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Author Topic: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)  (Read 142976 times)
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Potiron flou

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #50 on: 2008 June 25, 15:28:49 »

Had a bug last night on a child's transition to teen. Kid jumped right after the spin and looked like a teen but got no aspiration choice screen. He also was doing a rather comical walk that I should have taken a photo of...bent at the knee. His voice and action choices were still those of a child. I aged back and forth and the bug persisted upon every transition from child to teen.

When I removed UniTest and Uni-GoldRecord, the bug did not occur. The gold record was not present on the lot at any time. No error log was generated.

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #51 on: 2008 June 25, 20:59:54 »

During my intensive testing of the unitest, I aged up children as well as aging down adults. Didn't have this bug. This morning, I had a child aging up to teen, no bug happened.  Uni-test things are in the download (Not that she has any chance of going to college).

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #52 on: 2008 June 26, 01:54:46 »

Do you have Ikea Stuff? I also had just installed that before playing.

If my calculations are right, I have twins aging to teen tonight. I'll test with them.
EDIT: Happened again with the twins. It's not this hack, though. Something else, and I'm leaning towards something needing an update for Ikea stuff. Blech.
« Last Edit: 2008 June 26, 04:20:08 by Zazazu » Logged

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #53 on: 2008 June 26, 13:05:46 »

No Ikea Stuff. Not planning to, now that it borks age transition! How did they manage to do it?

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #54 on: 2008 June 26, 14:16:06 »

I'm not sure. My suspicion is that a hack doesn't play nice with it. TJ's Age Duration hack or Sim Blender, most like, but I need to play 50/50. Why would it affect it? Why would it block LTW toggle options from the debugger? *shrug*

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #55 on: 2008 July 11, 22:05:12 »

In case anyone is interested in trying study abroad, I wrote up a little post on my experiences with it:

It's a lot of fun, and a nice change of scenery. 

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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #56 on: 2008 July 16, 02:46:20 »

Interesting test...
Background: I have a sim starting out a farm and pretty much starving. He doesn't have the money to go anywhere, and his paramour's father asked him to respect his daughter's reputation and not see her while he is an adult and she a teen. I mean, seriously, it already looks bad that they are second cousins. Well, he wouldn't be able to travel to see her in college, either, so that would be another round of loneliness. Not really acceptable, and prevents some nefarious plans I had for them.

Cheated girl up to adult and moved her out on her own. On holding lot, I aged her back to teen. Placed gold record on farm (which the adult male was already occupying). Moved her onto farm. She was a YA on lot load with college semesters on her timer. He still had his days of the week. Good so far.

She was able to declare major and go to class (even with a semester tester on the lot and activated, she didn't get the prompt or the autonomous behavior). She wasn't able to do assignments (queue droppage). She received class credit for going to class. Neutral, as I don't normally have them do assignments anyway.

He didn't have a job, and behaved completely normally. I was able to get him a job from the newspaper (which I don't intend to keep, but I wanted to test). He was not able to use either Monique's computer (option not present) or debug + shift-click to get a job. It threw an error. Carpool came at the appointed time and he was able to go to, come home from, get paid from, and bring friends home from work. Great.

Walkbys were all college sims, though I did have one former Uni professor who married in a couple rounds ago walk by as well.

Conclusions: Mixed households work, though it's questionable if aging for non-teens or kid-to-teen would work. Actually, it's guaranteed that kids would go from teen to YA in about six seconds. Obviously not possible with teens on the lot you don't want in college. But eh, under certain circumstances students can go to college from home.

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #57 on: 2008 July 16, 11:40:20 »

Both are great! Love to see more options.

Zaza, is IKEA still creating hack conflicts for you, like the age transition bug? Did you track down what causes it? (I'm seriously thinking about getting it now.)

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #58 on: 2008 July 16, 15:16:22 »

I haven't been in a house with a transitioning kid for awhile. I suppose I could just test it like a normal person, but I always forget to do so. No other age transitions are bugging...just child to adult. And other than the one who was sort of stuck as a child behavior and animation-wise, all other kids have physically transitioned just fine. However, they don't get the aspiration choice dialog.

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #59 on: 2008 July 16, 16:25:59 »

I've played mixed households before - teen/YA, and adult/YA.  And if I remember correctly, my teens would never age to YA unless they've been moved into the lot from the sim bin.  I tried, actually, to just summon my new round of college students and add to family, as a hopefully quicker way of aging them up, but they wouldn't age unless I physically moved them out and back in.  So I would deduce that a child transitioning to teen should stay teen, and have to be moved out and back in again to become a YA. 

He was not able to use either Monique's computer (option not present) or debug + shift-click to get a job. It threw an error.

Did you have the uni-record present on the lot at the time you tried?  I have to delete mine for a second while I have my YAs get their jobs, then pop it back in once I'm done. 

You can also just leave it out for a while and have regular townies walk by.  Of course, you'll have to put it back in again before you can do any assignments or send them to class or whatever, but I take mine out occasionally, just to see what adults and teens walk by.  My YAs are downtown, after all, and it wouldn't hurt for them to meet some rich downtownies to marry Wink

yet another sims 2 blog:
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Potiron flou

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #60 on: 2008 July 16, 18:39:15 »

He was not able to use either Monique's computer (option not present) or debug + shift-click to get a job. It threw an error.

Did you have the uni-record present on the lot at the time you tried?  I have to delete mine for a second while I have my YAs get their jobs, then pop it back in once I'm done.
I did. That's good to know for the future; for Tobias, I don't want to get him a job. He's supposed to subsist on farming and his slightly squicky love for his cousin until she hits it big as a Rock God(dess). This will take quite some time, given my nefarious plans. I always screw with the lives of my favorites. He already had to see the tv back just to hedge off the repo man, and this being the first rotation (so no tax bill yet). 

You can also just leave it out for a while and have regular townies walk by.  Of course, you'll have to put it back in again before you can do any assignments or send them to class or whatever, but I take mine out occasionally, just to see what adults and teens walk by.  My YAs are downtown, after all, and it wouldn't hurt for them to meet some rich downtownies to marry Wink
I'm wondering about Virgil Omaha's walkby. I'm not sure if it's due to some of that weird code mess you get with Uni NPCs that causes them to still exhibit some of the old behavior they had before becoming a playable, or what.

UPDATE: The jumping and lack of aspiration choice was caused by PregandServoChangeAppearancePack, by Squinge. Not truly surprising on some level.
« Last Edit: 2008 July 17, 03:07:22 by Zazazu » Logged

Capitalism, Ho!
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #61 on: 2008 July 17, 14:43:58 »

UPDATE: The jumping and lack of aspiration choice was caused by PregandServoChangeAppearancePack, by Squinge. Not truly surprising on some level.

Is this for having pregers wear their everyday clothes? If so, you should use Dizzy's updated one (two files). I checked my Squinge folder (yes, I keep old un-updated ones just in case), and it's not there.

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #62 on: 2008 July 17, 15:55:17 »

Yes, but I was also dumb and failed my first binary search. I'm using Dizzy's hack now, but it wasn't that one that was causing the problem. Somehow, it was fway's unlock for items at MTS2. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that teens are given the reNu-U portachug, and that's an item s/he'd hacked to be buyable.

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #63 on: 2008 July 17, 20:40:10 »

Good for you that you found it!

I'm pulling my hair out. Found IKEA thread at piratebay (I think). Stuck at step two: getting uTorrent to work (It's not downloading). The port forwarding thing - can't get "set up static IP address" work. Got DNS servers addresses right (both from command and from calling my ISP. The rep kept asking why do I need the addresses, and said you need Business account to have static IP address, and then said it will break the router...). I also found my ISP listed in the DNS server addresses thread at uTorrent help forum.

I don't mind buying the XP, but If I can't get it to download, I won't be able to get no-CD crack for Apartment, which I will buy but I'm sure it has super SecuRom.  Cry Forget about Sims3.


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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #64 on: 2008 July 17, 21:58:51 »

Do you go through a router? My router gets assigned a dynamic IP address on the internet as a matter of course, but each of my machines have a static IP within the home network. That works for uttorrent. Usually static IPs on the net are for business and webpages and so on.

If you have a modem, I don't know how that works.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #65 on: 2008 July 17, 23:11:25 »

Do you go through a router? My router gets assigned a dynamic IP address on the internet as a matter of course, but each of my machines have a static IP within the home network. That works for uttorrent. Usually static IPs on the net are for business and webpages and so on.

If you have a modem, I don't know how that works.

So the rep was not completely full of BS. Good question, I thought what I have is a router. Now that I looked at it again, it says "RCA USB Cable Modem" in Network Connections. But I followed the port forwarding guide, everything turned up exactly as said (screen shots and everything), except, it doesn't work in the end.   Angry  The connection uses a dynamic IP address. Once I set it up as the guide says, it gets disconnected.

Edited: I'm moving this question to the Podium.

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #66 on: 2008 July 18, 04:49:43 »

Lion, I have a question.  If a YA sim on your lot wants to "walk to a lot," does the list of neighborhoods he can travel to include the Uni neighborhoods?

I ask because I'm trying to figure out what the deciding factor in whether or not a travelling Sim can visit a uni lot.  A YA sim on a main hood lot (possible using cheats) can't travel to a uni neighborhood lot.  An adult Sim on a uni neighborhood lot can travel to other uni neighborhoods and uni lots.  So the deciding factor would seem to be what kind of hood the game thinks it is starting from rather than the age of the Sim.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #67 on: 2008 July 18, 11:45:56 »

Good question. I don't have YA yet in my current hood. Maybe those who are currently playing with them (darcee, Zazazu) can find it out for you.

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #68 on: 2008 July 18, 15:46:14 »

Lion, I have a question.  If a YA sim on your lot wants to "walk to a lot," does the list of neighborhoods he can travel to include the Uni neighborhoods?

Nope, it doesn't.  I checked with a YA, living in a dorm downtown, uni-record in place, and she only had the option of traveling to the regular base hoods.

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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #69 on: 2008 July 18, 16:37:40 »

The same, with my three brothers who were living in a dorm in the main 'hood. I had main 'hood and Hobbies. No downtown as there isn't one, and no other Uni's. This works well for me, as the main 'hood is an island.

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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #70 on: 2008 July 20, 02:10:49 »

I will ask this question here instead of starting another thread,

Can the semester tester be used on adults in a regular neighborhood to simulate them going to school/back to college?
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #71 on: 2008 August 19, 05:22:04 »


I am using this mod, but my teen didn't age to YA when moved into the lot. It's a normal res. lot, with the gold record in it.  I had the teen move out from his parent's home, then move into the uni lot as per instructions. No YA movie, no college stats. He's still a teen.

I checked that I have both Lion's files in my game. Also, I am currently trying out Inteen (don't hit me!). Is this mod not compatible with Inteen? I know a lot of things are not.

I can use a hack to age him up to YA, but will I get the college info that way? And of course the scholarship money hasn't appeared.

Update: I believe it was INteen causing that - it's a feature, so you can have regular families on campus. But doesn't work with this setup!
« Last Edit: 2008 August 21, 10:10:06 by sleep » Logged
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #72 on: 2008 August 19, 21:50:54 »

Sleep, I would say it might be a hack conflict. Did you try with no hack at all other than the Uni-goldrecord and the uni-test?

Playlives, I doubt it would.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #73 on: 2008 August 20, 03:12:27 »

I'll check with no other hacks tomorrow; my computer time is very limited right now as the fan is dying.

Aging him to YA with the insiminator worked, and he even went autonomously to class. So I can still use the lot as a Uni one, but it's not quite working as advertised.

I'll report back when I've had a chance to check without other hacks.


I put the unitest files into the BasegameStarter, up to BV, with no other CC except the Insiminator (to age teens so they could move out). I created a teen prodigy and moved him out, then from the sim bin into a maxis house prepped with the unitest painting. He had 20 000 in the simbin as expected.

There was no movie, but the teen did appear magically transformed to YA, with the Uni stats showing. I'm sure movies are turned on, because I have never bothered to find out how to turn them off. I forgot to check what money he had after moving in, so I don't know about his scholarships.

Any hints about the movie? I can live without it if the rest works, but it would be nice to have the option.

I'll have to test my other hacks and find out what was messing with the aging yesterday.
« Last Edit: 2008 August 20, 07:09:16 by sleep » Logged
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
« Reply #74 on: 2008 August 20, 08:08:13 »

Posting again in case Lion doesn't see that I've updated...

I've tested a dorm lot, still with just the unitest and Insim loaded. The sim moved in as before, no movie, with her 20 000. Appeared as YA, no twirl. That's one rich dorm sim!

I haven't seen any posts about this, but maybe the lack of scholarship money is to be expected. Just something to know about using this mod.

Thanks, it's great to have uni without a subhood anyway.
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