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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Fixed Memories  (Read 6271 times)
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703

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Testers Wanted: Fixed Memories
« on: 2008 August 15, 18:04:49 »

I was a little inspired by Jordi. This is an override that fixes the text of several memories, some of which are genuine oversights, others which absolutely inexcusable (like the "Made First BFF" memory). Obviously, editing the objects package definitely isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I've put together a little package that simply goes into the downloads folder (simply remove if you want to get rid of it). Unfortunately I haven't been able to test this with any other configuration other than TS2 + All eps. Although, FreeTime contains overrides for Kitchen & Bath Stuff, which I don't have, so I assume that this should be okay with any configuration. I'd be very grateful if anyone with a different configuration can ensure it's working fine though.

Anyway, there's about 24 26 memories that have been fixed, and I know I accidently skipped one which I'll find again and fix at a later date (EDIT: Done). A list of the memories affected and what has been changed is in the RTFM, which I will post below.

Do not use this if you use a locale other than English US or English UK, unless you want random memories appearing in a different language to the rest of the game. This will likely conflict with any hacks or mods that alter the text for any of the memories affected by this override (like the WooHoo -> Sex mod).

Complete list of changes/features:

Fixes the following memories:

- Did Public WooHoo with $Subject
No longer makes a reference to "Trying on clothes", as this memory
is given simply for WooHoo anywhere on a community lot.

- Was Returned
Added "when", which is missing from description sentence.

- Got Caught Cheating by $Subject
Removed a line break.

- Had 5 Lovers at Once
Removed the "r" for consistency with similar memories and wants.

- Had 10 Lovers
Added "at Once" and removed "r" for consistency with similar memories
and wants.

- Had 30 Loves at Once
Removed an extra space.

- Completed Freshman Year
Removed a line break.

- Won the Undead Educational Scholarship
No longer makes a reference to Zombies, as it is redundant and
offensive to Vampires, who can also receive this scholarship and memory.

- Became a Zombie (Positive)
Removed a line break.

- Became a Zombie (Negative)
Removed a line break.

- Had Very First WooHoo With $Subject
Removed a line break.

- Earned Lots of Money
Removed a line break.

- 1st Date With $Subject
Changed "1st" to "First" for consistency with other similar memories
("First Kiss" ect.)

- Went on Very 1st Date (Unused)
Changed "1st" to "First for consistency with other similar memories.
Realised that this is unused, but I might as well leave it in anyway.

- Ate $Constant:4097:7 Grilled Cheese (Female)
Replaced errornous placeholder text with the full text from the Male
version of the memory.

- Had $Constant:4097:7 First Dates (Female)
Replaced errornous placeholder text with the full text from the Male
version of the memory. Removed extra space

- Had $Constant:4097:7 Dream Dates (Female)
Replaced errornous placeholder text with the full text from the Male
version of the memory. Removed extra space.
Now updated to actually work!

- Achieved $Constant:4097:7 Top-Ranked Businesses
Fixed a typo: Business -> Businesses. Removed an extra space.

- I Made a Wish!
Removed a line break.

- Learned to Teleport
Added a question mark.

- Got Voodoo Doll
Added a question mark.

- Made a BFF
Fixed a rather strange translation change in the English (UK) string.
In EngUK locales, all instances of this memory errornously appear as
"Made First BFF". The text has been replaced with the correct EngUS text.

- Make 5 BFFs
Fixed a typo: Make -> Made

- Taught $Subject a Nursery Rhyme
Changed first instance of "little one" to "kid" in the description,
as repeated use of "little one" sounded really strange.

- Reached Golden Anniversary
Removed a line break.

- Got Busted (Uni)
Added a question mark.

* Alex_MemoryFix.rar (89.69 KB - downloaded 455 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 August 16, 11:25:57 by Alex » Logged
Madame Mim
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Re: Testers Wanted: Fixed Memories
« Reply #1 on: 2008 August 16, 00:36:13 »

This is worth downloading just for the BFF fix, let alone the rest - thankyou. I shall definately try it out.

edit: I haven't checked out all the memories yet, but it's definately working. No conflicts, no problems. Thanks again.
« Last Edit: 2008 August 16, 23:44:48 by Madame Mim » Logged

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Re: Testers Wanted: Fixed Memories
« Reply #2 on: 2008 August 17, 13:47:25 »

I tried it as well. I've only checked a few things here and there, but it seems to be working just fine.

One thing I noticed, since I just so happened to be playing a Pleasure sim last night: the 50 First Dates LTW is worded with "1st," which therefore matched the original wording on the date memories. Any chance the LTW can be updated as well, or is that a different ball of wax? Smiley

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: Fixed Memories
« Reply #3 on: 2008 August 17, 13:55:19 »

I liked the fully localized "Dates, Yay" text better. It really captures the sentiment of the occasion.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Testers Wanted: Fixed Memories
« Reply #4 on: 2008 August 17, 14:12:57 »

Well you can always remove them in the actual package. I suppose it is more to the point though. Grin It was the BFF thing that drove me to do this though.

I have noticed several wants and fears with spelling errors and such, so I will put together something that fixes the text for them as well. It shouldn't be too difficult.
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