Giorgio de Chirico (July 10, 1888 -- November 20, 1978) was an influential pre-Surrealist Greek-Italian painter. He is best known for the paintings he produced between 1909 and 1919, his metaphysical period, which are memorable for the haunted, brooding moods evoked by their images. (from
De Chirico is one of my favourite painters. His works are hauntingly beautiful, blurring the line between reality and fantasy. But I've never seen Sim version of his work anywhere.
So I made 8 de Chirico paintings for my MoSMA (The Museum of Sim Modern Art) community lot.

Plus I made 3 Marcel Duchamp paintings as a bonus. (I wish some talented mesher would make
his "Fountain" sculpture. It'll be equally useful in museums and in men's restrooms...)
They are all Maxis recolors.
NL and
GLS required.
I did my best to keep ratios of paintings as close to the original as possible. Stretched/squashed-looking recolors are especially annoying in well-known paintings, as we are already familiar with the original ratio. Sometimes entirely wrong mesh was chosen in the first place. Other times the creator didn't bother to flip the texture, resulting in mirror-image. More often than not, the creator didn't realize that the texture must be
deliberately squashed in order to look right in game.
Love Song (left) /
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street (right) - Recolors of NL "Grilled Cheese" poster.
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street is my favourite de Chirico painting.
Le Re^ve transforme' - Recolor of NL "Cantankerous Splatters" painting.
The Soothsayer's Recompense (left) /
Piazza (Souvenir d'Italie) (right) - Recolors of GLS "Abstrusionism" painting.
Nostalgia of the Infinite (left) /
The Awakening of Ariadne (center) /
The Great Tower (right) - Recolors of GLS "The Muse" painting.
Bonus: 3 paintings by Marcel Duchamp
Bride (left) /
Nude Descending a Staircase (No.2) (right) - Recolors of base game "The Lady On Red" painting.
Chocolate Grinder No.2 (center) - Recolor of NL "Grilled Cheese" poster.
Download from MediaFire 2008-01-08: Somehow older package files with slightly pixelated textures got mixed up in the initial upload. I reuploaded fixed files. Just overwrite old files. File names were not changed. No need to reapply recolors in the game. Sorry for the confusion.
Credits:Everyone who contributed to SimPE
Numenor for CEP
Olga's Gallery - tons of HQ scans for famous art
justmoi for the idea about naming convention of recolor files