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Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
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Topic: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's) (Read 142977 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #25 on:
2008 June 17, 17:43:56 »
I have Inge's dorm cook everywhere in my download. That's the reason the dorm cook came to my dorm.
I edited the BHAV of the dorm cooktop to bypass the neighborhood check. The dorm cook now can be spawned anywhere except residential lots, Greek houses and owned community lots.
That's quick Lord Darcy. Do you think this fix will conflict with Inge's hack?
Are you all getting the semester timer to count down? Mine isn't. I remember that the timer did count down with Argon's mod
No. This is the third baddie, apart from the noautonomous going to class (at least in my game, it's not consistent) and dorm cook not coming (which can be dealt with now). The solution is the apple statue (Semester Tester, spawnable with the testing cheat). You need one for each student. I doubt Argon's unitest did though. My unitest is basically the same as his, only using a different object's GUID.
3. Sims received pre-class message and autonomously went to class.
Zazazu, did you prep the lot with Lord Darcy's method (with or without lotzoning changes)? It does not make a difference for me, although I did not move a YA in and out. I just put the lot in a uni hood and made changes. For both base hood residential-turned-uni lot and uni hood-treated lot, some students go and some don't, at different hours. Some used to go and then stopped going for no apparent reason.
This might be a stupid question, but does this eliminate entirely the need for making a university? If so, when do the teachers/other students get generated? Do they need to be?
My goal for this type of gameplay IS to eliminate the need to add a uni subhood, and load hoods back and forth; to reduce the number of character files (although empty uni hoods can do that too); and to have the universities become part of the neighborhood scene.
So far, my experience is, without installing a uni subhood,the game generated a Llama, a cow, a cheerleader, two streakers, and one professor within a day or two after my teen/YA moved in. The game does not generate YA townies (which is very good). When I need YA roommates for dorms, I can age up a teen to YA (either by moving into a uni-GoldRecord lot, or using Squinge's TeenToYoungAdultNoCollege, a.k.a. the YA cake), and make into townie using Inge's teleporterplus.
I also found that, if I move in a townie adult in a uni-GoldRecord lot, the next time I enter the uni lot, the adult will become a YA. And this YA "remembers" her last major (I had age her up and down from teen to adult and back).
I tallied up college hacks in my download:
College Adjuster
No Meeting Professors
Stinky Dormie Fix
Young Adult & Lazy Anim Fix
All work.
I suggest not to have:
dizzy's casual-npc2c => cheerleader will come dressed in casual, though the Cow, Llama, and Streakers come in their "uniforms".
dizzy's less-homework-uni2b => assignment ADHD problem
Squinge_TeenToYoungAdultNoCollege => Not needed usually. It ages teens to YA on any lot. Not wanted in most cases for me.
they age to adult as soon as they get to the vacation hood, same with hobby lots actually. I'm hoping it might be different with these in place.
I don't know. Needs to be tested. I doubt it will be different this time around if that's a problem.
I believe the last time I checked I wasn't able to play regular uni anymore - they would age to adult there.
I don't know. Needs to be tested. Or if somebody did, please report.
Last Edit: 2008 June 17, 17:59:12 by Lion
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #26 on:
2008 June 17, 18:18:32 »
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 17, 17:43:56
Are you all getting the semester timer to count down? Mine isn't. I remember that the timer did count down with Argon's mod
No. This is the third baddie, apart from the noautonomous going to class (at least in my game, it's not consistent) and dorm cook not coming (which can be dealt with now). The solution is the apple statue (Semester Tester, spawnable with the testing cheat). You need one for each student. I doubt Argon's unitest did though. My unitest is basically the same as his, only using a different object's GUID.
You know, I didn't even check that last night. By the time I got the lot ready for students to live in (and not even completed yet, but I ran out of community funds...Teardrop Isle is now 105k in debt to the bank, which is
bad juju, but I may have Terrence fund it), it was midnight and I was a tired baby. Have to check that tonight.
Zazazu, did you prep the lot with Lord Darcy's method (with or without lotzoning changes)? It does not make a difference for me, although I did not move a YA in and out. I just put the lot in a uni hood and made changes. For both base hood residential-turned-uni lot and uni hood-treated lot, some students go and some don't, at different hours. Some used to go and then stopped going for no apparent reason.
I built the lot in the main 'hood. I didn't really follow Lord Darcy's rules, since I wasn't going to put it in my Unis (and the land in those two sub-'hoods is full to bursting). So my method was:
1. Build lot in main 'hood.
2. Exit lot (by accident, see: late at night, tired).
3. Enter lot. Add uni gold record. Change lot zoning to dorm. Save and exit lot.
4. Get my YA's back from the Uni bin by summoning them to the farm lot. Aged one to adult. Moved all out on their own into a holding zone. Fixed money situation because they ended up getting $160k+ from being on the farm lot.
5. Aged sims back to teen. Moved to sim bin.
6. Moved teen sims to dorm lot.
7. Play.
The game does not generate YA townies (which is very good). When I need YA roommates for dorms, I can age up a teen to YA (either by moving into a uni-GoldRecord lot, or using Squinge's TeenToYoungAdultNoCollege, a.k.a. the YA cake), and make into townie using Inge's teleporterplus.
Well, I have two Uni 'hoods. I send all the townie teens to college when it's time for an aging round and then use Inge's teleporter to make them YA dormies. They showed up correctly on this main 'hood Uni lot, as expected. Unfortunately, none of the boys are appealing to my gay twins, but that's another story. I have five YA's (low number due to an error in need estimation) and all five have showed up. With the four playables and five dormies, nine out of ten rooms have been occupied. The other stayed empty, as it should. So no messing with dormie generating restricted by other hacks. Yay.
Lion, of your list I have:
collegeclock (don't use, I prefer TJ's version)
College Adjuster
Young Adult & Lazy Anim Fix
I believe the last time I checked I wasn't able to play regular uni anymore - they would age to adult there.
I don't know. Needs to be tested. Or if somebody did, please report.
I meant to test, but forgot. Either way, I believe the solution was to take the hack (your record) out before playing a regular Uni, then replace when time to play the main 'hood one.
Last Edit: 2008 June 17, 20:36:07 by Zazazu
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My Urinal
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #27 on:
2008 June 17, 19:59:08 »
Well, I don't know what's different about this setup, but I've got a group of YAs from my downtown uni on vacation right now, and no problems so far. Maybe it was the Squinge hacks that caused the problem before? I don't know, but it's working. So, Yay! I'll be glad to have spring breaks again
yet another sims 2 blog:
Lord Darcy
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #28 on:
2008 June 18, 02:42:16 »
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 17, 17:43:56
I edited the BHAV of the dorm cooktop to bypass the neighborhood check. The dorm cook now can be spawned anywhere except residential lots, Greek houses and owned community lots.
That's quick Lord Darcy. Do you think this fix will conflict with Inge's hack?
Yes. Both Inge's and mine override the same BHAV. You can have only one.
Unlike mine, Inge's version is "Everywhere Patch", so the dorm cook will be spawned in the residential lots, Greek houses and owned community lots as well.
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #29 on:
2008 June 18, 04:18:49 »
Ok, I can't get the semester timer to count down. I tried doing Lord Darcy's method. No go. I have to change the lot back to dorm before moving anyone in, and that save must be changing the lot timer back to residential. I tried spawning semester testers. No go. Tried freezing and unfreezing time with the college timer. No go.
The good is that dormies moved into a normal uni lot in a uni subhood will not age up to adult immediately and the timer runs as it should there.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #30 on:
2008 June 19, 18:42:29 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2008 June 18, 04:18:49
I tried spawning semester testers. No go. Tried freezing and unfreezing time with the college timer. No go.
You mean you can't spawn the semester tester, or the spawned semester tester does not work? You clicked "start class", right? It works for me.
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Potiron flou
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #31 on:
2008 June 19, 19:26:00 »
"Start Class" to start the hour countdown? I thought that was just to get them to go to class. Going to class autonomously is not a problem. If that's true....
I could have been playing last night. Now I can't's less than two days to W-day, and I'm leaving the state for the weekend.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #32 on:
2008 June 20, 10:31:18 »
lol...yes, it is a confusing term, but that's what it does.
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Tasty Tourist
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #33 on:
2008 June 21, 05:22:02 »
Has anyone tested the finals function yet? I figure with the timer not working the Sims won't know when to go to their finals.
I'm going to test this one. I tried Squinge's but it frustrated me because I couldn't get my Sims to graduate
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #34 on:
2008 June 21, 08:04:38 »
I got them to go to their exams using the college clock.
I haven't tried the semester tester yet. Do I need one per sim and do they need to stay on the lot or can I start them then stuff the apple in their inventories?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #35 on:
2008 June 21, 14:16:58 »
Quote from: dannymummy on 2008 June 21, 08:04:38
I haven't tried the semester tester yet. Do I need one per sim
Yes, one per sim.
and do they need to stay on the lot or can I start them then stuff the apple in their inventories?
Haven't thought about this. Would be interesting to see.
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #36 on:
2008 June 21, 14:38:20 »
Has anyone yet tried doing this in a vacation neighborhood? I'd like to have only one "specialty" neighborhood in my game, if I can help it, and I like the idea of my sims being charged to travel to the university neighborhood and rent a house, etc, at the high prices for a vacation hood. I might try this in a test neighborhood eventually, but for now
I remember someone reported using Christianluvs All-In-One NPCs for this, having them cook and clean in the dorms in the previous thread. Anyone have an update on that? I'm hoping there aren't any serious hack conflicts with it.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #37 on:
2008 June 21, 14:54:39 »
Quote from: Ellatrue on 2008 June 21, 14:38:20
Has anyone yet tried doing this in a vacation neighborhood? I'd like to have only one "specialty" neighborhood in my game, if I can help it, and I like the idea of my sims being charged to travel to the university neighborhood and rent a house, etc, at the high prices for a vacation hood. I might try this in a test neighborhood eventually, but for now
An interesting idea. "Theoretially" (read: my guess), it may work since it makes whatever lot with the uni-test object (now the Goldrecord) be treated as a uni lot (with a few quirks). Not sure about the travelling part. Downtown works, now we wonder if vacation hood works too.
I remember someone reported using Christianluvs All-In-One NPCs for this, having them cook and clean in the dorms in the previous thread. Anyone have an update on that? I'm hoping there aren't any serious hack conflicts with it.
All-in-1 is updated, by Christainlov himself. He is back.
Check his MTS2 site. There is no conflict between All-in-1 and the Goldrecord.
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #38 on:
2008 June 21, 15:29:26 »
Quote from: Ellatrue on 2008 June 21, 14:38:20
Has anyone yet tried doing this in a vacation neighborhood? I'd like to have only one "specialty" neighborhood in my game, if I can help it, and I like the idea of my sims being charged to travel to the university neighborhood and rent a house, etc, at the high prices for a vacation hood.
What a great idea! That would be so much fun to send a couple students "abroad" to study. I'm totally going to try this
yet another sims 2 blog:
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #39 on:
2008 June 22, 23:29:22 »
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 21, 14:54:39
Not sure about the travelling part. Downtown works, now we wonder if vacation hood works too.
It makes sense that Downtown would work. Downtown and the main 'hood share the same simbin. Vacation doesn't.
Capitalism, Ho!
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My Urinal
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #40 on:
2008 June 23, 08:31:22 »
I tried putting the semester tester in the sims inventory but it stopped working while it was in there. As soon as it came out the countdown continued as normal.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #41 on:
2008 June 23, 20:35:21 »
Study abroad works!
I sent my YA on vacation from her home lot, a dorm on my downtown LCU campus. When she got to her hotel in Takemizu Village, I plopped a uni-test thing in her hotel room. I spawned a semester tester for her, which was functional. From her hotel she can do her assignment, do her term paper from a computer, and go to her classes. She was not prompted to go to class autonomously, though I was able to send her. She went and got credit, met the appropriate professors.
One weird thing is that the mascots, professors, etc. stopped by because the uni-test was on the lot. There's probably a mod for that somewhere.
The biggest annoyance was that I was not able to place a college adjuster on her hotel lot, which means I have to play all 72 hours before she can go to her exam, and that kind of sucks! I usually only play 48 hours to a semester. I don't know if this would be different if she were staying in an owned vacation home instead of a hotel. That will be my next trial. Does anyone else know of a way to skip to the final exam without the college adjuster? Or a way to place the college adjuster where it's not available?
I didn't have time to finish out all 72 hours, so I didn't get to the exam yet. I assume she'd be able to go without any problems since she went to her classes okay. I guess the real test will be sending her back home after the exam to see if she keeps all the credit she earned.
This will be a lot of fun if it works out. And a great way to charge my filthy-rich trust-fund simmies more money to go to college. I can't wait to build a kind of boarding house (hotel) for my students to stay and study at.
Anybody else try this yet?
One more thing to note: you'll want to put your studying-abroad students in a different household than your staying-home students, since you wont be able to play your home students again until your abroad students come home.
It would be really cool if there were some kind of mod to keep the abroad students (or any vacationing sim for that matter) from walking around the regular neighborhoods and showing up on community lots. It kind of ruins the illusion that they're supposed to be half a world away, you know?
ETA: I just finished out the semester, she went to her final exam and passed. She came home with the appropriate credit.
Last Edit: 2008 June 24, 01:54:37 by darcee
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Feckless Fool
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #42 on:
2008 June 24, 02:58:02 »
You could use the
Electronic Prisoner Tag from Simlogical
to make sure they don't show up where they shouldn't - I tend to use that when I don't want a sim wandering around random places.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #43 on:
2008 June 24, 15:56:15 »
Study abroad works!
One weird thing is that the mascots, professors, etc. stopped by because the uni-test was on the lot. There's probably a mod for that somewhere.
To me, mascots, professors are part of college experience (studying abroad is also in a foreign college, right?), so I don't stop them from coming (I will make-over the professor to look exactly like my playable professor when I play, using Christainlov's SimCopyMirror). But I think if you want, TJ's visitor controller may be able to block them. I'm not currently use the VC because it makes sims come home from work in casual, not their work uniform. Or alternatively use Christainlov's "NoCollegeSpecialNPCVisitor" in his
A Collection of 7 No Visitor Hacks 080617
. Remember these two are in conflict.
The biggest annoyance was that I was not able to place a college adjuster on her hotel lot
Did you try Pescado's college clock? And also, does the in-game semester tester have something to have finals immediately? I can't remember now.
And yes, Inge's prisoner tag is a good way to keep away some sims.
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #44 on:
2008 June 24, 16:10:00 »
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 24, 15:56:15
But I think if you want, TJ's visitor controller may be able to block them. I'm not currently use the VC because it makes sims come home from work in casual, not their work uniform.
Perhaps you need to update your VC. I do not have this issue.
VC can be used to block specific sims or NPC classes. I have both mascot types and the coach/cheerleaders blocked at my community college. At Tou Laine, I have cows blocked and at Renwarr I have the llama blocked.
Quote from: darcee on 2008 June 23, 20:35:21
The biggest annoyance was that I was not able to place a college adjuster on her hotel lot, which means I have to play all 72 hours before she can go to her exam, and that kind of sucks!
Use the dorm build/buy cheat. I believe the long form is "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled false". It's shortened to just "d" in my game.
Currently, my only annoyance is the unmovable popup created by the semester tester. Do not want. Gets in the way, especially since I like viewing the whole dorm at once. I let my sims go do their own thing except for scheduled motive checks, so I need to see what they get up to. I missed Benjamin popping into the photobooth with a random dormie.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #45 on:
2008 June 24, 16:22:29 »
Quote from: theangelofdarkness on 2008 June 24, 02:58:02
You could use the
Electronic Prisoner Tag from Simlogical
to make sure they don't show up where they shouldn't - I tend to use that when I don't want a sim wandering around random places.
Thanks! That looks perfect!
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 24, 15:56:15
Did you try Pescado's college clock? And also, does the in-game semester tester have something to have finals immediately? I can't remember now.
I didn't try the college clock. I'll try that next. The in-game semester tester didn't have any option to advance to the final exam.
Ah ha! Visitor controller for the mascots! Why didn't I think of that?
I don't have a problem with them on my normal college campus, but I don't think I want to have llamas and cheerleaders visiting what is going to be a very small and studious private academy in Takemizu Village, lol. VC will work just fine for that though.
Quote from: Zazazu on 2008 June 24, 16:10:00
Use the dorm build/buy cheat. I believe the long form is "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled false". It's shortened to just "d" in my game.
Right, but I wasn't able to find it in the catalog where it should be. Because I guess some things are available from residential lots only? I'm sure I could probably get one there, with some work-arounds. Build the hotel in residential mode first, move out with a things-stay-shrub, change lot zoning to hotel... or something. I'll figure it out
Quote from: Zazazu on 2008 June 24, 16:10:00
Currently, my only annoyance is the unmovable popup created by the semester tester. Do not want. Gets in the way, especially since I like viewing the whole dorm at once.
yet another sims 2 blog:
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #46 on:
2008 June 24, 16:37:39 »
Perhaps you need to update your VC. I do not have this issue.
No, it's the newest version. I posted at TJ's forum, and he said this is intended and he will add an option to it in the future. How lucky yours doesn't.
I'm sure I could probably get one there, with some work-arounds. Build the hotel in residential mode first, move out with a things-stay-shrub, change lot zoning to hotel... or something. I'll figure it out
Maybe you can buy one and stick it in the student's inventory?
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #47 on:
2008 June 24, 16:41:38 »
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 24, 16:37:39
Maybe you can buy one and stick it in the student's inventory?
Nope, the inventories aren't accessible on hotel lots. Wish they were though. Then they could bring already cooked meals on vacation too
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #48 on:
2008 June 24, 17:02:52 »
Quote from: Lion on 2008 June 24, 16:37:39
Perhaps you need to update your VC. I do not have this issue.
No, it's the newest version. I posted at TJ's forum, and he said this is intended and he will add an option to it in the future. How lucky yours doesn't.
I know this is off-topic (and off-forum), but with the VC I find that if my sims use the carpool they come home in regular clothes. If they take their own car to work they come home in work clothes.
/end off-topic
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's)
Reply #49 on:
2008 June 24, 17:13:18 »
Thanks for the info, Kyna.
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