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More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/11/10) EP5 Sink & Toilet
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Topic: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/11/10) EP5 Sink & Toilet (Read 105677 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/02)
Reply #25 on:
2008 August 02, 06:18:12 »
Thank you for the reply. I will put Marhis' alarm clock mod back into my game.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/02)
Reply #26 on:
2008 August 02, 06:27:51 »
Oh, I'm glad you added those desks
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/02)
Reply #27 on:
2008 August 02, 16:44:20 »
since you were nice enough do the LS Endtables
could you do LS dressers, an the 2 baliwood coffeetables?
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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/02)
Reply #28 on:
2008 August 03, 13:06:08 »
Remind you about the coffeetables, I mean all maxis possible ones.
There are some with slot space.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 216
Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/02)
Reply #29 on:
2008 August 08, 02:49:07 »
could you add a middle slot to the Sims Store TV? an slots to the sims store Stereo?
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Lord Darcy
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/09)
Reply #30 on:
2008 August 09, 15:38:49 »
Updated to v1.02. Coffee tables and 1 end table (Moroccan) were added.
1 decorative slot was created in the center of all 2-tiled coffee tables. (Some have multiple slots under the table.)
Sims won't put cups or other objects on the center slot, and the animation will be misaligned for small electronics. Use it solely for decoration.
3 one-tiled coffee tables from the various EPs/SPs which have some space to put things on under the table.
Last Edit: 2008 November 10, 10:22:41 by Lord Darcy
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/09)
Reply #31 on:
2008 August 11, 11:55:26 »
I am now using this instead of Anoeska B's my question is does her TV and stereo fix for items being put on it clash with this since I do not see where you have done it for the TV or stereo?
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
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AL compatible version was added
Reply #32 on:
2008 August 28, 14:17:32 »
AnoeskaB's FT set does not conflict with mine, with the exception of
FT Tech desk fix
. Her set does not add slots to existing FT electronics or hobby objects. They are
identical clones
of FT objects, with the built-in additional slots. I left out frequently updated objects due to safety reason.
AnoeskaB's Maxis More Functional sets are not just about slot mods for Maxis furniture. You can keep mine for slot mod, and cherrypick other stuff from her sets, e.g. cloned FT objects or liberated sculptures from FT TV. I have no use for identical clone of sewing machine when I can clutter it with
end table OMSPs
to my heart's content.
Updated to v1.03. AL compatible version was added.
Dresser file name was changed. Be sure to remove the old version first.
Updated to v1.04. 7 TVs, 4 stereos, all 6 fridges and NL bowling rack were added.
zLdDarcy_MaxisMoreDecoSlot_Vanity_Teen-FT.package is now part of Overrides file. Remove it from your Overrides folder.
Last Edit: 2009 January 09, 23:59:45 by Lord Darcy
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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/28) AL version added
Reply #33 on:
2008 August 30, 04:21:28 »
Lord Darcy, I have found a guid conflict going on in the game, it appears that the closets that came with AL are gone from my buy mode catalog. So I loaded up SimPE to do a GUID scan, and two of your deco slot packages are coming up. I am using only awesome hacks at the moment as well as my walk to lot fix (most likely unrelated), which only changes the text. No idea what's causing it, I just wanted to bring it to your attention.
Also, is it possible that your mod can conflict with custom dressers as well?
by the way... beeeeeeeh
Last Edit: 2008 August 30, 04:34:40 by fway
Swing Tree
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/28) AL version added
Reply #34 on:
2008 August 30, 04:45:24 »
AL closets appear fine for me with my deco slot mod. How many new closets does AL have, anyway? There are two which are shaped like shopping racks, and another two wall closets with doors.
In addition to multiple custom objects which share the same GUID, SimPE GUID Scanner also scans hacks that contain OBJD overrides, like my armoire/dresser slot mod or Pescado's NoHumble mod. It does not necessarily mean they're causing a conflict with other Maxis objects.
Quote from: fway on 2008 August 30, 04:21:28
Also, is it possible that your mod can conflict with custom dressers as well?
I don't think so. In AL version, I removed all BHAV overrides for Dresser semiglobal except one. And that BHAV won't be called by custom dressers at this point, as it was newly introduced in AL. Other than that, all codes only affects Maxis dressers/armoires.
Last Edit: 2008 August 30, 07:33:44 by Lord Darcy
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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/28) AL version added
Reply #35 on:
2008 August 30, 04:58:38 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 August 30, 04:45:24
AL closets appear fine for me with my deco slot mod. How many new closets does AL have, anyway? There are two which are shaped like shopping racks, and another two wall closets with doors.
In addition to multiple custom objects which share the same GUID, SimPE GUID Scan also scans hacks which contain OBJD overrides, like my Armoire/Dresser slot mod or Pescado's NoHumble mod. It does not necessarily mean they're causing a conflict with other Maxis objects.
AL does have 2 closets as well as those two shopping rack shaped ones. I only asked this because I downloaded some maxis-matching dressers, which also may be the problem. Just to let you know, though, I downloaded Ailias' maxis-matching dressers. I was going to download the HCDU by simwardrobe, however I keep getting a 403 message. Although, I wouldn't think that awesome mods would clash with each other anyhow. *shrugs* The thing is though, the custom dressers I downloaded didn't have any GUID conflicts. I wouldn't know what else would be clashing with the closets.
oh aren't I just smart... ok, so I suppose the closets act as doors, which is technically build mode, therefore can't use the clone tool and can't be bought. xD Sorry I wasted your time :\
Last Edit: 2008 August 30, 08:55:05 by fway
Swing Tree
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 87
Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/28) AL version added
Reply #36 on:
2008 September 16, 17:23:00 »
I think the last slot request from me is about all desks.
Can you also add two slots on every maxis desk surface? I mean one in the very middle for some clutter and one on the left side but not in the center but a but closer to frontal. (for lamp)
thank you
Mod edit: Fixed b0rked image link
Last Edit: 2008 November 10, 10:25:32 by Lord Darcy
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/08/28) AL version added
Reply #37 on:
2008 September 18, 12:29:44 »
Updated to v1.04. 7 TVs, 4 stereos, all 6 fridges and NL bowling rack were added.
zLdDarcy_MaxisMoreDecoSlot_Vanity_Teen-FT.package is now part of Overrides file. Remove it from your Overrides folder.
Quote from: Ailias on 2008 September 16, 17:23:00
Can you also add two slots on every maxis desk surface? I mean one in the very middle for some clutter and one on the left side but not in the center but a but closer to frontal. (for lamp)
Um no, I mostly use OMSPs for 3 standard heights. (coffee table, dining table/end table/desk and counter)
Last Edit: 2008 November 10, 10:26:06 by Lord Darcy
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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #38 on:
2008 September 20, 20:08:12 »
What exactly is the 'zLdDarcy_MaxisMoreDecoSlot_Overrides' package for? I have AL.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #39 on:
2008 September 20, 21:19:46 »
It's for SP objects which were updated by FT and/or AL, like IKEA TV, Teen Vanity or K&B Fridges. EAxis updates SP objects by including new versions in Overrides.package. Without this file, modified SLOT, BHAV and STR# in Downloads folder will be trumped by the ones in Overrides folder.
Stuff Pack Objects Fix Collection for AL
has a similar file which needs to be placed inside Overrides folder for the exact same reason. Major pain in the ass when it comes to fixing SP objects on which EAxis got their clumsy hands to "update".
I'd much prefer if they don't touch SP objects at all, at least it will be less hassle to fix them.
Last Edit: 2008 September 20, 21:24:59 by Lord Darcy
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Lipless Loser
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #40 on:
2008 September 28, 16:16:07 »
Lord Darcy could you please make a fix for the End Table by Splendid Scenes (Hotel Set). He is a little bit higher as other Endtables, but EAxis had missed to fix the slot. Now small things are inside the table not on top of them. As visible in Picture.
Indoor Girl
Asinine Airhead
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #41 on:
2008 September 28, 22:15:01 »
AL version worked great in my game, didn't notice any problems. And, I'm finally rid of that TSR set! It was a nice idea, but I hated having doubles of everything, and after the desk crashing... I just didn't trust it. Your way makes so much more sense.
I was also wondering, is it ok to pick & choose which packages to use, or do I need the whole set?
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #42 on:
2008 September 29, 11:46:48 »
Quote from: Indoor Girl on 2008 September 28, 22:15:01
AL version worked great in my game, didn't notice any problems.
Good. Make sure to read Known Issues carefully, especially about AL Jock TV.
Quote from: Indoor Girl on 2008 September 28, 22:15:01
And, I'm finally rid of that TSR set! It was a nice idea, but I hated having doubles of everything, and after the desk crashing... I just didn't trust it. Your way makes so much more sense.
For functional objects like TVs and stereos, I waited until AL was released to rule out possible conflicts.
Come to think of it, it may be that the crashing problem occurs only in Booty version. I've heard of similar problems in other TSR sets found in Booty, like simaddict99's Tiki Match Nursery set. People who got TSR sub and downloaded it directly from TSR reported no problems.
Quote from: Indoor Girl on 2008 September 28, 22:15:01
I was also wondering, is it ok to pick & choose which packages to use, or do I need the whole set?
Pick & choose, but some stuff pack objects require Overrides file if you have FT or AL.
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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #43 on:
2008 October 14, 15:20:16 »
Hello again!
I do not remember now if there are some slots on the maxis piano?
Also I have an idea to add at least one slot on some maxis bathtubs' corners (for deco like soaps, bottles etc)
2) On the top of changing table. (on the free side)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 647
Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #44 on:
2008 October 14, 15:41:15 »
Quote from: Ailias on 2008 October 14, 15:20:16
Hello again!
I do not remember now if there are some slots on the maxis piano?
Ailias Sims have to open the Piano for repair, it may not be the best idea to add a decorative slot there.
Goopy Lover
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #45 on:
2008 October 25, 06:43:14 »
I could've sworn you'd added slots to the upright piano, but it seems I was wrong...could you please?
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Lord Darcy
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #46 on:
2008 October 25, 07:56:37 »
I gave up on piano. For some reason, piano cannot hold sculptures, regardless of its support strength.
And there's the problem with the piano lid that Havelock already mentioned. Use Piano OMSP instead.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #47 on:
2008 October 25, 11:18:58 »
Ok, will do. Thanks anyway LD
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Asinine Airhead
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Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #48 on:
2008 November 05, 15:36:12 »
Thank you, Lord Darcy for this hack. It really rocks!
Would it be possible to hack funerary urns so that they can be placed on shelves, or has that already been done?
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture (Updated 2008/09/18) TV Stereo Fridge
Reply #49 on:
2008 November 06, 14:46:59 »
Quote from: anachronista on 2008 November 05, 15:36:12
Would it be possible to hack funerary urns so that they can be placed on shelves, or has that already been done?
Use netmicro's
Decoration Transformer
to put non-decoration objects on decorative slots.
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