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Author Topic: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8  (Read 125764 times)
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #75 on: 2008 July 28, 20:41:11 »
THANKS THIS IS GREAT might actually happen.

I must admit that when I read that, I thought: "That would be so cool."

Marvin Kosh
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #76 on: 2008 July 29, 12:18:16 »

After ten days, one of your apartment neighbours will autonomously move out and go live with his sister in LA. Wink

Feckless Fool
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #77 on: 2008 July 29, 14:11:29 »

The "Primp" action will be missing. I don't know what gave me that idea; it just came to me.

hahaha, it wouldn't be a new EP without that missing primp function.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #78 on: 2008 July 29, 14:50:51 »

As I had this bug semi-recently (bad hack combo) in Uni, I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar in AL.

Townies in other apartments will claim rooms but will announce that they are leaving at 2AM. They will actually leave and unclaim rooms. At 4AM, they will return and reclaim rooms, but you will not get the same townies. Imagine the acres of notification dialog in a heavily-populated building.

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #79 on: 2008 July 29, 19:27:53 »

AL apartment specific build tools will be 0.01% more difficult to use than regular build tools, and this will result in sheeples whining all over the internet for HALP!

'Cept that's more borked idiots than borked game.

AL apartment specific build tools will conflict with dorm specific build tools and can't (technically) be used on the same lot. If you do try to use them together on a dorm lot, dormies will never move in, phones will not work on the lot, bills will never be delivered, the roof will leak no matter what you do, the cook will freeze solid at the stove providing you with a nice Chef Statue for the front lawn, and your YA playables will go to class and disappear from the game forever.

If you mix use of the build tools in your shiny new AL lot, Grim or Crumplebutt, secretly programmed by EA to punish you some more, will immediately move in and borke the whole damned game.

But someone will invent a hack that allows dorm tools and apartment tools to be used on the same lot and there will be happiness among serious players, while the sheeple scream 'YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!!11!!!!111one!!!'

Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #80 on: 2008 July 31, 18:32:28 »

No features of apartments will in any way resemble the same features in dorms. However, the underlying building classification will be identical. Therefore, dorm hacks will break apartments, and apartment hacks will break dorms. Despite complaints, EA will claim that apartments work exactly like dorms.

This will not be the last EP. Future EPs will entirely ignore the new features, often leading them to become broken.

They will do a "Fan stuff" pack with fan-made creations. People will be excited and herald this as a new high for EA. It will be full of the shittiest things off TSR. People will cry. EA will count its cash idly.

INFP or something
J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #81 on: 2008 August 02, 07:42:30 »

Some third-party L&P has been posted. Can you spot the borkedness in that almost-scathing preview?

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #82 on: 2008 August 02, 14:43:03 »

Which borkedness do you want to discuss?  The restrictions on changing the lot after apartment dwellers move in?  Or the NPC 'roommate'?  I imagine that one is going to break a whole lot of stuff. Or perhaps the social network thing bringing in a whole bunch of new annoyances?

(At the least, it looks like Inge is going to have some work to do to update her lockable doors hack, and I imagine you'll have some major work to do on APO...)

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #83 on: 2008 August 02, 20:07:04 »

Is it just me or do the Sims not realize they're being robbed in that first picture?

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #84 on: 2008 August 03, 02:57:05 »

Is it just me or do the Sims not realize they're being robbed in that first picture?

Nope, it's not just you -- they're getting robbed.

Excelsior, you fathead!
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #85 on: 2008 August 03, 07:10:39 »

Is it just me or do the Sims not realize they're being robbed in that first picture?

More proof (as if we needed it) that pre-release screenshots are staged L&P.

In my game, the burglar only visits when everyone is asleep on the lot.  I've never had the burglar visit when someone on the lot was awake.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #86 on: 2008 August 03, 10:03:00 »

I've had burglars when everyone was at work, but I get what you're saying.

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #87 on: 2008 August 03, 19:48:29 »

I've never seen a sim-burglar go through a window, either. Unless someone has had that happen in their game, I think it's a lie.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #88 on: 2008 August 03, 19:51:04 »

Like all L&P screenshots, it is obviously a liecake.

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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #89 on: 2008 August 20, 07:55:13 »

Soooo... does the stuck object remover work on walls? According to the Prima Guide preview, neighbor noise is generated through an invisible object on the wall (although it spews visual sound stuffs, so maybe not so invisible) that is remedied by either banging on the wall or letting the noise expire. So, the basic gist of things... every apartment room that is adjacent to another apartment will have a crapped out environment score within a day from the thousands of invisible stuck sound emitter thingies. Oh the joy.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #90 on: 2008 August 20, 09:41:13 »

I'm guessing the whole apartment system will be broken, resulting in missing families and furniture being deleted (seriously, why do they need to remove all the furniture except fridges/stoves/etc from an apartment when a family moves in?)
So NPC Social Group townies aren't living in empty apartments, but I can just see random furniture appearing out of nowhere, which cannot be removed even by using "moveobjects on" as the game considers the objects to not "be there". I also see the "Social Group townies rule" not working, and you'll find you end up living next to either Goopy, a nanny or NPC *Remote Control Car.

Sims of all ages, including toddlers, will receive wants to move out of their houses and into apartments in droves. Some sims will also get a LTW to "Move into 200 Apartments" and to "WooHoo 20 Landlords", despite only 3 existing at any one time, that's why the endless NPC spawning will be back.

New playground equipment will deplete hunger at a vast rate, prompting the immediate appearance of the Social Worker. Freezing time will cause the simulation to become fubar, and only freeze magical sims. The Butler will become obsessed with the lap dog, and even kidnap him, never to be seen again. New children in Belladonna Cove will have the lap dog as their father on the family tree. Sims passing the mirror of the new built in wardrobe will find they have a reflection of another sim, including NPCs such as the Grim Reaper and Ideal Plantsim. New end table will take up 4 tiles of space instead of 1. Radiators will catch fire on a regular basis, and air conditioning will also cause nearby sims to catch fire as well. Sims will gain fun and hygine from the "Sound" objects on apartment walls.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #91 on: 2008 August 20, 09:56:28 »

Radiators will catch fire on a regular basis, and air conditioning will also cause nearby sims to catch fire as well.

That would be awesome, which is probably why it won't make the release version.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #92 on: 2008 August 20, 10:00:24 »

Soooo... does the stuck object remover work on walls? According to the Prima Guide preview, neighbor noise is generated through an invisible object on the wall (although it spews visual sound stuffs, so maybe not so invisible) that is remedied by either banging on the wall or letting the noise expire. So, the basic gist of things... every apartment room that is adjacent to another apartment will have a crapped out environment score within a day from the thousands of invisible stuck sound emitter thingies. Oh the joy.

I like the "neighbor noise" thing. As of ALp0, the sims will be totally overreacting to it, which will lead to neighborhood feuds. Which, of course, would be hilarious, so EAxis will inevitably fix it with the first patch.

Edited to fix a mistake
« Last Edit: 2008 August 20, 10:13:46 by sloppyhousewife » Logged

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #93 on: 2008 August 20, 10:08:05 »

Sims don't really understand the concept of apathy, yes. I mean, why would you care what the neighbors do?

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #94 on: 2008 August 20, 14:58:42 »

As I had this bug semi-recently (bad hack combo) in Uni, I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar in AL.

Townies in other apartments will claim rooms but will announce that they are leaving at 2AM. They will actually leave and unclaim rooms. At 4AM, they will return and reclaim rooms, but you will not get the same townies. Imagine the acres of notification dialog in a heavily-populated building.

I have this in the dorm I'm playing too. Surprisingly, it never happened in the smaller dorm I was playing. Maybe EAxis wants to notify us to death. Wink
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
« Reply #95 on: 2008 August 20, 19:37:01 »

Playable witch Sims in a multi-playable-family apartment will, when one of the other families is loaded, be capable of autonomously casting their entire range of spells. All the Cast Spell interactions will advertise higher than any other interaction in the game, as is the trend with new EPs. Apartments with evil witches will, therefore, burn down in less than a day thanks to fireball spam.
Witches encountered on community lots will also cast their spells autonomously, resulting in Mrs. Crumplebottom becoming a toad and the game becoming unplayable.
The iconic witch NPC characters will harass you with telephone spam every time you perform a witch-related action.
Lap dogs will become stuck in laps. Sims holding lap dogs will not be able to leave their chairs, ever again.
"Witches" will be added as a turn on / turn off. The "AL is offensive to Wiccans" thread will immediately revive.
All new social interactions will invoke crush / love and jealousy reactions, with the exception of romantic interactions.
If an adult is swinging a child and becomes queuestomped, the child will disappear, become unselectable, and lose all autonomy. The Social Worker will come a few hours later to remove all household children because of 'neglect.'

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #96 on: 2008 August 21, 17:52:01 »

"Witches" will be added as a turn on / turn off. The "AL is offensive to Wiccans" thread will immediately revive.
Confirmed, at least that it is a turn-on.

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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #97 on: 2008 August 21, 18:27:55 »

Kinda figured it would be, based on precedent... was really just shamelessly padding the post.

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #98 on: 2008 August 21, 18:39:09 »

New head witch will be randomly chosen by hood, resulting in some people having toddlers, pets, and special npcs as their head witch. If the remote control car is chosen in a hood the game will crash on every load until removal of that hood, which can not be saved. Head witch Toddlers and pets will crash any lot that they are on\try to enter. Crumplebottom with act as her usual crabby self anytime you enter the lot, any head witch type actions that she tries to preform will result in a continuous jump out of the actions. Grim would float around for a few minutes and then fade away, he would have been forced into witch gear, because of that you would have a floating outfit with no sim inside, he would turn up at deaths wearing this outfit or not at all. Seasons hidden Plant sim will actually be semi normal but now all spawned plant babies are borked and result in crashing at pregnancy or will not have the correct needs and badges for a plant baby. Pollination techs as a witch will work out  normally until the polli-tech is chosen as sperm donor, abducted sims will never return or will birth a toad, because sims can not hold toad, sim will be frozen in position until they are reset and toad will float in the air twitching. Bigfoot chosen as witch will not cause harm but merely be annoying.

One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone.  -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
« Reply #99 on: 2008 August 22, 11:57:05 »

How about the latest "feature" confirmed in the Prima guide preview chapter -- not only do you now get a §20,000 handout upon moving out, but also additional money for every person you move out with you: §5,000 for every adult or elder, §3,000 for every teen, §2,000 for every child, and §1,000 for every toddler.  Is a bork still a bork if they meant to do it?  My psychic abilities foresee a noreallyno20k+handout hack coming very, very soon.

Have lurked MOAR, will now attempt to dodge sporks.
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