Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
73 Road To Nowhere.     Rules, copy-pasta'd from last month: 1. No CC. Please indicate needed expansions and stuff packs so people who wish to download your lot know what to expect. Pictures are required, either available for download, on a slideshow, or posted in this thread. 2. By entering this challenge, you agree to take constructive criticism. If you wish to judge someone else's entry, you should be respectful but honest. 3. Your lot does not have to be Awesomespec, although it is encouraged. 4. You may move internal walls and add external walls but you may NOT move original external walls. 5. Lots may be furnished, unfurnished, or partially furnished. You can even upload both furnished and unfurnished versions. *PLEASE NOTE* Since this is an Eaxis-designed lot, it may or may not have level edges. Place at your own risk. New for this lot: 6. Basement must be left in, however, it can be expanded. It must not be made smaller! (Use Clean Installer to install as I got this from my game which has all EPs/SPs. If not, you can get the original lot from a clean install of your game. Just rename the 'Sims 2' folder and run the game to generate.) Download 73 Road to Nowhere.zip
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
OMG Emma, your so mean!
(Actually the proportions aren't too bad).
Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Yeah, it is a bit of a stinker.
Oh good choice. I loathe that house. It's up there with Harmonious Haven in the "What were they thinking?" (or not) stakes.  I shall look foward to changing this...
Swedish Pudding Chef

Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
Wtf is up with that narrow passage to the front door? I can just see sims get stuck there. Forever.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Ha, I knew you'd still pick this one!
*Eleonora moons Emma
I'll have a go at this one, was thinking about turning it into one of those 'Elizabethan" houses Veronaville has, or maybe something cottage-y. One question though, does the decking at the back have to be retained, or can I sledgehammer it?
This is her picture as she was / It seems a thing to wonder on / As though mine image in the glass / Should tarry when myself am gone.
Do we have to keep the fences? I'm just wondering in case the external walls rule applies to fences as well for some reason.
J. M. Pescado
I don't think fences or decking qualify as major. Any change you could make in real life without blasting or a wrecking ball should be fair game.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Hmmm... do stairs apply as well?
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Swedish Pudding Chef

Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
Moving the stairs have never been an issue before.
I'm wondering if there's a reason for the cellar to be a floor and a half deep...
To keep the screams being heard by hapless future victims visiting guests?
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 208
INTJ and/or P
I rebuilt this house of fail on a flat lot, and I'm pretty sure than other than the non-level edges, terrain bumps, and weird splotchy terrain paint, I made it just like the stupid original. I plan to start with my slightly-less-fail version if that's OK. So, I can has level edges, plz?
Anyway, what an interesting challenge this house will be. Is it possible that EAxis has ever made a worse house than this one?
Swedish Pudding Chef

Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
I didn't notice the lot didn't have level edges until I was nearly done. D: Waaah.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
I'd fix the edges and share a fixed file, but unfortunately I'm stuck in Indiana until midday Sunday. Why didn't I check this last night? Why?
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
I'm actually happy that you picked this one, Emma.
I've forced many sims to live in it and I have a weird nostalgia in it's general direction.
"Proper capitalization is important, SimplyComplex. As you will know if you have ever had to help your uncle Jack off a horse."~Jack Rudd
That's the house I put my very first TS2 sim in. Until she got stuck in an eternal pregnancy (her first). I moved her & her husband to another lot and she had the baby immediately upon move in to the new lot. Good thing I moved them as they went on to have 9 kids eventually, and that house would have been too small, especially as I was still in Sims 1 frame of mind when it came to building or expanding (i.e. sims like BIG rooms, the bigger the better).
So yeah, I feel kinda nostalgic about that lot too. This month's House of Fail will be interesting.
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br /> <br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1017
Back by popular demand!
Like Kyna, this house was my very first exposure to TS2. It was also my first building project. It drove me so nuts that I moved half of my family out & the game popped up with 'would you like to put these sims in the sim bin'. Of course I didn't want to throw them out, so I said no, and then I couldn't find them (gee, I wonder why!  ) and I got so upset it was another two years before I played Strangetown again. This is also the house that made me very aware that sims can't scooch across the bed & get very cranky about having only one side of the double bed accessable in that horribly narrow basement. So far it's taken me four and a half hours, and I'm still not done. I'm going to bed. *ETA omission due to fatigue.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 208
INTJ and/or P
I didn't notice the lot didn't have level edges until I was nearly done. D: Waaah.
You can fix your lot with LotAdjuster. I just didn't figure this out until after I had rebuilt it. 
Feckless Fool

Posts: 270
Ornery woman, anyway! I can't wait to get a shot at this one! *throws sloppy sponges at EmmaIt's definitely a challenge, esp with that PITA narrow walkway. I've never played that one, though. Off I go to see what sort of disaster I can create out of it. That's the house I put my very first TS2 sim in. *snip* So yeah, I feel kinda nostalgic about that lot too. This month's House of Fail will be interesting.
I had the same nostalgic feeling over 190 Sim Lane as my first family is still there. I haven't been able to bring myself to go play them again as the founders are about to become elders. I just don't want to do that to them for some reason.
INTJ - Intelligence is what you have available to use. Whether or not you are smart is determined by how well you use your intelligence.

Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
You could townify your founders and have them live in non-aging limbo forever.
This house has potential. Maybe August will be better than July for me to take on some building.
Tribulatio proxima est
Any chance someone may share their FLAT-tened lot?
(sorry, channeling Tebqoter)
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Feckless Fool

Posts: 266
Here! The only change I made after using the LotAdjuster was using the 'flatten lot' tool to ensure proper flatness was achieved, which I forgot to undo before I packaged it up. Zipped with 7-zip. (PS - I just spent some time working with it. The original long skinny entryway, which is made with *non-deletable external walls,* is a bitch to work around.  )
You have your way with him, and you'll never get to destroy the world; and I don't fancy spending the next six months trying to get librarian out of the carpet.
From the outside this is a traditional family home, with garage, fishpond, and greenhouse ($199.000). It has three front doors, and a rear exit, so sims can at least get out if the entrance is blocked by visitors. Eventually it will be as traditional inside as out, once the current occupier has found his/her niche in life, got a partner, started a family etc. Said partner will hopefully tear down those awful curtains and redecorate throughout - tastefully. Currently the house is set up for a young, single person who fancies him/herself as trendy. So the decor is ... eclectic. Personally, I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole, as I did this before the flattened lot was posted, so the edges are not level and it would definitely bork your hood. If you're curious, though, you can get it at http://www.4shared.com/file/57418443/4594cdb4/Jims_Nowhere.htmlFront:  Basement: set up as a little pleasure centre.  Ground floor layout:  Living/dining room (with the one desk):  Kitchen:  Nursery:  First floor layout:  Master bedroom/bathroom:  Guest bedroom/bathroom  Balcony: Technically this is off-limits to guests, so you couldn't set up your own rock band, unless you put in a door from the lounge area to the hall. The occupier is obviously hoping to produce a musical family some years down the line. 
jim, it's gorgeous! Love the exterior wallcover choices and the landscaping. And while I'm not usually a fan of purple, your living/dining area is really pretty (I like the effect of the repeating paintings). Also really like the nursery playroom's colours and carpeting. Good show, jim!
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Very pretty jim  I love the entrance!