For some unknown reason, a lot of the new objects EAxis is releasing in expansions and stuff packs have messed up shadows. Usually the ground shadow is switched with a wall shadow, causing the wall shadow to always show up, even when it's not placed next to a wall. This looks horrible in game and needed to be fixed, so I'm working on this now. I haven't gotten all of the shadows yet, so if you know one that's broken then it would be really helpful to tell me which object it is so I can fix it. I have not heard anyone complain about this, so I'm guessing it will get as many downloads as my floating pancake fix.

Download Update 5What has been fixed...
The Sims 2 Expensive Stereo
Cowboy's Caboose Chair
"Outdoor Ergo" Ergonomic Chair by Gudfoer-Ebadi Furnishings
Sweet Tooth Survior Pinball
"Election Day" Retro Space-Age Action Pinball
The Eclectic and Enigmatic Energizer
Cool Shades Ikea Stuff EKTORP Two Seat Sofa
Teen Style Stuff Fit For Royalty by It Creations
The Better Bookshelf by It Creations
You're So Vanity by It Creations
Fine Finish Desk by It Creations
Higher Education by Darkness
Patchwork Desk by Darkness
Pompadour Dresser by Fun in the Sun
Curves and Swerves End Table by Fun in the Sun
Swervy Curvy Desk by Fun in the Sun
The Television Television
Glamour Life Stuff Affluent Armoire by Well Bred and Co.
Apartment Life Globulous Wonder by Anne Nuit
FreeTime Ultra Sporty Trophy Display
Bon Voyage Instant Giant
Foreign Flavor Dresser
GrassCo Folding Chair
Seasons Books First for Learning: A Bookshelf for Education
Pets Atomic Clothing Manager by Streamlined Industries
Andromeda Far Out Dresser
Andromeda Lil'Astronaut Desk
Ring-O-Posies Commercial Planter
Junior Cosmonauts Bedside Table
Formicium Counter by Astro-Tops Design
Atom Bench by Nucular Novelties
Aqueduct of the Future!
Open for Business The Java de Pwi Barstool
Soldier's Quarter Recliner
There are a lot more broken meshes, so I don't know how long it will take before this is completely done. I do know that I'll probably have to update this every single time they release a new EP or SP.

Update 1: Moar objects fixed by Windkeeper and Havelock.
Update 2: Fixed more objects and added in Lord Darcy's fix.
Update 3: Fixed the base game pinball machines, and a sculpture from Apartment Life.
Update 4: Fixed the Cool Shades and the Eclectic and Enigmatic Energizer.
Update 5: Added Ultra Sporty Trophy Display.