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Author Topic: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)  (Read 141114 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #75 on: 2008 August 20, 16:40:06 »

I haven't seen any posts about this, but maybe the lack of scholarship money is to be expected. Just something to know about using this mod.

Right, the only way you'll get scholarship money is to move them to the real college first - they can't stay there, or they will age to adult.  I consider it college orientation Wink  I just move them into a lot, pause immediately, pocket their scholarship money, and then move them to my downtown uni via Inge's teleporter. 

That may be more work than some are willing to do - you could also just write down how much scholarship money they're due, and give it to them via family funds cheat.

Can't help with the movies though, mine are always turned off.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #76 on: 2008 August 21, 00:24:31 »

Thanks for that tip darcee.

I can certainly live without the movie, I waas more interested in why the mod didn't quite work as advertised.

Another update...playing in a clean game, my sims cannot use the bookcases for research. The only CC installed is Lion's unitest, the insiminator, Pescado's college clock and Twojeffs' Adjuster. I was testing whether I could use the adjuster or the clock to send them to finals without using testingcheats, but it seems not. It kinda looks as though the college clock should do it, but it seemed to just re-roll the wants panel. One time I turned the tester off after clicking Pescado's 'take exam now', and the sim still went to the exam okay. But otherwise, if this works ofr other people, I must be missing something.

In the process, I found out that the college option is missing from all bookcase menus. This is in both a dorm and a community lot, containing the Unitest. I checked La Fiesta Tech attached to that hood, and the bookcase in a dorm there worked fine.

is this a known problem?

« Last Edit: 2008 August 21, 10:19:34 by sleep » Logged
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #77 on: 2008 August 21, 11:05:57 »

FYI, I added squinge's CollegeInteractionsOnAnyLot to the mix, and the bookcases work properly again.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #78 on: 2008 September 15, 11:06:54 »

Has anyone with AL installed experienced any problems with this installed?
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #79 on: 2008 September 15, 15:21:15 »

I can tell you that it's not causing conflicts with normal gameplay. I haven't tried actual Uni functions yet.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #80 on: 2008 September 24, 14:59:01 »

I'm curious to know what happens to sims if they're accepted into the secret society when they live in a dorm in the main hood. Does it work like normal or should it be avoided?

Also, it seems to be working for AL. I haven't thoroughly tested it yet, but teens successfully age into YAs onced moved into the dorm with this installed and dormies spawn like they supposed to (or not with nodormieregen Wink ). Haven't yet had the chance to send a sim off to class yet, but will test that out soon and report back.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #81 on: 2008 September 24, 16:31:48 »

Great, Vintage, keep playing with it. Good to know it's still working.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #82 on: 2008 September 29, 01:46:28 »

I have this installed and I am playing AL, actually I am playing HP's mega-hood.  I have most of Pescado's and TJ's mods as well as some of Lord Darcy's, Inge, Squinge, Carrigon, Crammyboy, Monique, Christianlov...hmmm I know there are at least a few more and I want Atevera's window mod fixed so I can add that too.   Grin

I am playing the Newson family which consists of 2 teens and 2 children and 2 toddlers.  I thought this would be perfect for them because with these particular dynamics, the puny wages earned from a job would be pointless because it would all be consumed in Nanny fees. 

At any rate, I purchased the gold record.  Immediately, I got visits from cheerleaders and mascots.  The next day, I hired a Nanny for that day and the teens and children when to school.  Upon return of the bus at 1:00pm, the teens had transitioned into YA's.   The children were still children.  I spawned the semester testers and started class for both of them.  Neither will go to class autonomously (I actually don't mind this because of the children), and my bookcases don't show any college interactions (i do mind this so I am looking for a mod).  Once they graduate a semester, they do get any funds due to them. Otherwise, they are Sophomores and everything seems to be going fine.  For me anyway, this is the perfect solution for this particular family.   Smiley

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #83 on: 2008 September 30, 03:51:48 »

Just to update:

I installed Squinge's collegeinteractionsonanylot after reading a few pages back that it enables the Uni bookcase features.  Although the mod is a few packages old, it did enable them and I am using the goth one that came with the Teen Style sp.  Also, I didn't notice this before but when I use the macrotastics college rampage, I do get the option to "go to class".  I didn't notice this before I installed collegeinteractionsonanylot because my Sims got stuck at the bookcase without the required features.  Although I haven't noticed any problems with this older mod, just to caution, there is a post that it won't be updated for AL due to past problems.

The two children in this particular family did age to teens, and so that they won't advance to YA's immediately, I turned their aging off and that is working. 
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #84 on: 2009 April 03, 11:08:00 »

I've been trying to use this mod again recently, but having trouble. When moving a teen into a main-hood dorm containing the Unitest painting, they age to adult, not YA. I am using Twojeff's Blender to set sims to teen, then to 'independent teen' so they can move out.

I think the Blender independent setting is the issue, since the only dormie that has aged to YA rather than adult, is one that was the last resident of her lot, so was able to move out as a normal teen.

I will post about this for Twojeffs to look into, but others may find it useful to have this mentioned here. I've been messing with my game for several days trying to figure out what was going wrong.

For clarity, the latest version of the Blender has this in the manual:
Set as Independent Teen: Flags a teen as an adult without aging them. Note: if used you must manually age the sim the the blender to adult/young adult. If aged by the game the teen will jump straight to elder!

I must have missed that bit earlier. Non-awesome hack, I know.
« Last Edit: 2009 April 03, 11:41:17 by sleep » Logged
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #85 on: 2011 September 22, 22:55:39 »

Currently, my only annoyance is the unmovable popup created by the semester tester. Do not want.
Has anyone discovered if there is a way around this? I've just been experimenting with a base game uni in my test hood, and the popups are a major drag. Once you get 3+ sims in a household, they start to fill up the entire right side of the screen, which is truly annoying. Is there a way to get rid of them, or am I just stuck with the wall o' popups?
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #86 on: 2011 September 25, 08:28:47 »

Haven't used it in a while, but from memory, you can close the windows. They come back if you click on the semester tester. Or you can leave just one of them open, if everyone is on the same schedule, and keep an eye on the click that way without fill ing your whole screen.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #87 on: 2011 September 26, 13:29:36 »

When I was trying it out, the pop-up windows wouldn't stay closed. The second I closed one, a new one would pop up, so there was essentially no getting rid of them. I suppose I could just leave one semester tester on until finals time, then use the clock to start finals and bring back semester testers for the others when it's time... Oh well. Guess that's the best solution?
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #88 on: 2011 November 03, 16:33:14 »

When I was trying it out, the pop-up windows wouldn't stay closed. The second I closed one, a new one would pop up, so there was essentially no getting rid of them. I suppose I could just leave one semester tester on until finals time, then use the clock to start finals and bring back semester testers for the others when it's time... Oh well. Guess that's the best solution?

This was annoying me, too, so I went and made a fix for it; this also makes the tester available in buy mode.

* larky-semester-tester-no-popups.package (1.3 KB - downloaded 1348 times.)
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