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The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
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Topic: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control (Read 109016 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #50 on:
2008 November 09, 06:12:12 »
Your error appears to be some kind of error in babby bottles. Whatever bottle you are using is not apparently compliant with standards. I have added extra safety checks to avoid this, but something is still wrong with your game.
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #51 on:
2008 November 09, 17:20:06 »
The ONLY thing I have concerning baby bottles is a white recolor replacement I have had since base game. Never had an error before, but I'll pull it anyway. This wouldn't be the first time a recolor has behaved oddly.
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Terrible Twerp
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Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #52 on:
2008 November 18, 17:50:23 »
I've had absolutely no luck proscribing wave watching, sand castle building, nor suntanning.
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #53 on:
2008 November 18, 19:46:23 »
From using the shiny, it's clear JMP intended it to work on objects that have a fixed GUID -- so mostly stuff from the buy catalog, I suppose. Spawned objects like castles, suntanning towels, turkeys, and lobster, etc. can't be proscribed. The only thing I find lacking in the One vs. other no-autonomy hacks is that it's a bit like an anvil sometimes. Proscribing fridges to get rid of autonomous lobster not only eliminates cooking altogether, it also squashes lulzy swinging from the door...
ETA: I thought of an alternative Gwill, maybe it would work better if you restricted access to the beach with APO for no autonomy? That's rather anvil-like too, I guess. Maybe if you ask, JMP will refine APO so that it will even allow timers on the locks. That way you could control better when it's appropriate for sims to go down to the shore, like after work or school, but never in the morning?
Last Edit: 2008 November 18, 19:52:29 by seelindarun
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #54 on:
2008 December 14, 22:06:40 »
I have been trying to 'proscribe' hula-dancing to no avail. The option appears when sims are autonomously doing the hula but they still keep doing it after I proscribe and make them stop.
Also (unrelated to this hack), why does macro push the hula dance onto sims even though I cancel the action?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #55 on:
2008 December 15, 02:18:49 »
Hula Dancing is externally launched. To stop it, proscribe stereos instead.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #56 on:
2008 December 15, 20:33:17 »
I think antivacation-something-or-other is better. Sims will still dance solo or together if radios are on, but they won't hula or slap dance back at home unless you start one sim doing it.
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #57 on:
2008 December 17, 07:20:06 »
Gracias Senor, will try to proscribe the stereo.
Oh and I do have antivationactions installed so unless I have a conflict somewhere that doesn't help. My sims will still hula/slap dance if the stereo is on and then macro pushes them to keep doing it.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #58 on:
2008 December 24, 19:47:00 »
I'm having errors whenever a playable or NPC dances solo, either autonomously or directed. I have many, many pairs of tight pants and normally I'd take them out to test first, but I don't have time to do it now, and one of the logs looked like it might have something to do with autonomycontrol, so here it is.
I've also had inconsistent errors with toddlers dancing autonomously, but they persisted even without hacks, so it's possible something is borked with this 'hood too. If I happen to be misguided about the One Shiny, my apologies.
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Last Edit: 2008 December 25, 06:19:02 by J. M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #59 on:
2008 December 25, 02:04:57 »
It looks like you're using some kind of nonstandard stereo which is causing this.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #60 on:
2008 December 25, 03:18:55 »
I was using the LS tabletop stereo, which I think is still Awesomeware, but it doesn't matter. I did an abbreviated binary search, and narrowed it down to the dancepositioner. Why am I the only one who has problems with it?
It wasn't the One Shiny after all, and now I regret making my post here instead of starting a proper new thread. Attached is another error log, this time using the basegame boombox. Feel free to move my posts of course, if you want more testing done.
Last Edit: 2008 December 25, 06:19:21 by J. M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #61 on:
2008 December 25, 03:32:30 »
Now this error is different, and seems to be produced by using the Dance Positioner in a pre-FT game. Will be fixed in the next update...although if you even HAVE the dance positioner, you stole it from the test directory, which was for Fat Gwilly People only!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #62 on:
2008 December 25, 03:54:44 »
From the untrained eye, the errors look the same. I agree the logs are quite different, but all sims (townies and playables) threw an error upon dancing solo. Is it possible I have some other conflict operating on exactly the same interaction? Never mind, I guess anything is possible with 10K pieces of CC... I took the dancepositioner out but won't have any time to play, to check whether I have another conflict also.
I regularly poach from the test directory, and even if you don't remember in your advanced age, I'm quite sure I told you that already. I don't see the harm, as long as I can hunt down my own errors, as I have done? BTW, the test directory under BV links to the current dancepositioner, the same way it linked to the older one. I poach, but I don't deliberately poach incompatible hacks.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #63 on:
2008 December 25, 06:18:40 »
This error will be bypassed in the next dancepositioner update. Which is for FAT GWILLY PEOPLE ONLY.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
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Plumber Zombie
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #64 on:
2009 January 07, 10:21:23 »
Some questions regarding proscribing beds:
1. I proscribed beds globally for my current neighborhood and got the message, that 4 objects had been banned, although there are only 2 double beds in the 'hood. Are the two sides of a double bed regarded as two objects? It seems logical, but I'd rather make sure.
2. If I understood correctly, proscribed objects will only be used autonomously when a certain motive becomes critical. Will this stomp the "It's 10 p.m., so I have to go to bed although my energy bar is at about 60%" nonsense and send sims to bed only when they're about to keel over?
3. When new objects of an already banned type are placed - will they automatically be included in the respective proscription, or do I have to renew it?
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #65 on:
2009 January 07, 10:36:54 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2009 January 07, 10:21:23
1. I proscribed beds globally for my current neighborhood and got the message, that 4 objects had been banned, although there are only 2 double beds in the 'hood. Are the two sides of a double bed regarded as two objects? It seems logical, but I'd rather make sure.
If you proscribe an object, it will not say how MANY objects have been banned, this is meaningless. You must have misunderstood the message. If you proscribe beds by Category, ALL items of category "Bed" will be banned from autonomous use.
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2009 January 07, 10:21:23
2. If I understood correctly, proscribed objects will only be used autonomously when a certain motive becomes critical. Will this stomp the "It's 10 p.m., so I have to go to bed although my energy bar is at about 60%" nonsense and send sims to bed only when they're about to keel over?
A proscribed object will not be autonomously used under ANY condition. However, non-autonomous usage, such as due to manual direction, or command of the Sleep Clock/Macrotastics, will still occur. If you proscribe all beds and do not install an alternate sleep controller, like the Sleep Clock, your sims will take to napping on couches or passing out on the floor. If you proscribe all terlets and don't install BUY to replace it, your sims pee themselves. If you proscribe fridges without Food Eats You or alternate food sources, your sims starve to death. Proscriptions are absolute and can only be overridden by nonautonomous choices.
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2009 January 07, 10:21:23
3. When new objects of an already banned type are placed - will they automatically be included in the respective proscription, or do I have to renew it?
Items proscribed cover the entire class of item, either by category or by GUID. If beds are proscribed by category, ALL bed-classified beds are included. If only specific beds are proscribed by GUID, only that specific bed is proscribed.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #66 on:
2009 January 07, 11:24:35 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 January 07, 10:36:54
If you proscribe an object, it will not say how MANY objects have been banned, this is meaningless. You must have misunderstood the message.
Hm, the message looked rather unmistakable to me. I'll try again today to provide a screenshot.
ETA: You are right, of course. The message says '"Colonial Ironwood Bed"- category (4) items have been proscribed', and I thought of the "4" as the number of items, not the category number.
A proscribed object will not be autonomously used under ANY condition.
I referred to your answer here:
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 August 18, 01:27:22
Also, be sure that the action is occurring through the autonomous selection
and not the Motive Helper "energy desperation" action. That is a seperate thing that operates differently
I understood that a Motive Helper "[motive] desperation" action is (although not user/macro directed) not to be regarded as an autonomous action and thus will not be stomped. If that's not the case, so much the better.
Last Edit: 2009 January 07, 17:53:19 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #67 on:
2009 January 07, 17:49:22 »
The Motive Helper is not part of the normal autonomy loop and does not check proscriptions, yes.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #68 on:
2009 April 05, 11:24:16 »
I have downloaded this a couple of times and each time I have it in my game my lots reset with some motives down almost to nothing it's the same ones everytime I go back into the lot, I just downloaded this within the past couple of days and have read all the posts in here which states that this problem was fixed but it is still happening, any ideas why??
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #69 on:
2009 April 05, 14:05:50 »
Installing it will probably trigger a reset as if installing a patch, but once installed there should be no more such resets. I have undiscovered shinies somewhere that will prevent motives from being changed during a reset.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #70 on:
2009 May 21, 23:20:18 »
For some reason, this does not appear to be working in a specific instance: I have a dance sphere in the basement, which is off-limits to all but one member of the house via APO and a secret door. I have used autonomycontrol to proscribe dance spheres by GUID for the lot, the family, and the individual sims who live on the lot; however, every once in a while a sim will still autonomously try to use it - clicking on "Autonomy" and attempting to proscribe it reveals that it is already proscribed everywhere except globally, which I don't want to do. I haven't had this problem anywhere else, and on other lots proscribing things for the lot only has worked. Any idea why this is happening? This particular family has more than 8 eight sims and more than 10 sims + pets in it due to hacks - could this be the problem?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
Reply #71 on:
2009 October 28, 13:40:15 »
Just a note, I can not download anything in the Armory with Firefox. I can on the rest of the site, however. Any way, I can use IE, so it is only a small problem, just not sure where it is.
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