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Author Topic: Sporetrial and SecuRom  (Read 33023 times)
Malodorous Moron
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Sporetrial and SecuRom
« on: 2008 June 17, 22:40:22 »

I just wanted to know if the Sporetrial has Securom on it since the FT patch had a newer version of it.
I'm really scared to run it tbh.

Thanx in advance.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #1 on: 2008 June 17, 23:17:22 »

There doesn't appear to be a copy protection on it, but it IS spyware, as the firewall picked it up trying to phone home unsolicited. It looks like it it may also share your username with the entire world, which is extremely dangerous if you foolishly used your real name on your computer.

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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #2 on: 2008 June 18, 00:26:23 »

As far as I can tell, it is trying to phone to the Spore site to share creatures. At least, that's what it keeps crying to me about. I block everything from my firewall unless I'm specifically seeking 'net features.

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #3 on: 2008 June 18, 00:54:08 »

It's doing so by encrypted link, and it's doing so before you even try to login. That is very suspicious, particularly after it has been doing prolonged disk reading prior to startup.

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Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #4 on: 2008 June 18, 03:20:03 »

Holy shit, Pes-are you joking? The program is using the username to phone home? That is a very serious problem-because I think alot of people (myself included) use a form of their name on their computer...just think of the marketing implications of this-and what would happen should a hacker get into the main computers at EA...not even to be the stuff of nightmares!

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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #5 on: 2008 June 18, 05:05:59 »

Am I the only one who doesn't remain connected to the internet when playing games, making sims, etc? Isn't it a generally good idea to disable stuff like antivirus software before playing games such as TS2 (I even disable my firewall, as I'm not online when I play TS2 or use Body Shop), which means that you should also disable your internet connexion, rather than go without antivirus protection? I understand that the creature creator isn't it a game, but it's still part of a game. If you're not connected to the internet when you run it, then it can't phone home.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #6 on: 2008 June 18, 05:37:28 »

Am I the only one who doesn't remain connected to the internet when playing games, making sims, etc? Isn't it a generally good idea to disable stuff like antivirus software before playing games such as TS2 (I even disable my firewall, as I'm not online when I play TS2 or use Body Shop), which means that you should also disable your internet connexion, rather than go without antivirus protection? I understand that the creature creator isn't it a game, but it's still part of a game. If you're not connected to the internet when you run it, then it can't phone home.
This is untrue. The game CAN still manage to phone home even if you are not connected when you run it. In fact, I've written things that exploit this sort of behavior, by leaving a part of itself active even when you "quit", so that it can then lurk until you bring your Internet connection online, then phone home.

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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #7 on: 2008 June 18, 05:41:16 »

Well, that's scary, isn't it? I feel so violated.

Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #8 on: 2008 June 18, 10:43:18 »

 Shocked wow! Now I'm very glad I posted my question. Didn't know it was this serious. I'm really dissapointed in everybody tha allowed this to happen to Spore and the Sims franchise.  Angry I wonder if it makes any difference for pirated versions?

I know plenty of people don't endorse downloading pirated versions of the games to avoid all this Copyprotection of Doom nonesense to harm ones machine but I'd really like to know if it actually makes any difference.

I'd also like to know if Securom ships with mac versions of the Sims games and Spore? Does it have the same effect on macs as pcs?

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #9 on: 2008 June 18, 14:21:42 »

So things can get through a connection while you aren't running the internet.
They can get through when you disable your cable internet connection? How? (I don't need the details, just a layman explanation.)

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #10 on: 2008 June 18, 14:28:37 »

So things can get through a connection while you aren't running the internet.
They can get through when you disable your cable internet connection? How? (I don't need the details, just a layman explanation.)
Basically, the program queues a task to phone home the moment Internet connectivity is restored, which can be long after you have closed the program. If your computer *EVER* uses the Internet AGAIN after that, you may be vulnerable to this attack. Even if you have a firewall, it may be possible for the program to use "authorized" programs to piggyback out, such as you web browser or your email client. Which is why email should always be strictly serverside. Outlook Not So Good!

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #11 on: 2008 June 18, 14:33:34 »

Thanks, Pes.

I always disable my connection if I'm not using the internet (whether or not I'm playing games). I'll remember this.

I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #12 on: 2008 June 18, 16:04:13 »

SecuROM is definitely on the Creature Creator.  My Kaperskey caught it I denied it anything and it slunk off with a rather large tantrum (that I didn't read).  Its the cmdLineext.dll I haven't found any other folder yet that has the flag secuROM so yeah if your launching the program then you will probably have this dll on your computer unless of course you've managed to get a hold of a "doctored" version.

Mine is now deleted but will probably come back if I launch the program again...its a persistent little bugger.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #13 on: 2008 June 18, 17:18:35 »

Kraken, what source did you get your from?

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #14 on: 2008 June 18, 18:06:40 »

I was a "good" girl and tried to get mine from the official site but the bloody thing must have been overloaded, so in the end I snaffled the trial via newsgroup.  So that's probably why.  As I said, if you managed to get the "doctored" version then you should be fine providing of course there is one!  Kotaku's site might have had the secuROM removed but I can't be sure and it wasn't around long enough to find out.

While I'm actually posting...Zazazu have you written a second chapter to "Dark Side of The Moon"?  I really enjoyed the first one but can't find any sequel.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #15 on: 2008 June 18, 19:32:00 »

I'd also like to know if Securom ships with mac versions of the Sims games and Spore? Does it have the same effect on macs as pcs?

As of BV, it appears that Aspyr doesn't ship Securom with TS2.  Or if they do, it's incredibly benign because no one has managed to capture evidence of it.  Securom has been available for OSX for a long time, like years apparently, so I honestly don't know what goes into the decision to include it or not.  One factor may be that piracy of mac games isn't as widespread; it takes months after release to find a torrent and except for a handful of very popular games, it's hard to find a good torrent even then.

Also, let's face it: mac games are such a miniscule fraction of game sales, how much are you really losing if a few players pirate a couple dozen copies?  Obviously up to now, EA hasn't believed there's any profit in it, else they would have done the port themselves.

But for Spore and the future, no one knows.  EA, in their predictable greed, may very well take over the mac versions if they believe the mac gaming market will expand.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #16 on: 2008 June 18, 20:51:56 »

While I'm actually posting...Zazazu have you written a second chapter to "Dark Side of The Moon"?  I really enjoyed the first one but can't find any sequel.
I had one in progress, but the Apoc challenge can never hold my attention. 'Hood is now deleted and not backed up. I have issues keeping with one 'hood or story line for awhile. Notice that Prospect Beach is abandoned, and while I'm playing Teardrop Isle, I haven't been writing it up.

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #17 on: 2008 June 18, 21:08:57 »

That's a shame you really had me intrigued with that strange new planet theme.  Certainly a different take on the Apocalyse.

I like most Science Fiction which is probably why I was rather interested in Spore until bloody secuROM in its new form was to be sneaked into it.   That they've included secuROM in the demo of the creature tool rather annoys but I shouldn't be surprised since they intend to charge for the full program!

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #18 on: 2008 June 19, 00:56:47 »

I miss the good ol' days of SafeDisc. Cry

Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #19 on: 2008 June 19, 01:10:28 »

Don't we all. *patpats Solowren*

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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #20 on: 2008 June 19, 01:25:12 »

Good news is, the ARR'ed version is stripped as far as I can tell.  One more reason why increasing numbers of fans will be going to pirating.

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #21 on: 2008 June 19, 02:30:52 »

SecuROM has weasled its way onto my computer, probably from a Sims 2 SP. While tracking down the item that is (or itemS that ARE) farkling my WinXP laptop, SecuROM was found and ID'd as a rootkit. Note that I never installed BV, and only have EPs up to SEAS.

It is interfering with my CD/DVD Media Center OS-installed capabilities and farkling my anti-virus program, Avast. Jolly!

Even without installing BV, a previous EP/SP had SecuROM lurking within, even if it was a less aggressive version.

I find this completely unacceptable. I'd already vowed not to give EA one thin dime once the SecuROM fiasco erupted, and not to install known infected games, but this just pisses me off no end.

In the meantime, I'm stuck using old tech while the XP is being de-crapinated, and it is cutting into my thesis prep time. If there's ever a class action suit, count me in. Stupid EA.

ETA: Also, "ARRRRRR!" Fewer reasons NOT to, at this point. SRSLY.

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Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #22 on: 2008 June 19, 08:20:13 »

SecuROM has weasled its way onto my computer, probably from a Sims 2 SP. While tracking down the item that is (or itemS that ARE) farkling my WinXP laptop, SecuROM was found and ID'd as a rootkit. Note that I never installed BV, and only have EPs up to SEAS.

It is interfering with my CD/DVD Media Center OS-installed capabilities and farkling my anti-virus program, Avast. Jolly!

Even without installing BV, a previous EP/SP had SecuROM lurking within, even if it was a less aggressive version.

Are you sure you have SecuROM from The Sims 2 related games?  Is it possible another game gave you SecuROM?

I'm asking, as this backs up what I've been saying about them putting it in newer copies of older EPs'. 

I'm highly suspicious that I have it with my version of Seasons, also with a new copy of Pets, and also with a new base game I needed to buy to replace my broken one.
Grammar Police
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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #23 on: 2008 June 20, 17:21:20 »

Are you sure you have SecuROM from The Sims 2 related games?


Is it possible another game gave you SecuROM?

Nope. Not much of a gamer; the other 2-3 games I have messed with had no cp, and predated SecuROM (see: Myst!  Cheesy).

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Re: Sporetrial and SecuRom
« Reply #24 on: 2008 June 20, 17:33:22 »

I'm highly suspicious that I have it with my version of Seasons, also with a new copy of Pets, and also with a new base game I needed to buy to replace my broken one.

Torrent.  When you buy a game or any software, you do not (in the minds of the manufacturer) "own" the software.  What you have purchased is the license to use the software.  The disks are merely a mechanism for getting the software to you once you are licensed to use it.  Consequently, when your disks bork, you have technically lost nothing that you actually paid for - you are still licensed to use the software.  What is broken is your mechanism for updating any borkage.  Fortunately, other mechanisms exist (torrents, etc.) to provide you with the capacity to update/reinstall/etc.

While the idea that Pirate Cat does not pay for his downloads is popular here (considering that the arrr version is the superior product), you should certainly not pay twice for the same license.

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