I'm wondering if maybe this is a new change in one of the recent EPs, or if it's maybe a mod conflict I have in my own game. I've been using the TL&D since forever to knock up my YAs, and now I'm finding that it doesn't work anymore. And I'm not talking about a stuck pregnancy, there is just NO pregnancy. No baby-chimes. ACR's pregnancy scanner doesn't show up.
It still works for adults though. I even tried aging the girl down to teen, up to adult, got her pregnant, back down to teen, back to YA, and she lost the pregnancy somewhere between teen and YA. So that method obviously doesn't work.

Has anyone else tried "simulate genetic merger" with YAs recently? Or is anyone feeling adventurous enough to try to knock up one of your YAs momentarily, just to see if it's just my game? Or can anyone suggest any mods (non-kitten-killing) that might do the trick?