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The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
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Topic: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8 (Read 125769 times)
Horny Turkey
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #25 on:
2008 June 11, 18:57:49 »
Broomstick animations will have funky interactions with sims and objects, resulting in a great deal of random impalement. Non-witches will walk around with broomsticks through their chests, while flying witches will end up getting stuck through doors and trees.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #26 on:
2008 June 11, 20:02:38 »
Quote from: rohina on 2008 June 11, 18:57:49
...while flying witches will end up getting stuck through doors and trees.
That would actually be pretty funny...
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #27 on:
2008 June 12, 07:25:03 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2008 June 11, 20:02:38
Quote from: rohina on 2008 June 11, 18:57:49
...while flying witches will end up getting stuck through doors and trees.
That would actually be pretty funny...
Nooooooo! No it wouldn't!
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #28 on:
2008 June 12, 09:25:59 »
Somehow, SecuROM mistakes the original Sims 2 game as emulation software, and won't let Apartment Life run unless the very program that allows it to be used is removed.
The good news is that, by some miracle, Apartment Life finally fixes the 'Make Cakes' bug from Makin' Magic.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #29 on:
2008 June 12, 09:49:25 »
Quote from: witch on 2008 June 12, 07:25:03
Quote from: jsalemi on 2008 June 11, 20:02:38
Quote from: rohina on 2008 June 11, 18:57:49
...while flying witches will end up getting stuck through doors and trees.
That would actually be pretty funny...
Nooooooo! No it wouldn't!
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #30 on:
2008 June 13, 06:49:04 »
Witches will be able to earn super special objects as they learn magic better (or some bullshit like that), but unlike carrer rewards, only magical sims will be able to use them. I see the same happening for the special magic lots.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #31 on:
2008 June 13, 09:25:49 »
Quote from: FireFlyNine on 2008 June 13, 06:49:04
Witches will be able to earn super special objects as they learn magic better (or some bullshit like that), but unlike carrer rewards, only magical sims will be able to use them. I see the same happening for the special magic lots.
Doesn't that sound... err... logical? What would be cool is if a normal sim tried to use the cauldron and it blew up in their face or something! And I guess the magical lots will only be accessible via broom so...
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #32 on:
2008 June 13, 14:51:48 »
Yes, but non-magical sims will have the want to turn sims into toads.
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Horny Turkey
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #33 on:
2008 June 13, 15:53:46 »
Oh lord, the potential toad-want spam. "Want so-and-so to be cured of being a toad," "Fear being a toad," "Fear loved one will be a toad," "Want enemy to be a toad," "Want to hear toad-friend croak," "Want AND Fear licking a toad". Spare me.
Lord Darcy
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #34 on:
2008 June 13, 16:24:28 »
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2008 June 09, 21:20:53
Well.. in theory, Lord Darcy's fixes shouldn't need updating, since his load after the games overrides? Maybe they'll just need plunking into the AL overrides folder.
Updated stuff pack objects included in Overrides.package will take precedence over anything in Downloads folder. Provided EAxis managed to find their ass with both hands in the second FT patch, and have the minimum sense to carry updated Overrides.package forward AL, my fix will no longer be needed.
Of course, AL Overrides will have to include IKEA TV and bookcase as well, as it's a given that they will miss FT functions like K&B objects.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #35 on:
2008 June 15, 03:25:01 »
Quote from: rohina on 2008 June 13, 15:53:46
Oh lord, the potential toad-want spam. "Want so-and-so to be cured of being a toad," "Fear being a toad," "Fear loved one will be a toad," "Want enemy to be a toad," "Want to hear toad-friend croak," "Want AND Fear licking a toad". Spare me.
Imagine the spam that comes with turning into a witch.
"The moral of it speaks to me : rape me, sodomize me, beat me, but don't ever - ever - try to make me cook and clean." - Khaki
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #36 on:
2008 June 15, 03:49:13 »
This thread is too fun! (Actually, it's too true to be good. If I didn't laugh, I'd cry.)
Quote from: rohina on 2008 June 13, 15:53:46
Oh lord, the potential toad-want spam. "Want so-and-so to be cured of being a toad," "Fear being a toad," "Fear loved one will be a toad," "Want enemy to be a toad," "Want to hear toad-friend croak," "Want AND Fear licking a toad". Spare me.
You forgot about Knowledge Sims
to be turned into a toad.
If they ever get this want realized, they will wind up completely borked. The lot will quit at the very least, or maybe you'll even be expelled from the game with one of those error messages that non-awesome types like myself cannot understand at all. When you reload the lot, the game will be unable to load the Toadsim (!) and you will get an adult acting like a baby, or else the Sim in question will wind up in Sim Limbo and require extreme measures to make reappear.
It scares me that writing such prose is so easy, and the results sound so plausible.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #37 on:
2008 June 15, 06:15:38 »
If you turn a townie or an NPC into a toad, they will be added to your family when cured.
Smackable Punbot
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #38 on:
2008 June 15, 20:30:08 »
I suspect you will be unable to turn a townie or NPC into a toad; you will only be able to toadify lot dwellers.
In addition, if you try to mkae a witch a landlord, she will sprout a pencil moustache and goatee and then kick everyone out with a pointed finrger, yelling the simish equivilent of
'OUT! Out in the cold, I say! *cackle*'
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #39 on:
2008 June 15, 20:47:38 »
Then again, I think it would be funny if once having been a toad, there is an X% chance that spawn are born as toads. Maybe that's just me.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #40 on:
2008 June 15, 20:52:36 »
Oh, there's another potential bug! Despite the fact that they liley will intend pregnant sims to not be able to be toadified, they will anyways and will give birth to a human baby as the small reptile. This will bugger up the family tree and cause the game to think that a random NPC or remote controlled car is the father of the child.
Quote from: Esoteric PolarBear
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #41 on:
2008 June 15, 21:10:26 »
In the early days of testingcheatsenabled-dom, I spawned the Remote Controlled Car and married her into a family. She was a lady without a face, pretty much. She used to disappear from the lot and people would try to call her on the phone all the time.
Night Racer
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #42 on:
2008 June 16, 03:56:49 »
^^^I did that once, it was intresting
I bet the little rug thing that goes with the apartment doors will be un-recolorable (just like the clitora corner shower became in and the spiral stairs wont have pet animations, stupid maxis
Last Edit: 2008 June 16, 05:37:18 by Cockroach
I seem to have lost my mind. I'm going to look for it, if you see it tell it to wait for me.
Horny Turkey
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #43 on:
2008 June 16, 05:01:06 »
Grammar Police Citation. Here at MATY, we value proper spelling, punctuation and capitalization. This is your one warning.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #44 on:
2008 June 16, 10:50:36 »
Quote from: Cockroach on 2008 June 16, 03:56:49
....just like the clitora corner shower ....
Yeah, but this is Gali level lulz.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 112
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #45 on:
2008 June 24, 18:12:40 »
We have only scratched the surface in our guessing to what degree schoolchildren (whether children or teens) in apartment families will be borked. My guess is that playable apartment family schoolchildren that come with the game, CAS schoolchildren moved into apartments, and school-age spawn unfortunate enough to be born to a couple already living in an apartment, will all be borked in subtly different ways.
One problem all spawn share will have to do with The One Desk. If every apartment in the complex has a desk, which is The One Desk? We will never be so lucky as to have the game count the desk in our Sim family's apartment as The One Desk, especially if they live on an upper floor. Schoolchildren will enter other families' apartments to deposit their homework, unless doors are lockable as in UNI (which they almost certainly will be). In that case, spawn will stamp their feet and try another apartment. This action will not be cancellable, causing all spawn to go into fun and/or bladder failure, and teens to lose their jobs from missing work too many times.
If the poor schoolkid actually succeeds in depositing his homework in a foreign apartment, it will become stuck and/or invisible. Being repeatedly unable to do his homework will cause him to flunk in school. Attempting to take the child away, the social worker gets stuck in the foreign apartment, where the schoolkid will also sleep from then on unless you prevent him.
On the bright side (?), JMP will certainly get a lot of interesting projects as a result. We will be depending on him like never before, because the InSimenator will be broken like never before.
This entire thread is what I like to call "too true to be good."
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #46 on:
2008 June 24, 18:18:50 »
And of course, the old standby: the pianos will be borked again, and sims won't gain fun on them.
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #47 on:
2008 June 24, 19:12:27 »
The "Primp" action will be missing. I don't know what gave me that idea; it just came to me.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #48 on:
2008 June 24, 22:05:59 »
There's been some fantastic guesses so far (and even a couple that were downright eerie), but i feel it's time for me to give out my guess.
AL will be (is suppose to anyway) adding a brand new pool table. EAxis will completely forget (and please, no-one mention this to EAxis) that they already have a pool table from a previous EP (University).
This will bork completely all pool table interactions. After the first patch comes out, everyone will be able to play pool, but EAxis once again doesn't check the patch IN game and all pool cues turn into broomsticks (and all witches broomsticks turn into pool cues).
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #49 on:
2008 June 25, 02:30:09 »
Quote from: GayJohnScarritt on 2008 June 24, 22:05:59
There's been some fantastic guesses so far (and even a couple that were downright eerie), but i feel it's time for me to give out my guess.
AL will be (is suppose to anyway) adding a brand new pool table. EAxis will completely forget (and please, no-one mention this to EAxis) that they already have a pool table from a previous EP (University).
This will bork completely all pool table interactions. After the first patch comes out, everyone will be able to play pool, but EAxis once again doesn't check the patch IN game and all pool cues turn into broomsticks (and all witches broomsticks turn into pool cues).
This is a glitch they forgot to include when they added the new pool table in FT. I suppose they might manage to "fix" this oversight in the L&P and really stuff it up in a "2 for 1" deal. "We forgot to bork this in the last EP, so we're going to make damn sure we really bork it this time"
And while we're on the subject of recycling old borkenness (pianos, primp) - maids and fish tanks, anyone?
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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