Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 178
can't download from coz many jackasses from *my country* have abused their website causing an ultra large amount of file transfers!!!  I am from Hong Kong, and I guess the *my country* is China.... But *Hong Kong* is indeed very different from China although it's part of China now.... 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
Has anyone else had problems with the other mission furniture since they installed these updates? When I had the shadow mod in game, it turned various parts of the couches and chair black (like one would have black cushions, another would have black frames, and the other would have both) though the recliner was perfectly fine. When I removed the mod, the couches returned to their normal state.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
I haven't seen that, I only touched the recliner. Do you have the patch for OFB? The only time I heard of that happening was when OFB wasn't patched.
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
Well, I installed the patch like a year or more ago and it only started doing this recently. I'll have to do more experimenting I suppose. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the problem quite so quickly LOL Hope I haven't wasted too much of your time.
@ simsbaby the FT Ultra Sporty Trophy Display is also messed up.
Edit: Attachement removed is now in Main Fix included.
« Last Edit: 2008 October 04, 13:55:07 by Havelock »
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
Thanks Havelock.
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 82
Simsbaby, thank you very mutch for this. I have a good grahic card on my computer and I see all bad shadows in game. In my game is the groundshadow from the Lack table from Ikea Stuff pack bad. Is o.k in buy mode, but in live mode is bad and the table "fly" in the air. Would you like look at this please ?
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
Can you take a pic? I'm not sure what you mean.
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
The Dynasty Dresser 2 now seems to have broken shadows with AL installed. I'm aware that AL broke the dresser by making it unrecolourable and I have the fix for that but now the shadows are always present even though I play with shadows OFF. I have sold and rebought the dresser a few times but the shadows remain. I would take a picture but I'm having problems and can't access my game at the moment.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Now there's a lucky cat!
The link won't download...  I think it's broken. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Hi, Is it possible for anyone to upload these shadow fixes again please? Because the link seems to be broken now.  Thank you!  EDIT: Oh, and are these shadow fixes compatible with Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.4 from ModTheSims ? Thanks.
« Last Edit: 2012 November 22, 16:39:56 by damsgillou »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 74
Here. Part 1 You need part 2 in the next post.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 74
Part 2. You need both parts. They're just split to fulfil the maximum size allowance.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
You're an angel, Pandaah! Thank you very much! Edit:just one question please: is it normal that there are only two files that are Simsbaby_GroundShadowFixes and Simscorner_FoodandChipShadowFix? Thanks.
« Last Edit: 2012 November 24, 16:44:45 by damsgillou »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 74
Yes, that's normal. The two files include everthing that is described in the first post by Simsbaby.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Yes, that's normal. The two files include everthing that is described in the first post by Simsbaby.
I have a question about these too. How am I supposed to install these into my downloads folder. The second part will end up replacing the first!
Dead Member

Posts: 579
Reluctant Modder
Those two files are actually one RAR, split into two sections so that they could be uploaded to the site. RAR will combine the two files before extracting. If you extracted from both files, then you should have two identical sets (although I actually got an error when I tried to extract from part 2). You can verify this using the "fc /b" command line program.
In other words, just extract from part 1 and put the results in your Downloads folder.
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
The file is no longer available at the download site. No newer file turns up when I searched.