Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I thought it was that '225 Main St' one. I'll get pics of it soon.I think I found it! I am sure Rohina means 130 Sim Lane...just look at those tiny bedrooms! Front  Back  1st floor  2nd floor  I vote we do this one next. The lot is not flat though.
« Last Edit: 2008 July 04, 12:11:44 by Emma »
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
That lot isn't half bad, I've seen worse.
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I've only ever played that house once, when I first installed the Sims. My sim got stuck in the hot-tub and I thought the lot was bugged so I deleted it  I'd never heard of boolProp or moveobjects on.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
In my first house (it was a trailer type lot) I got my sim pregnant and it died. I don't know what happened but my pregnant sims always died. Mostly by somehow bursting into flames 
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
My first pregnant sim died too-she was a single mother and I had got her pregnant by Mortimer Goth. She kept face-falling into her meals  I'd only been playing her for about 5 sim-days so I didn't have enough asp points for an energiser. I nearly cried when the social worker came to collect the child. That was when I uninstalled Sims 2 and played on my Sims 1 again for a bit 
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Haha when I had social services come for the first time I tried to pen them up so they couldn't take the baby.
*in stereotypical Aussie voice* Social services stole mah baby!!11!oneone!!11!
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 442
Social services pain and in no way related to house make-overs:
I built an orphanage. Money was tight, and we'd been selling off doors, windows, etc., but finally the adult had to get a job. He and the seven kids all left in the morning and I saved. Then the kids came home and were snatched away by social services. Aaaaaaah! I replayed from the save and had a kid RACE to the phone to call a nanny. Over and over. Of course every time she pulled up in her nannymobile just in time to see the kids taken away. Part of the pain was, it took the seven kids SO FREAKING LONG to get off the bus that the orphanage man was back from work before the social services lady had packed up all the kids.
In a panic I scoured the net for kids-stay-alone hacks and then all was well.
I started out in Pleasantview playing my own sims for a while - couple of days with one, switch to another new sim - so I had a lot of Welcome Wagon visits, each of which included Brandi Broke. I noticed she kept peeing and leaving early; a couple of times she ran to my sim's bathroom to yack up her lunch meat sandwich. And once I'd spotted her out by the curb and had no idea what the hell she was doing out there. It was obvious she was pregnant, so I went to play her through her pregnancy, if only to get her to quit barfing up the Welcome Wagon visits.
So as we all probably remember, there's pregnant Brandi with a toddler in the house and no money for a nanny. Even with her useless teen in the house, she hadn't enough cooking skill to fix herself enough food to keep from starving before she passed out in her mac'n'cheese. And while preoccupied with starving and passing out, there was precious little time for trivialities like bathing herself or peeing in the toilet she couldn't keep her miserable toddler out of, so she shambled around miserably in a green cloud of her own stink. Not surprisingly, she died repeatedly before I *finally* got her through the Desperation Dance long enough to give birth. I thought, shit, pregnancy is really hard on these sims! And then a day later I got the "Brandi is well again!" message. Because apparently what she'd been doing out by the curb that time was eating from the rubbish and making herself seriously sick. So joy of joys for me, my first pregnant sim to play was Brandi Broke with a serious case of food poisoning. Yikes.
« Last Edit: 2008 July 04, 16:32:14 by Liz »
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus

Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
So which one are we doing here? The stupid one from Seasons or 130 Sim Lane? If we're still deciding, I vote for the Seasons one with the silly little pool inside. My first pregnant sim died too-she was a single mother and I had got her pregnant by Mortimer Goth. She kept face-falling into her meals All my pregnant sims faceplant into their food, including simEmma. They like to keep active, and pregnant sims' needs decrease too fast. None has ever died (of that anyway).
Tribulatio proxima est
I think I found it! I am sure Rohina means 130 Sim Lane...just look at those tiny bedrooms!
I don't know... You can fit a double bed in at least two of the bedrooms. I actually kinda like that house. Still though, the Seasons house is definitely the most god-damn awful house EAxis have ever spawned.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
I think I found it! I am sure Rohina means 130 Sim Lane...just look at those tiny bedrooms!
I don't know... You can fit a double bed in at least two of the bedrooms. That's what I was thinking. I'll reset my test account and see if I can't find that cabin home. EDIT: Can't. It must have been in the lot bin, and both my main and test accounts have no Maxis content in the lot bins. EDIT le deux: I even went so far as to pull out my old laptop and spend 2 hours cleaning it, then ripping the 'hood files and lot catalogs. Couldn't find it. It's definitely a lot bin house as I looked at the merged Pleasantview/Veronaville/etc. 'hood and it's not there either.
« Last Edit: 2008 July 04, 22:14:58 by Zazazu »
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Uh. Probably not the one Rohina means, then 
I vote the Seasons one as well...and I have not had a problem with it waterlogging my hood. I want to see the useless pool makeovers. 
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
In that house I got rid of the pool and did an "open plan living" type set up. I also re-did the walls and floors. I think I'll re-do it sometime the day, my designated kitchen area is too small.
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I think I found it! I am sure Rohina means 130 Sim Lane...just look at those tiny bedrooms!
I don't know... You can fit a double bed in at least two of the bedrooms. That's what I was thinking. I'll reset my test account and see if I can't find that cabin home. EDIT: Can't. It must have been in the lot bin, and both my main and test accounts have no Maxis content in the lot bins. EDIT le deux: I even went so far as to pull out my old laptop and spend 2 hours cleaning it, then ripping the 'hood files and lot catalogs. Couldn't find it. It's definitely a lot bin house as I looked at the merged Pleasantview/Veronaville/etc. 'hood and it's not there either. Do you know what it was called? I still have all the lot bin houses. Are you sure you don't mean that tiny little house in Pleasantview that definitely doesn't have room for a double bed...10 Oak Lane?
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Yes, it is 10 Oak Lane. I remembered it as being in green siding...perhaps I had changed that in my game. Stupid thing is off in the boondocks, so I didn't see it earlier. Well, I wasted two hours (not really, I was doing housework while waiting for the super-slow laptop).
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
We could do that one next, I suppose. Which one are we doing then? The Freetime house?
Feckless Fool

Posts: 270
This is 225 Main Street  I guess I was thinking of another house. It wouldn't be bad for a challenge but it isn't as bad as I thought. You be the judge.   A double bed will fit in the bigger bedroom  As for 10 Oak Street  It doesn't have any bedrooms. This is it.  I have all of the Pleasantview houses now should it be decided to use one.
INTJ - Intelligence is what you have available to use. Whether or not you are smart is determined by how well you use your intelligence.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
I love 10 Oak street. My teen whore raised 7 chilluns in there. Oh man that was fun 
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
I moved Alvin Bigfoot into that house. He lives a fantastic life in there, and supplies the town with just about everything.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
130 Sim Lane is adorable, although it is very small and needs a makeover. I have fond memories of that one, my first romance soim popped out seven children in that one.
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 107
10 Oak Street is a cool place. I had a Sim with a severe mental problem move in there. She finally got preggers with Goopy's child and left it in the toilet, then the baby got stolen by faeries. The mental case spent her time painting pictures of anything interesting in her little plot.
why be normal?
She finally got preggers with Goopy's child and left it in the toilet, then the baby got stolen by faeries. Ain't that always the way? 10 Oak Street looks like a really cute little studio haus, but it looks like it'd be pretty easy to remodel, seeing as there's only one room of walls to leave intact. Never before seen the "random swimming hole" Seasons house, but I love the impractical WTF-ness of that feature.
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus

Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
225 Main St. has its possibilities, but I'm still going to lobby for the Seasons house with the stupid inside pool. That one looks like fun to remodel.
Tribulatio proxima est
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
I'd support that one, with the rule that you can't delete the pool. Add to it, if you must, but don't remove it or the pond.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal