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Author Topic: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates  (Read 132849 times)
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #25 on: 2006 June 21, 12:00:05 »

Wait for the default face templates that Nailati is working on.  They'll be more awesome than anything anywhere else!


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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #26 on: 2007 February 06, 15:12:49 »

Is there any Pets-compatible way to do this? Because I have Pets, and cannot for the life of me find any of the folders or files mentioned there. There is no TSData folder (or any of the subfolders listed for it), and I can't find the CASFace.package anywhere else. Am I missing something huge and obvious, or is it just not possible to make my own face templates with Pets?

Why not just start with AllenABQ's pre-extracted templates and skip that whole part?
« Last Edit: 2007 February 06, 19:19:24 by AmberDiceless » Logged

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #27 on: 2009 February 24, 22:52:35 »

Ahh I really need help with this...  Cry

Export? Import? Ugh, I don't get it at all!
I just want this face as one of the Maxis default faces...
I have no experience with SimPe... sadly...

If it's not possible, then I'm done here.

PS: And I don't care if I'm reviving an old thread, when my problem is solved I'm done here and won't bother anyone here again...

It IS possible, you just have to take the time to learn the program, as with anything else.  Importing and exporting is done, strangely enough, by clicking the Import and Export buttons you will find if you use SimPE to open a face template file with SimPE and click on 'Geometric Data Container (GMDC)' on the left.

However, may I suggest that the best way to ask for help at a site where you've never posted before may not be to state your intention to plunder the info you need and run?  It doesn't give me a whole lot of motivation to help you.  :p

Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #28 on: 2009 February 25, 01:25:28 »

I guess I must be more detailed on where my problem actually is:
When I press File -> New I have a new file, but there are no import or export buttons to find... this is where I'm stuck

Make a new file. Then look on the bottom of the screen. There are some tabs, and one of them is called Plugin. Click that. Next, look at the top-right side of the screen (the screen should currently be split into three panels). Right-click with the mouse anywhere inside the top-right panel. This will bring up a menu with those functions. Import = Add.

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #29 on: 2009 February 25, 23:25:15 »

Okay, Import and Export, which you have figured out the meaning of now, Wink are used in that form elsewhere in the program.

As for accessing the Sim Browser and Sim Surgery, you need to use the Neighborhood Browser first so the program will know where to find the sim you are looking for. Once you've opened up a neighborhood to work with you can use those tools.

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #30 on: 2009 February 26, 00:56:50 »

SimPE has a problem with consistency. And also spelling.

Manah-Angel-Eyes, now you have confused me. Tell me again what exactly you are trying to do? I thought you wanted to take a sim that you downloaded and turn it into a replacement face template. This doesn't (or shouldn't) need Sim Surgery or Neighborhood Browser at all.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #31 on: 2009 February 27, 00:47:08 »

Well, I think this tutorial is just too hard for someone to follow if they are using SimPE for the first time.

I also think that it would take longer to explain how to do it than to just do it for you. So if it's just one sim, tell me which template you want replaced (CPLA, ETGE, or whatever) and I'll replace it.

As a special public service, I can take screenshots of the process, so that hopefully the original tutorial will become more useful for people who are not experts in using SimPE. Or who are intimidated by the fact that there are so many complicated-looking steps. It's actually not that hard.

Tasty Tourist

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #32 on: 2009 March 10, 03:22:18 »

I would love to see screenshots of the process, as I sometimes get stuck with the written-out directions.  (Ironic for someone who writes, but that's my cross to bear... *grin*)

I've read on ModTheSims2 of someone using MilkShape to alter facial geometry, and I think that's really what I need, as I'm wanting to introduce a little asymtery into my neighborhood.  (The model for the sim I want to make has a nose which visibly leans to one side; there's no way to recreate this lean by slapping a blush mask over the nose -- I know, I made several attempts at a nose mask, which left me with less-than-ideal results -- which leaves me with sculpting the face in MilkShape.)  I don't know that I want to make a face template which replaces anything in CAS/BodyShop, but would simply like to package this new sculpt with my sim.  (Which would allow for limited release of odd genetic material into my hoods or anyone else's, I should think.)  That way, this new face will come up in CAS when someone chooses the packaged skintone, and then the user can modify with a different skin to get a different looking sim, as well as replacing other features (like eyes or brows or even chins) to get even more distinctiveness...

I'm in my 40s and pretty much everything involved with customizing means I need to learn a new program and new techniques, on top of actually doing the work.  I'm willing, as long as I can find "customizing for dummies"-type tutorials, as I really need to have things explicitly spelled out.  (I could really relate to Manah's problems of not being able to find a button and such, because it's happened to me, too, when reading other people's tutes.)

So I'm not asking for anyone to do this for me... just help me figure out what I need to do and how to do it.

Thanks in advance!
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #33 on: 2009 April 10, 15:53:53 »

I'm completely new to both this forum and SimPE, and I'd definitely love to see a screenshot tutorial, or even one that it written very simply, so I am able to understand it even without prior knowledge of the programs involved.
I have downloaded the base face files that AllenABQ uploaded, but I really have no idea on how to use them in the process, and which part can now be left out.
Sorry about this - any help would be great, especially the earlier mentioned screenshot tutorial.  Smiley

Thank you for your time.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #34 on: 2009 June 14, 19:00:32 »

I understand and have done most of the steps except one, which is in the 4th paragraph of the tutorial from the top:

Now find the face or faces in question (remember, you can get the names from the CAS in debug mode) and then export them. Make a new file in SimPE and import them.

I've done a lot of things in SimPE over the past three years, but never had the need to make a new file. How do I do this?

I clicked on "New" at the top, which gave me a container, but I could not figure out how to open it in order to import the files.

I'm sure the answer is maddeningly simple but I'm stumped. An answer would be greatly appreciated as the rest of this great tutorial is a breeze.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #35 on: 2011 August 22, 02:29:29 »

Hi everyone. You may have seen me other places posting because I don't know what I'm doing in Sim PE. Well... here I am again... Unable to figure things out in Sim PE. I got all the way to the end (or so I think) and I have my new template saved. But how do I get it so that I can put it in my downloads folder?Huh Do I have to export the new saved file and put that in the folder? Where do I do that? I would post a screenshot of where I am but when I try to paste it in here it won't go. I can't figure out how to paste a screen shot in my post so .... hmmm... Undecided

There was talk of a tutorial with screen shots... is that still a possibility?

Thanks for humoring me...
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #36 on: 2011 August 22, 05:42:15 »

I fiddled and I fumbled and I finally figured it out  Cheesy
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #37 on: 2011 August 22, 05:56:39 »

I fiddled and I fumbled and I finally figured it out  Cheesy
No one fucking cares.  Also, there is a "modify" button at the top right of your post; there is no need to double post.
« Last Edit: 2011 September 07, 21:17:48 by Jeebus » Logged

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