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More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
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Topic: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories. (Read 128377 times)
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406
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Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #125 on:
2008 September 03, 21:26:39 »
Gethane and I were nominated to judge this one. However, I submitted an entry so am not eligible to be a judge.
Ask Gethane who won.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 200
Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #126 on:
2008 September 03, 22:57:38 »
If nobody else has ideas for September, I've been waiting for a "Not As Advertized" More Awful Than You. All those pretty hairs or elegant furnitures that look GREAT on the website and then suck in-game. Those sorts irritate me more than the obviously ugly TSR type junk, and it would guarantee a break from FeeEssen.
Grammar Police
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Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #127 on:
2008 September 03, 23:24:28 »
I like the "Not As Advertised" idea. Would "Not As Advertised" include "More Stolen That You," stuff that is advertised or sold as a payfile that is not something the seller actually coded or modded him- or herself?
Super INTJ.
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Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #128 on:
2008 September 04, 00:08:51 »
Quote from: Lorelei on 2008 September 03, 23:24:28
I like the "Not As Advertised" idea. Would "Not As Advertised" include "More Stolen That You," stuff that is advertised or sold as a payfile that is not something the seller actually coded or modded him- or herself?
I like the "Not As Advertised" idea too. I think it should include that type of stuff too.
Most of Peggy's hairs would fall under "Not As Advertised" category quite nicely.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #129 on:
2008 September 04, 00:12:47 »
I have a really aweful-looking hair in my Downloads that would be perfect for that theme - it looks like the texture got rotated 90 degrees, or something. Now if I can just remember where I got it from...
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 200
Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #130 on:
2008 September 04, 00:14:19 »
Quote from: Lorelei on 2008 September 03, 23:24:28
Would "Not As Advertised" include "More Stolen That You," stuff that is advertised or sold as a payfile that is not something the seller actually coded or modded him- or herself?
It sure could, especially since so many of the stolen things are not meant for the Sims and end up huge and laggy or poking through walls.
Or it could be another category because finding where things are stolen from is like a fun treasure hunt and may deserve its own month!
Whiny Wussy
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Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #131 on:
2008 September 04, 01:00:06 »
Gethane and Sen. Kyna, PLZ report for judging!
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406
An ass with great insight
Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #132 on:
2008 September 04, 04:49:26 »
Quote from: Assmitten on 2008 September 04, 01:00:06
Gethane and Sen. Kyna, PLZ report for judging!
I submitted an entry, and am therefore ineligible to be a judge. My search-fu sucks, and I cannot find when this principle was first established, but it was referred to in the December 2007 competition. It will be noted that Metalkatt was not a judge for that month's competition.
Quote from: Metalkatt on 2007 December 01, 22:30:50
Finally, an excuse to use my natural "BAH! HUMBUG!" to make fun of people, and posting means I won't have to judge.
Besides, I am not registered at SexySims and have no intention of registering there, so am unable to read all the entries.
Last Edit: 2008 September 04, 05:01:22 by Kyna
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #133 on:
2008 September 04, 11:10:26 »
Quote from: Kyna on 2008 September 04, 04:49:26
Quote from: Assmitten on 2008 September 04, 01:00:06
Gethane and Sen. Kyna, PLZ report for judging!
I submitted an entry, and am therefore ineligible to be a judge. My search-fu sucks, and I cannot find when this principle was first established, but it was referred to in the December 2007 competition.
DOH! I missed that, Kyna, sorry.
Besides, I am not registered at SexySims and have no intention of registering there, so am unable to read all the entries.
Yeah, you're not missing out on ANYTHING at all there, seriously.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #134 on:
2008 September 04, 19:08:56 »
Quote from: sudaki on 2008 September 03, 22:57:38
If nobody else has ideas for September, I've been waiting for a "Not As Advertized" More Awful Than You. All those pretty hairs or elegant furnitures that look GREAT on the website and then suck in-game. Those sorts irritate me more than the obviously ugly TSR type junk, and it would guarantee a break from FeeEssen.
Go start the thread, please.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1710
Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories.
Reply #135 on:
2008 September 04, 20:17:26 »
Quote from: BastDawn on 2008 September 04, 19:08:56
Quote from: sudaki on 2008 September 03, 22:57:38
If nobody else has ideas for September, I've been waiting for a "Not As Advertized" More Awful Than You. All those pretty hairs or elegant furnitures that look GREAT on the website and then suck in-game. Those sorts irritate me more than the obviously ugly TSR type junk, and it would guarantee a break from FeeEssen.
Go start the thread, please.
Yes please, I'm already sick of reading these stories!
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.
*Ella whine*
<Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
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