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Author Topic: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]  (Read 75305 times)
Juvenile Jackass
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What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« on: 2008 August 03, 07:20:04 »

Success! I finally found this again, but I don't remember how well it was working. I tested the bass playing rock and had the ls guitar join in and that seemed to work ok with sound and music enthusiasm. I think what happened was I was trying to figure out how to get the pie menu to show up on the guitar accessory and I couldn't get it to work so I gave up last time.

Anyway, this uses a different method for custom instruments so objects created with Atavera's custom instrument hack won't work. Basicly, the band controller has been modified to work by searching for the proxy guid (it's called fallback guid in the object definition according to SimPE).

Main reason for posting this is to see if the LS guitar in my LS conversion works (don't use it with ls guitarplay.package!).

Edit: Just tried jazz with Bass, BV Piano, LS Guitar, and Drums. Tested Synth for perform random tracks, and violin for practice. Everything seems ok so far, I don't know if any of the freetime patches changed any of those globals since I wrote this though.

Apartment Life version below, download here

Update 8-16-2008:
- Improved set to lead object a bit
- Seasons' career guitar accessory can now show the pie menu (EAxis bug)
- fixed the Life Stories guitar accessory
- made additions to make cloning instruments easier

Directions for cloning guitars are almost exactly the same as Atavera's guide, just modify those 2 bhavs with the new guid for the accessory. Bass, drums, pianos, midi synth, or any of the 3 guitar accessories require no changes if you're cloning directly from the original objects and have this package loaded with SimPE.

A few updated versions of some of Atavera's instruments are attached below.

Update 8-17-2008:
-Fixed the missing amp effects for the bass with high creativity sims. (Argon_bassanimfx.package)

Update 8-19-2008:
-Finished Violin, should be easier to clone now. Cloning the bow accessory is optional.
-Cleaned up guitar accessory code

Update 8-22-2008:
-Added watch to guitar accessories (like the violin), and also the dance interactions. You will need to re-buy guitars to get this new feature.

Update 8-24-2008:
-added version of Pescado's tippingfix that plays nice with this hack.
-Began work on backwards compatibility

* Argon_bassanimfx.package (2.08 KB - downloaded 3051 times.)
* argon_instrument hack.7z (11.88 KB - downloaded 3160 times.)
* argon_pieguitaracc.7z (1.88 KB - downloaded 2883 times.)
* tippingfix.7z (1.85 KB - downloaded 2832 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 August 29, 05:44:32 by Argon » Logged

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

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Pinheaded Pissant
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spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [fixed missing download]
« Reply #1 on: 2008 August 10, 16:56:33 »

Anyway, this uses a different method for custom instruments so objects created with Atavera's custom instrument hack won't work.

What precisely do you mean by "won't work?" Do you mean that they will cause errors, or cease to be usable? Because I can't live without my acoustic guitar and contrabass.

If I wish to avoid such a catastrophe but use your Life Stories guitar, would I need to keep Atavera's hack in and use LSguitarplay.package as well?

I'll test this sometime later. I pulled Atavera's hack in favour of this one; I wonder what will happen to my contrabass.

ETA: Atavera's custom instruments drop out of queue. Kazzandra = SAD PANDA.

Going back to Atavera's hack now, and picking up ls guitar play.
« Last Edit: 2008 August 11, 05:15:32 by Kazzandra » Logged
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [fixed missing download]
« Reply #2 on: 2008 August 16, 07:49:28 »

The Proxy GUID method usually works with *all* custom objects, unless the creator has stupidly and unnecessarily changed the proxy GUID of his object.  I bet Atavera's instruments can be made to work with this hack if someone sets their proxies back to what they were.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [fixed missing download]
« Reply #3 on: 2008 August 16, 07:58:10 »

The proxy GUID is a tricky thing, because some people change them when they really shouldn't (object is basically a remesh of another object, with no functionality changes, especially when the object lacks a category), or DON'T change them when they SHOULD (object has been radically altered from original OBJD and no longer shares any functional similarity).

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Juvenile Jackass
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What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [fixed missing download]
« Reply #4 on: 2008 August 16, 10:01:43 »

Just wanted to say that I've been working on an update that should make cloning a little easier. It's just so you won't have to go guid reference hunting in all those bhavs.

Oh and does anyone know why the music effects crap out on the bass for high creativity sims after a while? The EAxis code does it too, both low and medium skill work fine.
« Last Edit: 2008 August 16, 10:06:55 by Argon » Logged

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

Laptop: Sony VAIO VPCYB15KX, AMD Dual-Core E-350 1.60 GHz, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6310, WXGA (1366x768), Windows 7 Pro x86
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [fixed missing download]
« Reply #5 on: 2008 August 16, 10:20:03 »

Beats me. Probably relates to all the other "music craps out" bugs, also. The violin does it also.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [fixed missing download]
« Reply #6 on: 2008 August 16, 10:20:12 »

Oh and does anyone know why the music effects crap out on the bass for high creativity sims after a while? The EAxis code does it too, both low and medium skill work fine.

Probably a seperate audio resource per skill level, and the one for high skill is poorly made.

\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 456

What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-16-08 7:02pm]
« Reply #7 on: 2008 August 16, 20:17:53 »

No I mean the pulse from the speaker like on stereos, not the sound that's played.

ETA: New version released.

EDIT2: For a quick and dirty conversion of Atavera's hack instruments use the table below for original GUIDs and delete the set category whatever line in the lead init bhav or change it to a no-op. It would probably be a good idea to replace the reset bhav with one for that object though (see argon_instrument hack.package for reference). Guitars need to have 2 bhavs replaced on their accessory (the 2 tests). Here's the contrabass for proof of concept, it's not necessarily finished but it functions. Pianos have a set category since BV, so you'll probably have to change the init bhav, but I don't know off the top of my head what it's supposed to be.

Fallback object GUIDs:

InstrumentMain GUIDLead GUID
Guitar *0x4EA0E8580x6EF2CC17
Guitar (Seasons)*0x324D0D870x324D0D83
Guitar (Life Stories)*0xD23012850xF2301286
Grand Piano (BV)*0xF2F1D4550x72F87689
Modular Synth (FT)0xF405297FN/A
Violin (FT)*0x7405298DN/A

* All guitars are treated the same way in globals, the same goes for pianos.
* Cloning the bow is optional.

Other useful guid references:
0x4E9D0C46 - tip jar
0x8e9ba383 - Band controller

EDIT3: Drums barf unless you replace watch and watch test bhavs. Proof of concept acoustic guitar and conga drums, as well as contrabass with reset bhav. Does anyone know if watch on those conga drums ever worked in the first place?

EDIT4: Violin has been completed, all guid checks have been modified to two bhavs (like guitars).

EDIT5: wow I'm stupid haha, the proxy guid is listed as fallback guid in the object definition. If you were looking at the raw data view and changing the values on proxy guid 1 & 2 you'll be fine. It's been too long since I started writing this monster Roll Eyes

* Atavera's test instruments.7z (338.29 KB - downloaded 1443 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 August 21, 23:37:45 by Argon » Logged

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

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Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058

spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-17-08 2:15am]
« Reply #8 on: 2008 August 19, 22:22:01 »

* Kazzandra cheers wildly!
Wow. You did everything I normally use, AND gave me the method to do anything I might want in the future. I would have been happy to do the method myself, but Argon is awesome and I suck.

Watch did NOT ever work on those conga drums, if I remember correctly.

Please excuse the cognitive dissonance of the image, but as you can see, I updated the rest of Atavera's guitars to work with Argon's Instruments by proxy GUID hack. Go here to see the complete list of what's included; the acoustic instruments that Argon fixed are not included.

Download here.

Hack conflict will spit out a few errors involving these instruments due to the reset BHAV being shared, but being that these are the same BHAVs, I don't believe there is a cause for alarm. I have no errors while using them.

Edited out terrible spell check error.

09/21-- FIXED Yamaha guitar to correctly play in a group setting.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 22, 03:26:13 by Kazzandra » Logged
Juvenile Jackass
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What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Re: Testers wanted: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-19-08 11:50pm]
« Reply #9 on: 2008 August 20, 06:10:41 »

Updated, nothing too exciting unless you've been dying to clone the violin. Grin

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

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Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 456

What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-19-08 11:50pm]
« Reply #10 on: 2008 August 21, 23:41:31 »

*Argon shamelessly double posts

Typo in the documentation, it's "Fallback GUID" not "Original GUID".

To make up for my double post, this will be edited later for instructions on how to properly clone new objects.

Load SimPE and go to Extra-Preferences, then click on the FileTable
1. Click add, Load File..., and choose argon_instrument hack.package from your downloads folder, click ok
2. Check the box next to the instrument hack package. (if you want to clone the ls guitar, repeat the process for ls-buy.package)
3. uncheck all boxes except, CEP, Original, University, Seasons, and Freetime
4. click reload at the top right corner (it will turn gray)
5. click ok and open up an object workshop window.

Check to make sure the fallback guids match the list for the main guid and the lead tile.
Guitars and the Violin have additional accessories that must be cloned, but it doesn't matter if you do or not and you can use any accessory (assuming it matches the  instrument type). Cloning the bow on the violin is optional.
"Check Accessory GUID" and "Create Accessory GUID" bhavs must be modified to match the accessory you want to use. On Violins, line 1 is the violing, line 2 is the bow.

EDIT: Attached BV compatible version (maybe).

* argon_instrument hack bvtest.7z (11.65 KB - downloaded 1232 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 August 24, 22:02:30 by Argon » Logged

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

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Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-24-08 3:58pm]
« Reply #11 on: 2008 August 27, 06:45:28 »

i ran the HackDiff  an it spit out this ?  i wasn't sure if it needed updated for apartments or not

Argon_Life Stories\argon_instrument hack.package: may require possible updates:
    B 0x7F0D0367 0x100E Sub - Stop
    B 0x7F0D0367 0x101A Function - Clean Up
    B 0x7F39D8AC 0x1015 Function - Init
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x2000 Interaction - Perform
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x2001 Music - Route To Instrument
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x2002 Music - Start Playing
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x2011 Interaction - Practice
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x201C Tip Jar - Place
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x201D Tip Jar - Pick Up
    B 0x7F449F3B 0x2035 Route - Watch
    B 0x7FAEECCE 0x1015 Function - Init
    B 0x7FC913D9 0x100A Interaction - Watch TEST
    B 0x7FC913D9 0x1014 Function - Main

To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.

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Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 456

What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-24-08 3:58pm]
« Reply #12 on: 2008 August 27, 07:03:49 »

I've yet to acquire the latest lies and propaganda, so it might be a couple days. I wonder if they fixed the violin music bug.. nah that's hoping too much. I know part of it is going to be EP checks for in the zone stuff, but I can't imagine any radical changes to the instrument code.

EDIT: Tada! I need to get around to making a universal version... this will work for Apartment Life until then, delete the old one.

* argon_instrument hack-al.7z (11.22 KB - downloaded 5213 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 August 29, 05:41:56 by Argon » Logged

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

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Pinheaded Pissant
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spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #13 on: 2008 September 15, 05:06:44 »

I haven't tested these yet, but here they are:
(Download removed because it was borked.)
Once I get the alpha edit project from hades done, I will test them if AmberDiceless has not.
One of these had DOUBLE the number of normal BHAVs (JWoodsKeyboard)-- basically a BHAV for everything, so if anything won't work, it will be that.
Pianos have a set category since BV, so you'll probably have to change the init bhav, but I don't know off the top of my head what it's supposed to be.

This were my first pianos, so if I understood this correctly, I changed the header Flag from 0x01 to 0x02 and changed the Tree version from 0xFFFF800E to 0xFFFF800F in the init BHAV, in addition to the usual steps (GUIDs, reset, and no op in init bhav). If this is incorrect, Argon, please tell me.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 15, 18:50:57 by Kazzandra » Logged
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 456

What Would Brian Kinney Do?

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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #14 on: 2008 September 15, 07:03:55 »

This were my first pianos, so if I understood this correctly, I changed the header Flag from 0x01 to 0x02 and changed the Tree version from 0xFFFF800E to 0xFFFF800F in the init BHAV, in addition to the usual steps (GUIDs, reset, and no op in init behav). If this is incorrect, Argon, please tell me.

Huh? Why did you change the header flag and tree version? No, what needs to be added is a "My category := Const 0x106:0x60" (raw is 3B0060430005031A0000000000000000) line to the init bhav (which it looks like its already been added to some of those.

HOLY CRAP where did that JWoodsKeyBoard_22205a.package come from? It looks like they re-wrote most all the globals.

Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64

Laptop: Sony VAIO VPCYB15KX, AMD Dual-Core E-350 1.60 GHz, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6310, WXGA (1366x768), Windows 7 Pro x86
Lord Darcy
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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #15 on: 2008 September 15, 15:05:34 »

HOLY CRAP where did that JWoodsKeyBoard_22205a.package come from? It looks like they re-wrote most all the globals.
There are 2 versions for JW Deluxe Keyboard, original version by JWoods and the one updated by Numenor to be compatible with Atavera's hack.

Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058

spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Updated Piano Cache
« Reply #16 on: 2008 September 15, 19:16:53 »

Huh? Why did you change the header flag and tree version? No, what needs to be added is a "My category := Const 0x106:0x60" (raw is 3B0060430005031A0000000000000000) line to the init bhav (which it looks like its already been added to some of those.

HOLY CRAP where did that JWoodsKeyBoard_22205a.package come from? It looks like they re-wrote most all the globals.

Thanks; I'll try again here. I only did that because the FT base game piano had these settings, so I mocked them. I couldn't find anything else to change, and being that most of these were fixed, then it is no wonder.  Cheesy

original version by JWoods and the one updated by Numenor to be compatible with Atavera's hack.
Thanks for that-- I went and grabbed the Numerion version-- which is NORMAL. I'll test today, but I'm pretty confident in these.

Nine custom pianos updated for use with Argon's hack, UNTESTED Healthy and well:
UPDATE! 5 additional pianos. Redownload.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 23, 15:26:01 by Kazzandra » Logged
Cheese Nazi
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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #17 on: 2008 September 25, 18:41:32 »

Thanks for fixing those, Kazzandra.  Sorry it took me so long to remember, I'm a bit swamped with trying to finish a major meshing project and get ready to update to AL.  ><

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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #18 on: 2008 September 28, 22:00:09 »

I tested out the instruments with the AL version. Aside from two of the organs (Bino Maus, I believe) being blacked out in the catalog, everything worked great.

It's sooo nice to have custom instruments again, and thanks to you guys, I now have all my favorites back.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #19 on: 2008 October 16, 03:53:08 »

I would add a modded version of modded tippingfix (tippingfix3), which nukes the endless animations when the sim picks up the tip jar.
Once you try without anims, you'll never go back!

* tippingfix-incl_argon-marhis.package (2.38 KB - downloaded 1620 times.)

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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #20 on: 2008 October 27, 00:51:03 »

Argon, your hack is producing error logs; whenever my Sims use the BV grand piano or the CS grand piano (which I cloned from BV) they get an error log. Apparently the reason for the error log is a problem in "Node 0" ("Instrument - Is Param 1 by Proxy?") of "Sub - The Zone - Formalwear", which is called by "Piano - Start". Don't know what to do Undecided, please help! I attached the error log, thanks in advance.

PS: I have the latest version (AL) of your hack.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Instruments by proxy GUID [Update 8-28-08 EP8!]
« Reply #21 on: 2012 April 21, 18:34:43 »

Sorry about the necromancy, but Kazzandra sent me the new link for the guitars she fixed:
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