't change it to an apartment until I removed the doors to the yards. Ugh.

I did some experimenting with this and found some workarounds.
The easiest one requires an invisible fence, the one I tested with is Niol's at MTS2. (First in the download list.)

So, you have your house with the fenced in yard; instead of adding stairs, add extra foundation where you want the stairs to be.

Now, add the invisible fence so that the foundation is completley framed. ( I used a stone fence instead so you would be able to see it Wink )

Then remove the extra foundation again, and use the moveobjects on cheat to place the stairs in the gap.

Now you should be able to turn it in to an apartment if nothing else is wrong. I haven't had the problem that zazazu has with normal fenced-in areas, I did however have one custom door that didn't work in apartments, while others were fine.

With invisible fence and and a testing sim:

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #279 on: 2008 August 31, 01:42:52 »

Just to reiterate, nopedostalkers seems to be the only mod that screws up the time spell - all others work fine.

Here's hoping it's not as bad as you make it  Sad AL seems to have enough problems as is.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #280 on: 2008 August 31, 01:52:52 »

Time spell works with current edition. Retry?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #281 on: 2008 August 31, 02:00:07 »

Yep, new nopedostalkers works. No more bad jump bug during frozen time.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #282 on: 2008 August 31, 02:29:57 »

I can confirm this. I spent some time last night making a really nice duplex on a foundation that had private backyards and I couldn't change it to an apartment until I removed the doors to the yards. Ugh.

I did some experimenting with this and found some workarounds.
That's fantastic! I was most of the way to that, but since I was on the test account with no CC, I didn't think about invisible fences. Invisible walls should work as well. The only problem is with shadows...I've yet to find an invisible fence or wall that doesn't throw a shadow.

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Soggy Fox
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #283 on: 2008 August 31, 02:54:06 »

Could always disquise the shadows with something like the high shrub or something, and thank Chthulu - I made this really nice townhouse complex with these small gardens in the back.
Bearded Bigamist
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #284 on: 2008 August 31, 03:33:56 »

Bork? Feature?

Roommates are supposed to be uncontrollable, right? This roommate was, until his needs started going red as a result of spending his day off on the synthesizer. Suddenly, he became controllable. I was able to direct him to pee, eat and sleep before he croaked.

I wonder if roommates become controllable when it becomes clear they can't take care of themselves? Or, Just Another EA Feature?

Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #285 on: 2008 August 31, 03:36:06 »

oii How many borks have we found? I bet BBSers bork their game less than this! It's so ridiculous to think that they can't get things straight.

Recolors for the photobooth and card table are broken. I know this because I downloaded several. Although I am not sure about the restaurant podium, seeing that I haven't built a community lot yet, nor download any recolors of the podium (since I have found 2 borked objects.)

Roommates are supposed to be uncontrollable, right? This roommate was, until his needs started going red as a result of spending his day off on the synthesizer. Suddenly, he became controllable. I was able to direct him to pee, eat and sleep before he croaked.

I wonder if roommates become controllable when it becomes clear they can't take care of themselves? Or, Just Another EA Feature?

Roomates aren't supposed to be controllable. (if you're using/talking about pet control and pet free will cheat, turn off the free will one at least). When i got BV (similar expansion pack and all) and my family went on vacation with a couple of guests they became controllable. I don't think it was a glitch. I probably left a hack I didn't know about in the folder, which would have been 12ish of me.
« Last Edit: 2008 December 03, 05:41:07 by fway » Logged

Bearded Bigamist
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #286 on: 2008 August 31, 04:00:01 »

Oh, I see it now. I do have controlpets set to true on my startup. Nevermind, move along, nothing to see here.... Tongue

Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #287 on: 2008 August 31, 04:01:35 »

Oh, I see it now. I do have controlpets set to true on my startup. Nevermind, move along, nothing to see here.... Tongue

Control pets is fine, but if you use pets free will off, then you'd HAVE to control your roomie.

I wish they just made a different cheat like "controlRoomies on"
« Last Edit: 2008 December 03, 05:39:17 by fway » Logged

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #288 on: 2008 August 31, 04:07:07 »

That's fantastic! I was most of the way to that, but since I was on the test account with no CC, I didn't think about invisible fences. Invisible walls should work as well. The only problem is with shadows...I've yet to find an invisible fence or wall that doesn't throw a shadow.
Yeah, the shadow fits neatly around the solid steps though:

However, if the foundation is is not 4 clicks high (or 8,12 etc) then the stair ends "mid-grid" and there will be ugliness.

The fence I linked to has no shadow when placed directly on the ground, but I think all partitions do if you go up one floor, even the otherwise shadowless greenhousewalls.

There are other ways though, cc free, but with other drawbacks.
Take a normal fenced-in yard, line the inside of the fence with foundation:

Then build a fence along the foundation edge, and delete foundation:

This way you can actually take advantage of the silly "room divider is a wall"-thing, and use that as the top fence, hiding it inside the bottom one.
The drawbacks are that you can't go to the lot edge, and since the foundation level yard area now counts as a room it will raise the rent considerably.

Recolors for the photobooth and card table are broken.

I think those two are only recolorable through the CEP?

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #289 on: 2008 August 31, 04:14:08 »

I did some experimenting with this and found some workarounds.
The easiest one requires an invisible fence, the one I tested with is Niol's at MTS2. (First in the download list.)
Thanks! I will definitely get back to my duplex tomorrow to give this a try...

Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #290 on: 2008 August 31, 04:36:13 »

Recolors for the photobooth and card table are broken. I know this because I downloaded several. Although I am not sure about the restaurant podium, seeing that I haven't built a community lot yet, nor download any recolors of the podium (since I have found 2 borked objects.)

Bah, they do that with the children's oven and a few other things with every stuff path recently. A new CEP will fix it.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #291 on: 2008 August 31, 04:43:07 »

Recolors for the photobooth and card table are broken. I know this because I downloaded several. Although I am not sure about the restaurant podium, seeing that I haven't built a community lot yet, nor download any recolors of the podium (since I have found 2 borked objects.)

Installing EPs could break the CEP. Reinstall it and the recolors should be fine. In my Game recolors for the photobooth and card table are there and work.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #292 on: 2008 August 31, 05:03:59 »

Oops, now I think I really did break it.  I would suggest avoiding the helicopter (!) now available for purchase for a cool $20k.  I was going to try to use it to get a Sim to a community lot, then changed my mind and cancelled it out.  This turned out to be a VBT, resulting in an endless loop of error messages of the type "A vehicle is trying to return, but there is no driveway for it to return to".  I couldn't even quit the game and had to do a hard shutdown.

The next time in the game, it hung up during a save of that same family.  The next time in, I deleted the helicopter and the helipad, and was then able to save -- only to have it hang while in the middle of loading a community lot.

I'm about to do the binary search thing tomorrow, then if that doesn't work, I'll uninstall and reinstall everything.  I might have killed something when I cancelled out the helicopter interaction.

I do not have the DC installed and wasn't using nouniprotect, but I'll wait to get that until all my other CC is working and the game is working as well as it can, at least minus helicopters and cell phones -- oh yes, and minus apartments too.  Roll Eyes
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #293 on: 2008 August 31, 05:18:26 »

Recolors for the photobooth and card table are broken. I know this because I downloaded several. Although I am not sure about the restaurant podium, seeing that I haven't built a community lot yet, nor download any recolors of the podium (since I have found 2 borked objects.)

Installing EPs could break the CEP. Reinstall it and the recolors should be fine. In my Game recolors for the photobooth and card table are there and work.

I will retry and see how it goes.
« Last Edit: 2008 December 03, 05:38:41 by fway » Logged

Soggy Fox
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #294 on: 2008 August 31, 05:30:39 »

I seem to have found another bug - I only have hacks installed [ I think] that are for EP8.  In a EAxis made apartment building, hobbies being built up gets me an invite to the various lots.

However, I noticed in my own building, I don't get them, at all.  Kind of annoying because I'd planned on using the hobby pottery wheel and sewing machines, so didn'y put on on my own building's lot.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #295 on: 2008 August 31, 05:58:33 »

This way you can actually take advantage of the silly "room divider is a wall"-thing, and use that as the top fence, hiding it inside the bottom one.
Heh, that's a good trick usable outside this type of situation. Price isn't that big of a deal if you are using the magic wand, since they depreciate so much.

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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #296 on: 2008 August 31, 06:39:03 »

Found yet another bork.

If you plead for the life of a non-playable if death decides to visit them, then that sim becomes a playable sim.

I don't want your vile candy, EAxis! Stop making useless sims in my family. Their job iis to clog my townie pool
Feckless Fool
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #297 on: 2008 August 31, 08:23:33 »

It's a tiny, nitpicky thing, but I can't help but notice it. When those (I'm assuming) reputation pop-ups come up, saying "Oh, I work in a furniture store, here's a discount, blah blah" or "You're in Law! You deserve a pay raise!", instead of saying the name of the sim who is getting the benefit, it says the name of the sim giving it. I just had two in a row, and when it said, "<name>, you deserve a pay raise", instead of having Aurora's name there (who was the sim receiving the benefit), it had the names of the sims giving the benefit (so it said, "Xavier, you deserve a pay raise" and "Maddison, here's a discount")

Like I said, nitpicky, but it's getting on my nerves.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #298 on: 2008 August 31, 09:16:01 »

If you plead for the life of a non-playable if death decides to visit them, then that sim becomes a playable sim.

That's normal, or it's an old bug. I had happen that once (Seasons?) when my YA pleaded for a dormie who croaked thanks to nouniprotect. What's even worse - although I made her a townie again, my sim only got 50% of the family funds after graduation Angry.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Apartment Life Borkiness, or how i ended the world in 1 hour.
« Reply #299 on: 2008 August 31, 10:06:10 »

I don't know if this is a clitch or am I doing something wrong, but I'll mention it anyway.

I had two CAS-sims in a pre-made apartment. I made them both witches, one evil and one good. When they both got the ability to make those lamp-thingies, the nice witch could make it without problems, but the evil witch couldn't. She had all motives up (almost max) when she began. Halfway through her motives had dropped so low she couldn't continue anymore. So it takes my evil witch much longer to finish her lamp. So far she's been working on it 4 times and still not finished. I had only awesome hacks, and I've tested this with no CC at all so I know it's not a conflict.

Oh, and, then there's the thing with her spellbook and cauldron. When I took them out of her inventory, I moved them a couple of times after that, but now they're unselectable. My sim can use them, but I can't select them in buy/build mode or in inventory. Move_objects on doesn't help.

Edit: Solved. For some reason the game thought that the little room wasn't a part of the apartment.
« Last Edit: 2008 August 31, 10:30:07 by Catju » Logged
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