Do you want your Sims to finish shower more quickly, even if they're using cheaper showers?
Tired of using same old expensive shower and tubs for higher hygiene and comfort rating?
This mod will raise hygiene and comfort ratings of all Maxis showers and tubs up to
Seasons to match the most expensive one of each kind.
("Coloratura" for showers, "Colonial Bathtub" / "Simple Tub from Krampft Industries" for tubs, "Colonial ComboCleen" for showertub)
This mod comes in 2 flavors. Use ONLY ONE at a time for each shower/tub.
- Standard version: Price is the same as original.
- Price-Adjusted version: Price was raised to match the most expensive one of each kind.
If you have only
Base Game or
Base Game + Happy Holiday Stuff, get the corresponding file tagged with
-BaseGame. Otherwise the game will

This mod will conflict with any other similar mods that raise hygiene/comfort ratings for Maxis showers and tubs.
This mod does not affect custom showers or tubs. If you want to raise motives of custom objects, you must edit BCON values of your custom objects with SimPE on your own. Changing motives in Object Data is purely cosmetic and will not change real motive ratings.
You can extract BCONs from my mod and replace corresponding BCONs in custom objects. Make sure to select the correct type of mod to extract BCONs from.
Installation:If you put it in your Downloads folder, Maxis showers and tubs will bear annoying custom star, and the delete button will be enabled in the catalog.
Instead of Downloads folder, make a subfolder in the following location and put the files there.
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 [Your Latest EP]\TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins (or the corresponding folder on your system if your game is not installed in C:\Program Files)
If your latest EP is FreeTime, the location will be like this.
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins

If you're using the standard version (without price adjustment) and don't mind the discrepancy between the actual rating and the catalog, you can delete OBJDs with SimPE and put it in your Downloads folder without custom star or delete button enabled.
Changelog:v1.0: Initial release.
v1.01: Added Base Game compatible version. (2008/07/30)

Check out my other motive mod:
Higher Comfort and Energy for Maxis Beds Credits:CTNutmegger for tutorial on changing BCONs
Everyone who contributed to the development of SimPE