Updated Info 2016/04/12
I decided to Change the title. Even this mod was derived from Crammyboys Hack, it is much more then before - mor a kind of mod. So I changed the title and flagged with the new Hack Terror System :-)
Since Sims 2 UC I play from time to time again. A pity that EA decided to throw away the Simantic System with Sims 3 and >. Obviously Sims died for them now..... I ask me why ... No, not really. Sims 3 I played a few weeks and then threw away. Sims 4 I never touched.

The good news: This mod seems to run smooth also with Sims 2 UC.
Many thanx to Crammyboy for this awesome hack. In no way I claim the idea for me, even this version contains a lot of new ideas.
Also many thanx to Blackwiddow who decided to maintain, when CrammyBoy seemed to be away and Bon Voyage came out.
Last but not least a big thanks to Quaxi, Inge & PL Jones for SimPE, without this awesome tool this would not have been possible.
1. New Controls If you open the
Nudist Options menu, you will see it is categorized mainly in two sections,
info &
settings. Here is your central to manage all nudist ressources, even the signs. Available by simply clicking on your active Sim.
2. New Objects - The signsit contains a set of three signs. With this you can define areas as nudist area. It is based on the type of sign. They are functional, not only decoration!
Commonly they have only the view command - but of course your Sims will react how expected, when he/she recognizes it is a Nudist area. An other aspect is the Influence to the Score Calculation. On a Nudist Area, the calculation gives 500 Points Base and adds simply the outgoing & playfullness. This means, only boring & introverted Sims prefer to stay clothed.
They also contain a "Magic". They are scanning regularly if any dressed Sims are on the Nudist area. If no naked Sim is found, one is chosen and performs the undress action - independent from "Autonomy Setting"! If a naked & a dressed Sim are found, the naked Sim demands the dressed Sim to get naked. The signs are limited to special areas of course to cover the different aspects.
- The beach sign declares a beach as nude area, perfect for your vacation locations. On every other area it is useless!
- The area sign declares either a whole Lot or the outside area only as nudist area. Can be combined with Room Signs. This configuring option (found under /Settings/Objects) only appears, if an area sign is found! Can be combined in Outside only mode with Room Signs
- The third sign is the room sign. It is configurable - as well as the Area Sign - with the Nudist Options Menu as "Room" or "All the house". This means, you can have several nudist rooms in a house while all other places on the lot stay untouched. This setting affects all room signs on a lot - it would be pretty useless to configure one as "All over the house" and the other ones as "Room only"
. This option (found under /Settings/Objects) only appears, if a room sign is found! It is limited to houses and works only inside. Placed in the garden it is useless!
The signs can be found under Outside/Decoration - The room sign also 
Additional Info for ALOn Apartment Lots Magic of Signs is disabled now. Sims can only change Settings for their own room signs and only if they are in their own apartment.
3. Completely reworked for Free Time - mostly also Apartment - but still compatible with BV onlyIf you miss actions that I should include, please post them here. Included are now the FT Actions Ballett, and some old "forgotten" ones, f.e. the Training at Radio... Moreover many small reworks are included, allmost each clothing change now calls the "Check if Sim wants to be naked" routine. Also I fixed a lot of strange change clothes behaviour. Example: For me it is not natural if a Sims is naked in the House, then wants to perform Tai Chi, leaves the house, dresses to outerwear - as he/she notice it is deep snow outside and then undresses to Perform Tai Chi Action. I hope I could figure out most of this really silly clothing Change performances. Let me know if you find any, please.
Included Now
- Hot Spring, Sauna, Massage (all for teens enabled, if they were not before) - Please remove all Hacks relating these interactions (Naked Sauna, Naked Sunbathe, Naked Massage etc...) they are conflicting and not needed with nudist hack.
- Log Roll, Soccer, Basketball and almost all other Sports
4. Nudism for the whole familyThis is done for natural reason. If you feel offended through nude-pixels, please don't use this hack. Who believes naked PIXEL children are not convenient, please don't use this hack. I will not discuss this further, everybody has the right of it's own meaning.
5. New CalculationYou can choose between out of two configurations, default & Crammyboy's method. Two of the new features (nudist area, threshold tweaking) work with both calculation methods. I implemented the possibility to
raise/lower threshold during the game. In this way you can find a
balance fitting to your taste on a
lot base. All changed settings
will be saved in the objects and are resetted by the "Reset all objects" option.
Additional Info for Apartment LifeOn Apartment Lots a different Calculation is used. Personality, Weather & Nighttime works as before, but other Sims depends on the following factors
- Sim is in Apartment - Only Sims in Apartment count
- Sim is outside or in Community Room - All Sims on the Lot count
- Alone in a room bonus isn't granted outside or in community rooms
Additional Info for Sims 2 Ultimate CollectionNone. The same rules as with Apartment Life with all Expansions (Of course also Mansion Stuff)
6. PackagesNudist Core - Contains the self interactions, the settings, the calculation routines and the display functions. It is used by all other packages.
Social Controller - Contains the Social actions (Whenever you click on another Sim). Is called by the signs to start the demand to get naked action.
Social Interactions - An instance of this type is created whenever a Sim starts a nudist - related social interaction with an other Sim
Hacked BHavs - This contains mainly the changed dress / undress game-bhavs - I extracted them in a separate package, so this is the mainly EP dependent part - theoretical it is optional
Nudist Emitter - This IS optional. I haven't completely configured out how it can be controlled - it stayed almost as it was delivered by Crammyboy.
The Signs - See description above - Tried to find tasteful & funny pictures for them fitting to the intention of this hack, to include natural nudity behaviour in this game.
The version info can allways be get by nudist options/ info / system.Compatibility Contains J.M. Pescados
Vacation Fix for Sunbathe, so if you use it, load J.M.'s hack BEFORE Nudist.
Inteenimator I have not tested, I downloaded the newest version and found only 4 conflicting BHAVs, don't believe it harms if they are replaced by Nudist BHAVs.
Nudist Hack contains the same behaviour relating Hot Tub - Teens will get naked, reguradless to the age of already bathing Sims. I would try to load inteenimator
before Nudist Hack.
If you find incompatibilities or conflicting hacks (hack detection scanner), please report then I can take a look
Some bed semi-globals are changed (sleep naked, naked wohoo) - so care these will be loaded last to work properly (f.e. after danny's packages) - for me it works good.
Hint The clothing-change globals (029C) are NOT touched in this Hack, the functionality depends on properly working globals, please think for that when you use hacks that change this routines. Only very slight changes to bed semi-globs relating sleep naked and naked wohhoo.
Allways back up your game before installing new hacks! In no case I will take any responsibility for damaged games. InstallationPlease remove the old nudist hack completely!!!
Best you do the stuff in an own folder inside of the download folder, so you can manage also the order of loading the objects, if you use pescado's bv hack for example, make it so:
folder ./downloads/001 - here goes J.Ms Hack
folder ./downloads/002 - here goes NUDIST
The bad news:This hack needs allmost all Expansion Packs, at least Seasons, Nightlife & Bon Voyage - with Uni & Ofb I am not sure.....
No further downgrade compatibility planned!
All comments & feedback are welcome, please post all your questions here.
Additional InfoAs there is no readme (except description about), I will put short infos to the menu points/work flow here by request.
Work FlowSims will get naked / dressed based on different aspects except the score.
- By social Interaction - autonomical(when enabled) and/or user driven
- By Naked Emitter, when different conditions are fulfilled (Privacy)
- By Magic of Signs, if you want to see how they work, put a room sign in a students dorm, enable "All in the house" and watch the game for a few game-hours

- Of course you can still tell them to get naked/dressed
- Normally (except the signs) social interactions are limited to sims in the
same room . This I did, because Sims in autonomous mode tended to cross half the lot to ask a person to get dressed, even the Sim was on a nudist beach. to handle this I came to this Idea. Why should a Sim ask somebody else to get nude / dressed if the person is in another room ?
AutonomyThis means, your Sims will ask to be naked / get dressed autonomously.
Special Remarks to ALAfter digging the whole day in AL Stuff I found that the sign concept isn't so badly incompatible as I feared first. An important point is that the inventory from any other apartment is completely invisible to the current apartment - except the Sim visits the other Apartment. this means, if you place a room sign with effect all over the house into an apartment x, then leaving and playing another apartment y, the room sign from apartment x doesn't exist any more.
So you can setup a sign in an apartment for all the house and it isn't a problem any more. I cancelled out the sign activities for now, as these still would push the sims all in the house to undress & demand each other to undress when you play the apartment with the room sign. For nudist camps you still need to go in build mode and place the sign outside - best as long as the apartment has no inhabitants.
For now I would advice not to use other signs then room signs on apartment lots. but the mode (room/house) doesn't matter.
Soon I will deliver a better Nudist Core taking care of the changed demands. Also some small glitches should be gone then. Thanks for your feedback & Error Reports.
If you experience strange problems you could try to play without the naked Emitter and look if it's then better. The Emitter doesn't do much but changes the shoo behaviour and causes frequently demands to dress or willing to be naked. all in all it has no big effect on nudist hack if you play with or without.
The downloads - Part OneNudist Core - Version
3.2.3 updated 20080908Nudist Social Controller - Version
3.0.4 updated 20080824
Nudist Social Interactions - Version
3.0.3 updated 20080824
Nudist Hacked BHAVs - Version
3.2.6 updated 20080919Other Downloads in Post Two